Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 315 The Netherworld Edict

But the expected air crash did not happen.

I saw that at the same time as Kurano Ting stepped out, the sky suddenly became foggy.

With the man at the center, large clouds of deep purple mist emerged. They were ethereal and formless, but had an inexplicable majestic momentum.

These mists linger around the Zangye Garden, wandering uncertainly. Looking from a distance, they look like a majestic immortal god who controls the clouds with his feet on the auspicious colors.

——Psychic Skill·[Netherworld Purple Qi].

The next moment, surrounded by the endless mist, the Hidden Garden turned into a purple rainbow across the sky. In just a few breaths, it broke through the sound barrier and approached the car in the distance!

And when they were about to arrive, I saw Kurano Ting's five fingers pressing slightly——

At some point, a folding fan with a wooden frame appeared in his hand. Its black fan surface showed a luster like gold and iron, and on each folding fan surface, there was a line of faint purple winding vertically and horizontally. Seal script.

——Kurano Garden opens the door down!

In an instant, the billowing purple air gathered into a river and branched out into several tributaries, completely covering the running car from all directions.

And just when the curtain of purple gas was about to completely wrap around the car, a spark suddenly lit up, and the next moment, the spark exploded, and a violent wave of flames spurted out, burning away the surrounding fog.

Didn't take advantage of the situation again.

After swinging this blow, Kuranoba stopped and made no new moves.

A few seconds later, the car below also slowly stopped.


Under the man's gaze, the car door was pushed open by a well-proportioned and strong hand.

First there was a young man in a coat, then Ai Lu wearing a peaked cap, and finally the lapis lazuli floated out.

Kuranoting's eyes only stopped on the latter two for a brief moment, and then turned to the young man who walked out first.

"The stars in the sky, Nan Dou, are born as 'Nandou', Song Shi."

Surrounded by purple air, Zang Yeting landed lightly in front of the car. He smiled and said, "Are you interested in coming to Zang's house?"

"My eleventh sister is charming and charming, and the most lovable. Seventh sister is well-read in poetry and books, and can be said to be full of knowledge. Fifth sister is usually well-behaved, but in fact she is the most independent-minded and determined--"

Kuranoba put the folding fans together and said, "Do you want to talk to them?"

"How should I put it?" Song Shi looked at him for a few seconds and sighed: "How come you always give away your daughter when you start recruiting people?"

"They are my sisters." Kuranoba corrected him and said calmly: "Actually, I don't think you will accept it at all, but for their happiness, I am willing to try more."

Song Shi smiled: "Why didn't I know that I still have the ability to make people happy?"

"Being able to be your bedside person and sharing your remaining benefits is the greatest happiness." Zang Yeting shook his head slightly: "No one dares to bully, no one dares to humiliate, you have everything you ask for, everything you want. Everyone gets it.”

The man asked: "If this is not happiness, then what is?"

"Alright." Song Shi yawned: "It's a pity that I don't accept it."

Kuranoba slightly unfolded the folding fan: "I'm sorry, um. Actually, it's not that regretful."

"It's okay." Song Shi slowly raised the corner of his mouth: "Your group of close and loving girls will soon regret it."

Kuranoting's folding fan unfolded an inch again, and he gradually smiled: "What a momentum."

"This is not about being angry or not."

"Feng Yuan, Lin Changge, Wen Xuanye, Nagihiko Chinen, Xu Liuyuan"

These talents from various schools who had been compared with him in the past and were indistinguishable from each other were now being talked about a series of casually like dumplings.

"Want to kill me? You first call these people together to form a team, then you have a small chance."

"Then." Zang Yeting said gently without the slightest hint of embarrassment, "Please enlighten me."

"Okay." Song Shi smiled and said, "I'll send you on your way."

Before the words could be settled, Lapis Lazuli and Ai Lu retreated outwards, and the folding fan of Zang Yeting fully unfolded again!

——Psychic skills·【vast】.

The surging infinite purple mist, at this moment, erupted with an unparalleled and substantial momentum. Just by lightly grazing, the ground was flattened, and the car seemed to be run over by a hydraulic machine. It dented, collapsed, and then exploded violently.

But in this purple mist, the power of the explosion was significantly reduced. Only a little fire was seen blooming, and it was immediately submerged in the vast purple mist.

A little new fire lit up.

It swelled in the wind, suddenly expanded, and the red-gold flame wave roared and raged, trying to burn out the purple mist.

And behind the flame tide, there is Song Shi, the disaster flames are burning violently, and the black fire flow is swirling in the reverse direction——

Drag the Flowing Fire Blade dozens of meters and slash it towards the Kurano Court!

There was purple meaning in Kuranoting's eyes, and the billowing mist rose. However, the moment the two touched, the entire sea of ​​purple mist was separated!

If you look down from the sky, you can clearly see a deep black current running straight through the sea of ​​fog. The tide is divided into two parts, which may even prevent it from healing for a long time.

——What an amazing evil spirit.

Kuranoba raised his eyebrows.

[Netherworld Purple Qi] combines with Netherworld, which is uncertain in reality and reality, and has many effects such as protection, buffering, weakening, destruction, etc., and [Mighty] makes it even more majestic, majestic and majestic, further enhancing it.

But under the opponent's dark flames filled with ferocious aura, the Netherworld Purple Qi he summoned was cut away with a single blow.

No, it's not just a matter of evil spirits.

The personality of the other party's psychic energy is higher than your own.

That's how it should be.

As it should be.

If there is no such strong practice, even if he wins, how can there be anything worthy of praise?

Zang Yeting suppressed his joy and was about to take a step back and retreat into the sea of ​​purple mist, but a terrifying red light suddenly appeared in the depths of his pupils.

——It came so fast!

The moment he slashed out that blow, without any pause, Song Shi approached instantly, and then, the second blow was blasted out!

It was too late to evade, Zang Yeting's eyes were cold, facing the violent and falling black waterfall, and he suddenly pushed out the folding fan.

Even the sound was a little slower.

You can see the purple mist sea that originally filled a radius of thousands of meters.

Those surging purple air, in front of the more surging waves of disaster flames, almost collapsed and collapsed at the moment of collision, and the black flames swept in all directions with the momentum of a prairie fire, as if to completely engulf!

But the more terrifying killing power came from the opponent's front.

Even though he had expected it, he was still shocked when he felt the unmatched powerful force and the extremely fierce and heart-wrenching murderous aura when he used the folding fan to wrap up the vast purple air and hit the heavy killing blow.

First, the fan bones trembled, and then the destructive power spread to the five fingers, penetrated into the bones and meridians, and continued to climb and spread.

With just one blow, Zang Yeting felt that his entire right arm holding the folding fan had lost consciousness.

How could it be so much stronger than expected?

If the opponent had been restraining himself in the past just for this moment, then this meticulous forbearance——

Excellent, refreshing.

In the first round, I was indeed inferior!

Zang Yeting laughed heartily, and the whole person did not retreat but advanced, stepping towards Song Shi.

The man opened the folding fan to the limit.

On the iron fan divided into six folds, the first fold, the originally winding, ancient and blurred purple seal characters, began to become clear, lighting up word by word.

Psychic Skills: [Netherworld Command].

——The First Command: "Extinguish Fire"!

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