Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 317 Fivefold Death

Unstoppable, invincible!

The rolling sea of ​​fog was torn apart by the violent flames. Facing the huge pressure coming from the front, Zang Ye Ting had no time to retreat. He could only mobilize his spiritual energy, gather purple qi around his body, and condense it into a folding fan to strike out!

In the next moment, he was swallowed by the fiercely chopped down disaster flame.

Both sides have exceeded the speed of sound - not just a linear speed, but a real speed that can change direction at will and treat inertia as nothing.

However, in the blink of an eye, the two sides bombarded each other at high speed for dozens of times. If an ordinary person without implanted artificial eyes could only see two intersecting and crazy purple and red streams of light.

Those thick purple fogs and scorching flames like the sea are now like a huge beast fighting, easily overturning the tide and hitting a huge wave of dozens of meters.

Barely resisting a slash, Zang Ye Ting retreated violently and vomited blood.

In just a moment, the originally dignified and majestic demeanor became awful. The man's body was burned, the skin on his arms was eroded, and the bones were visible. Even the vast purple qi around him was a little disordered.

What was even more fatal was that his head was splitting, his chaotic mind was shaking, and the endless violent murderous intent rushed straight into the sea of ​​consciousness, as if to tear his consciousness apart -

Cang Ye Ting bit off his tongue fiercely, and shook his mind.

While gaining some clarity, his eyes burst into purple, and the last two folds of the folding fan in his hand lit up!

- The fifth decree: "Binding Flame"!

- The sixth decree: "Stop Flame"!

The six-fold decree was fully activated.

Even if he was an absolute talent, he was awarded the title of "Descending to the Netherworld" and entered the third ring before he was thirty.

But maintaining the six-fold decree at the same time was already the limit of Cang Ye Ting now.

"Prohibit evil", "Extinguish fire", "Bindle flame", "Stop flame", four consecutive edicts finally suppressed the opponent's fierce and raging flames.

Even though it still exceeded his own Nether Purple Qi, it was still so strong.

——But this "strength" was already in the range of challenge!

The next moment after the edict came out, another flame pierced through the purple qi barrier and chopped down head-on.

But this time, after barely blocking it, Zang Yeting vomited blood and water, and did not confront it head-on again. For the first time, he chose to retreat.

Using the Nether Purple Qi. The remaining purple qi burned as a curtain, Zang Yeting kept moving and shifting, trying to avoid fighting with Song Shi as much as possible.

"Why did we get to the time-delaying part that I dislike the most?"

Song Shi suddenly stopped. He looked at Zang Yeting who was hiding in the mist and panting in the distance, and couldn't help sighing: "Don't you think it's boring to do this?"

"A lion will use all its strength to fight a rabbit. What's more, I'm not as good as you in a head-on confrontation."

Although he had bitten off his tongue, Zang Yeting's voice was still the same as always, without any change. It sounded from every purple mist, reverberating back and forth, making it impossible to hear the sound and identify the location.

Since the decree was issued and he became the "Son of the Netherworld", the man's tone had long been neither happy nor sad. However, at this moment, under those indifferent words, there was an indescribable meaning.

That was fear, amazement, anger, and praise

And in the end, all of this turned into pure joy.

A great mission from heaven must go through disasters.

Since he wanted to ascend to the supreme Nine Cauldrons, how could it be possible to do it easily and unimpeded?

As the direct descendant of the Zang family, in the past 28 years, Zang Ye Ting has never met an opponent who is stronger than himself and wants to kill him.

If he can defeat the opponent here, then he will be one step closer to becoming the real "Son of the Netherworld", right?

"——Well, that's good."

As if he finally had a good idea, Song Shi snapped his fingers.

He casually inserted the heavy murder into the ground beside him and smiled, "Your back-up is '軻', right?"

In ancient times, Liu Jibo and his disciples co-authored "Records of the Netherworld", which mentioned the reincarnation of the Netherworld, saying that "people become ghosts when they die, ghosts become 軻when they die, 聻die as Xi, Xi die as Yi, and Yi die as Wei".

