Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 316: The Son of the Netherworld

——Are kings, princes, generals, and ministers of different species?

When Cang Ye Ting was nine years old, he wanted to know the answer to this question.

He asked many people.

And everyone gave him the answer. They said, yes, you are the legitimate son of a second-class family, a noble descendant, and from the moment you were born, you are destined to be rich and powerful and to rule the people.

But Cang Ye Ting didn't believe it.

If the noble family is really born with noble blood, high character, and destined to rule the people, then how could each family have so many useless people who only know how to eat, drink, and enjoy themselves?

If this is true, why should each family show goodwill to those inferior people who are of humble origin but outstanding ability, and even marry off their daughters to accept them as real members of the family?

So the truth is not what the noble family advertises.

When Cang Ye Ting was twelve years old, he finally solved the answer to this question.

——It is not that family background brings "ability".

——It is "ability" that makes family background.

There is no innate destiny in the world, everything is just a byproduct of "ability".

That night, with the silver light falling from the courtyard and the setting moon in the sky, Cang Ye Ting slowly raised his hand. He thought of many things -

Whether it was private school or dealing with people, he was absolutely gifted. When his peers were still worried about the homework assigned by the teacher, he could easily complete everything without thinking, and won the teacher's heartfelt praise.

He was proficient in all the six arts of a gentleman.

When others were still as naive as children, he had seen through people's hearts. He could sort out the complicated situation with a few touches, and even the elders in the clan had to talk to him at eye level.

Praise, love, respect, fear.

Finally, Cang Ye Ting remembered the beginning of everything.

The servants of the family told Cang Yeting more than once in a pious tone that he had a vision. On the day of his birth, a strange fragrance was diffused, and the enchanting red Lycoris radiata bloomed over most of the Zang family mansion, as if in an instant, the place fell into the netherworld.

When he was a little older, there were also elders in the clan who, when asked about this, smiled and said that it was just the usual publicity for the newborn legitimate son of the aristocratic family.

How could there really be a netherworld, with Lycoris radiata overflowing?

So, Cang Yeting understood.

It turned out that those ordinary people, who lived a mediocre life, were not even allowed to "see". They could not know the truth in their lives.

It turned out that his talent and character were all for this moment--

Cang Yeting suddenly realized all the causes and effects.

I am

the reincarnation of the netherworld, with the fate of Ziwei.

—— I am destined to become the "Son of the Netherworld" who commands the Ten Palaces and controls the Eighteen Hells!

Those overflowing Manjusaka flowers were the heaven's plea for his amazing talent.

The third ring [Truth].

——"Go to the Netherworld", Zang Yeting!

"Is this... an imperial decree?"

Song Shi raised his eyebrows. After the other party's folding fan lit up, the flame wave he controlled suddenly became a little obscure, and even the momentum was restrained a little.

"——Or is it an imperial decree in the name of the emperor?"

Then the young man laughed, and he praised sincerely: "Not bad, after thinking that he is the 'Son of the Netherworld', he really walked step by step to this level now."

Zang Yeting did not speak.

Since the opening of the first imperial decree, the man's temperament has suddenly changed. The young man of the aristocratic family who was free and easy not long ago, now seems like a towering and inviolable emperor with divine power and respect.

He was still looking at Song Shi, but his eyes, which were brewing purple, were clearly overlooking the territory of the king, ignoring the madman who tried to challenge the majesty of the emperor.

On the folding fan, the second, third, and fourth folds, the seal characters lit up again.

—— The second decree: "Banned the evil spirit"!

—— The third decree: "Seal the troops"!

—— The fourth decree: "Suppress"!

Three decrees were issued in succession, and it was visibly that Zang Ye Ting's demeanor was a little weak. Maintaining four decrees at the same time was a considerable burden even for him.

The effect was equally obvious.

The majestic flames of disaster controlled by Song Shi, the originally fierce and unmatched evil spirit weakened, and at the same time, the terrifying might of the heavy murder also came down. Facing the last "suppression", he felt his whole body suddenly sink, as if he was carrying an invisible mountain on his back.

Zang Ye Ting still didn't stop!

He slowly raised his hand and looked forward——

"——You can stop for a while."

The man's expression changed slightly.

The emperor who ruled the netherworld, who should have looked down on everything indifferently, could not help but ripple at this moment.

"Imperial Decree. The so-called altar of the Son of Heaven is just this piece of 'Netherworld Purple Qi'."

Song Shi slowly stretched out his hand and stroked the sharp blade of the Heavy Killer surrounded by the flames of misfortune.

"Only when you are in the Netherworld Purple Qi can your Imperial Decree take effect. To be honest, this is a good move. After all, your spiritual energy reserves are far beyond that of ordinary psychics, and you have the blessing of 'Hao Dang'. In addition, these Netherworld Purple Qi have the ability to weaken the five senses. The opponent can hardly leave the range of Purple Qi."

As the five fingers stroked over inch by inch, the Heavy Killer, which had been somewhat dim, once again burst into a frightening light. Even the flames of misfortune began to rise. They roared and were even more violent than at the beginning!

"Self-immolation" state, activated.

"Ordinary psychics don't need to use imperial decrees. They can be solved by directly flooding the Netherworld Purple Qi. A good player with a little level will die if he is hit by two targeted imperial decrees."

Song Shi hit the heavy kill for the last time, and then looked at Zang Ye Ting not far away again.

He said, "I'm here."

At the same moment.

A creepy warning sounded from Zang Ye Ting's heart!

The psychic skill named [Moe Tou] has never conveyed a warning of "die die die die die die die" like it does now.

——Withdraw from the range of "Netherworld Purple Qi" first and wait for an opportunity to maneuver?

Just burn it all out!

Song Shi laughed wildly, and the extremely scorching red-gold light bloomed and spread with himself as the center. That was the scene of [scorched earth].

But it was far more than just [scorched earth].

[Rendering], [Prairie Fire], [Sui Shi].

The three psychic skills were fully revealed. After the incomplete "sublimation", under the impetus of [Practice Casting Heart], they burst out with more power than ever before. At this moment, they gathered into one, making the scorched earth really turn into a terrifying power like a natural disaster.


It was as if the endless waves of red-gold flames were surging and rolling. Looking down from the sky, the area of ​​more than a thousand meters in radius turned into two completely different worlds.

One was dark purple and ethereal, and the other was red flames, surging and brilliant.

As if there was a real purple mist sea rising and rising again, under the command of the "Son of the Netherworld", it was determined to destroy the madman and restore the dignity of the Son of Heaven.

But at this moment, when the flame tide began to sweep, the purple mist sea was no longer "vast" at all, and was destroyed in an instant. The red gold submerged the dark purple in front at a speed visible to the naked eye!

And from the high-speed fire flow, Zang Ye Ting felt the other party's intention.

——Not to restore his own dignity.

——Not to fight the enemy with anger.

Just pure.


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