Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 308: Heart and Will

"Don't you ask me how I know this?"

Looking at the other party who was silent for a while, Song Shi said with great interest: "I am not a 'revelation'."

".no need."

The shock only lasted a short time. Ai Lu lowered the visor of his hat and shook his head slightly.

"If you can tell, you can tell without me asking. If you can't tell, why should I ask."

Ai Lu cupped his hands and said, "Ai Lu, what do you call me?"

"I really should introduce you to be the etiquette teacher for the children of those aristocratic families." Song Shi commented, sighed, and clasped his fists: "Free bounty hunter, 'Nandou', Song Shi."

"Zhoutian Xingxu, Nandou Lord gives birth to Nandou, Song Shi." Ai Lu nodded, indicating that he had written it down, and then looked at the intelligent weapon aside: "This friend of the weapon spirit, dare I ask for his name?"

"You can call me Lapis Lazuli."

Lapis Lazuli didn't hold a fist. It stretched out a mechanical arm and the two parties shook hands: "I'm sorry, I hurt you just now. I have medicine and medical equipment here. Do you need to use it?"

"Your Excellency, you are very skilled in martial arts. This time, my skills are inferior to others, so there is no need to apologize." Ai Lu paused and added: "I am temporarily inferior to others."

Upon hearing this, the etching patterns on the Lapis Lazuli body suddenly lit up.

But in the end, it just said, “I look forward to that day.”

This is no bluff.

Song Shixin said.

The reason why he met Ai Lu in his previous life was because he was eyeing the same target, which was a warlord commander who occupied a corner of the wasteland. Relying on the extraordinary power of his third ring [Transcendence], he can be said to be rampant and arrogant.

He accepted the government's commission to exchange the opponent's head for a bounty, but after fighting all the way in, he happened to bump into Ai Lu who also came to assassinate him.

I thought it was a foreign aid invited by the warlord commander, so I attacked him with one strike. However, after twenty moves, I still couldn't take it down.

Then, the two sides stopped briefly, talked for a while, resolved the misunderstanding, and joined forces to kill the warlord leader.

At that time, I left the Enterprise Alliance for the first time, returned to the Pan-Eastern Continental Federation, and entered the third ring for the first time. I originally wanted to find an opponent to communicate with.

So after receiving the bounty, he shared half of it with Ai Lu, and the two of them chatted quite speculatively, so they simply stayed together for a month and a half and did a lot of things together before parting ways.

Although still not as good as myself.

——But Ai Lu is still a genius in an absolute sense.

In the corporate alliance, he is at the level of "Yu Xingyi", a seed player who is enough for giant companies to set them as core training targets.

If that woman Yu Panyi is extremely good at "networking" and has the potential to become a [Demon Lord], then Ai Lu's talent lies in "assassination", or more accurately, "killing the target".

During the time when the two sides were traveling together, they had competed with each other no less than a hundred times, and they had tried nearly ten times to fight without mercy and seriously injure each other.

The final conclusion is.

If the two sides fight, if it is a pure fight, Ai Lu has a 10% chance of winning. Basically, he has to change his ways to lose or lose. However, if he does not hesitate at all and only "kills" as the guide, there is a nearly 30% chance that Ai Lu will die together with him!

This is already extremely exaggerated.

Although I had not seen Ai Lu for several years when I went to the Vampusta Empire with the peak of the fourth ring's spiritual power, the name of "Xie Zhi" has always been resounding, and I also knew that the other party was five years younger than me. Year, successfully entered the fourth ring, [Sublimation] realm.

The predecessors of Lapis Lazuli were "Meteor" Atal and "Xie Zhi" Ai Lu.

If the two were to fight to the death, the latter might not be able to win, but he would certainly be able to kill the former.

"Well, I'll just tell you the truth." Song Shi leaned against the stone wall of the bridge cave: "In the Eastern Continent Republic, you openly assassinated a fifth-class man, murdered six Yamabe sergeants, and seriously injured a Yamabe captain. , It can be said that the crime cannot be punished, and death is more than deserved."

"Your Excellency, except for the first one, the rest were not done by me. How can you slander me with empty words." Ai Lu said seriously.

"How can this be considered slander?" Song Shi shook his head and pointed at the other person's chest: "You and I killed Zhang Binbing together and ran away together. In the eyes of the people above, are we not pure accomplices? Since If he is an accomplice, then the charges will naturally be counted as well.”

"Okay, that's not slander." Ai Lu pondered for a moment and nodded: "But I really haven't done any of this."

"It's okay. This is just a small problem. Are you interested in going together next?"

"Let's go together?" After hearing this, Ai Lu slowly repeated: "Your Excellency, you mean to invite me to come with you?"

"That's right. By the way, I almost forgot to ask."

Suddenly remembering something, Song Shi looked at the other party: "How did you avoid the surveillance network?"

You know, even Lapis Lazuli, a depth 4 demon who has studied in the Enterprise Alliance, would have a hard time dealing with the ubiquitous prying eyes of the [Surveillance Network].

In my impression, Ai Lu's attainments in network technology were only slightly better than mine. At most, he was only "usable" and could not stop the [Monitoring Network].

Ai Lu thought for a few seconds, raised his head, looked squarely at the young man, and spoke slowly.

"Have you ever heard of Shuri?"

Song Shi's expression suddenly became subtle.

Ai Lu noticed this and continued to explain while being confused.

"This is the secret military organization of the Eastern Continent Republic. It was originally a group of dead soldiers raised by aristocratic families, but..."

"Ahem, these can be omitted, I know." Song Shi coughed: "Let me guess, did someone with whom you know each other come to you in the name of 'investment'?"


Ai Lu looked the young man up and down for a few seconds: "I see, they have also found you."

"Yes, they promised to cover the surveillance network for me to a certain extent, and at least in terms of 'Shu Ri', they would not restrict my actions." Ai Lu admitted this point straightforwardly: "They think I have a fourth Of course, I think so too, so I promise that when I get to the fourth ring, I can help them become independent.”

"...Oh?" Song Shi suddenly laughed, and his tone became a little more serious: "No matter how loose the standards are, Shuri. They will never be able to bear the title of 'good person'. And you, after taking the title of 'Xie Zhi' "After this name, you actually chose to cooperate with him?"

"Your idea is not wrong, but it is also wrong." Ai Lu nodded first, and then shook his head: "Eastern Continent Republic, the source of all evil in this territory, is only the family members. Although Shuri is not a good person, his hands are also stained They are sinful, but it is the people above who really lead and push them to commit sin.”

“Sins are not high or low, but they are prioritized.”

Ai Lu said slowly: "The world is huge and there are endless sins. Although I have the intention to punish evil and promote good and wipe out all evil, I am afraid I will not be able to do it in my lifetime, so I must make a choice."

"First kill the sixth class, then the fifth class, then the fourth class, then the third class, then the second class, then the first class."

Ai Lu stood calmly, with a sincere expression, and whispered.

"That's all I can do."

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