Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 314: Array Slash

Run away as soon as you say run.

Although there is no psychic skill like "escape", in terms of speed, the creation of technology may not be inferior to psychic power.

At least it is like this before psychic power reaches a certain level.

In order to avoid directly triggering the "monitoring network", Song Shi and his group pried a car in Linjiang City. The speed was not fast, but after officially leaving Linjiang City, lapis lazuli penetrated into the car body, regardless of loss, and suddenly overloaded the power to a level far beyond the original design.


The engine roared and roared, and the car rushed across the wasteland, rolling up thick turbid dust.

"Go east--" Song Shi stared at the electronic map and raised his voice: "Listen to me, go east! Lapis Lazuli, I will deal with the obstacles, you just rush forward! The faster the better!"

The violent flames instantly swept the wheels and crushed the protruding rock corners on the ground. Song Shi opened his five fingers slightly, and a ball of fire emerged from his body. Whenever there was a rock wall or something that needed to be detoured in front, a ball of fire would burst out first and burn through it instantly--

The flames rose, and in the next moment, they were smashed and penetrated by the speeding car.

"This is too conspicuous." Ai Lu observed for a while and decided to remind him: "The action is too big, Senior Lapis Lazuli can't hide it."

The composition of the [Monitoring Network] includes a satellite group.

In order to take down "Nandou" Song Shi, several of the satellites must have been moved here long ago, covering Linjiang City and nearby areas in their palms.

"——No." Song Shi blasted through another stone forest and grinned: "Just let them see."

"Being sneaky and cautious can indeed delay the time of being blocked, but it is only 'delayed'." Song Shi raised his index finger and pointed to the sky: "The monitoring network has cast a bird's-eye view, and there is 'Guayan' to calculate the overall situation. If this still can't stop us, the Donglu Republic is not so useless."

"What's more, at this stage, 'Shu Ri' will definitely withdraw and will no longer provide us with shelter. If we really think about every step, we won't be able to go too far."

"——There is only one way to survive."

Song Shi pressed the edge of the car window with one hand, facing the wind, He smiled and said, "Go east all the way to the territory of the Beiting Defense Front!"

"Beiting Defense Front." Hearing this, Ai Lu indicated that he understood: "Then when we get there, I will separate from you."

"I am going to the territory of the Council of Learning." He said calmly, and quickly added: "Please rest assured, in order to repay the rescue, I will go all out next time."

"It's too early to say this now." Song Shi leaned back: "And who told you that I will stay in the Beiting Defense Front and not go to the Council of Learning?"

"--Hostile air units appear, and are expected to arrive in three minutes."

The low voice of Lapis Lazuli sounded from the car speakers.

"Are you here?"

Song Shi stuck his head out of the car window, and in the rolling sand, he glimpsed the scene in the rear.

--It was a group of drone arrays with bright gold paint, flying across the sky at high speed!

Produced by the state-owned military industrial group "Cangyuan Military Industry" of the Donglu Republic, the second-generation "Golden Falcon" high-speed armed drone is famous for its excellent aerodynamic design and firepower accuracy in high-speed dynamic environments.

"Too many! And the countermeasure firewall module is pre-loaded!"

As soon as the drone group appeared, Lapis Lazuli started hacking in. While suppressing the opponent's demon, he hacked into the drone group, and a series of electric sparks exploded in the sky.

Some drones were flashing with electric light, rolling and crashing into nearby colleagues, causing greater losses.

But there are too many!

The drone group was like a majestic dark cloud, covering the sky and the sun, and rolling over in a dark mass. Even if Lapis Lazuli released a chain virus, it could not be cleaned up for a while, and the remaining drones turned their cameras.


The next moment, the hot bullet stream and the rockets dragging the tail stream roared together and poured down to the car in the distance!

——It’s great to have someone to support you!

On several shuttles hanging behind the drone group, some staff members of the tenth bureau shouted excitedly.

With the arrival of Cang Yeting, the noble blood son of a second-class family, even if the former did not say anything, the previously difficult tasks such as the transfer of authority from various places, the application of materials, and the deployment of personnel are now green lights all the way, so smooth that it is not a republic at all!

Military-grade weapons such as the "Golden Falcon" high-speed armed drone are like free at this moment. They fly out as hard as they can and use their power to overwhelm others. It's really too cool-

A red-gold pillar of fire bloomed from the surface of the earth, rising obliquely into the sky, sweeping left and right, and a group of dark clouds covering the sky and the sun were pierced in an instant.

Then with a bang, the pillar of fire burst open, like a volcanic eruption, and the rain of fire splashed all over the sky, crackling, and the drone group that was so powerful a moment ago was extinguished.

Only a large piece of burning debris cut through the sky and slowly fell to the ground.

The staff was at a loss for a moment.

The shuttle hovering in the sky was still moving forward. Its outer armor layer was clearly printed with copper and iron patterns. It was a bronze tripod with cracks spreading, but those cracks were held together by countless half-exposed white bones.

This is the logo of the National Defense Bureau of the East Land Republic, also known as the "Tenth Bureau".

"——Not bad."

And a leisurely voice sounded in the shuttle.

Looking down at the horrifying scene below, Cang Ye Ting sat cross-legged and smiled: "If a group of cold dead things with no desires can stump that guy, why should I come here?"

This swarm of Golden Falcon drones is indeed powerful, and even a general third-ring psychic needs some effort to deal with it.

But for him, these intelligent weapons that can easily destroy a regular army are not even a problem - the other party is the same.

Theoretically, in terms of destructive power alone, a large-yield nuclear weapon should be taken seriously even by fourth-ring psychics. However, in reality, most of the latter will not care about a nuclear bomb. Psychics who have reached this level have too many means to avoid "facing" a nuclear bomb explosion.

Even if he is only the third ring now, the truth is still the same.

The saturation firepower projection of the Golden Falcon drone group is stronger than his own in terms of pure destructive power and strike range, but if the two fight, Zang Ye Ting will not feel the slightest threat.

"Master Zang! The enemy is about to enter the territory of the Beiting defense line in another 23 miles!"

One person was a little nervous and reported to Zang Yeting: "If we really let them in, it will be difficult for us"

"I know, I know, be relieved."

Zang Yeting smiled, he slowly straightened his clothes, and then stood up, his black robe rustling in the wind, like a black dragon hovering in the sky, looking down at the world.

"In my name, notify all units to activate those heavy aircraft firepower."

"Understood! But it will take some time to completely lock it, please first-"

"No, no, I didn't say that these things are used to fight the enemy."

The man was shocked: "What do you mean?"

"Such a grand scene, how can there be no fireworks to add to the fun?"

In the eyes of everyone in the shuttle, Zang Yeting laughed, stepped out of the shuttle, and fell from the sky!

"--I will come!"

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