Only after experiencing these five levels of death, "people" will truly die and return to complete nothingness.

"Your Nether Purple Qi is mighty, both offensive and defensive, and can weaken the five senses of others. With the imperial decree, it is enough to deal with most opponents." Song Shi raised his index finger: "--But there are exceptions."

"If you meet a master who can forcibly break through the Nether Purple Qi and rush directly to you, you will be a little unable to deal with it. After all, in the final analysis, you are the 'Son of Heaven', not the 'Fierce General', and you are not suitable for a head-on battle."

"So, your back-up is to turn life into death and people into ghosts. This is the truth why the Nether Purple Qi is called 'Nether'." Song Shi knocked his eyebrows: "Of course, that's what I said, but the essence of your move is just a method specifically targeting the five senses--"

Song Shi slowly raised his left hand.

He knew that the other party must be able to see it.

This hand, which was originally surrounded by flames and was well-proportioned and powerful.

--It disappeared at some point.

From the elbow of the right arm down to the five fingers, most of it became transparent. It is not appropriate to say so, because the misty purple qi and dust passed through those transparent places.

It seemed to disappear out of thin air.

And in the senses, those transparent parts were also unconscious, not simply "numb", but "disappeared" as if they had never existed in the first place.

It's not that I want to make a certain action, but there is no response, but I can't even give this thought - people can't imagine how to make their tails shake.

"Very good idea." Song Shi praised generously: "You have referred to the method of 'Five Prisons of Heaven and Man'. Humph, this set of things that seal the five senses and the illusion of the devil is the favorite of the psychics of the consensus."

Eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, tongue consciousness, body consciousness, these are the five senses.

"But after all, you are not a consensus, and you can't learn the illusion of the devil, so you only took the part of sealing the five senses, combined with your own practice, and created the trick of 'transforming people into ghosts'."

Normally, "people" cannot see "ghosts".

So, based on this, is the reason for all this that "people" and "ghosts" are in the same world, but at different levels?

If so, then the "ghosts" that "ghosts" turn into after death are probably at different levels.

But no matter how many levels there are, they still belong to the same world.

——The world after death is [Netherworld]!

The territory ruled by the Son of the Netherworld!

This is the truth of Zang Ye Ting's bottom-line move.

As long as the opponent stays in the "Netherworld Purple Qi" for too long, he will gradually lose his five senses and close his five consciousnesses - his body has not really disappeared, but in his perception, he has lost the corresponding part.

Just as the high-level consensus of Donglu, the "Five Prisons of Heaven and Man" can realize the psychic version of the "Brain in a Jar", wantonly play with other people's consciousness, and create an unbreakable illusory world.

The opponent who has been deprived of the five senses and five consciousnesses by the Netherworld Purple Qi is also in another world level for him.

This is "transforming people into ghosts", constantly reducing their combat effectiveness, and even temporarily becoming an ignorant and insensitive vegetable.

"You are delaying time now, just to wait for me to further lose my five senses and five consciousnesses. Why bother?"

Song Shi stretched his body, and then let go of his protection, allowing, or even actively calling for the Netherworld Purple Qi to infect.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, Song Shi's body began to fade in color, gradually transparent, until it completely disappeared.

Starting from the soles of the feet, "disappearance" spread all the way up, covering the knees, passing over the lower abdomen, crawling towards the face, and engulfing the entire Song Shi——

Zang Ye Ting was startled.

Then, for the first time, the man's eyes showed an incredible color!

"——Are you satisfied with this?"

Because when Song Shi was about to be completely engulfed, with only the last bit of black left, the young man's voice suddenly rang out.

That last bit of black, like a natural moat, could no longer advance a bit.


The empty atmosphere suddenly rang with a crisp shattering sound like the collapse of glass!

In the next moment, this sound continued one after another, becoming more and more crisp and exciting!

It can't help but remind people of the scene of cracks spreading rapidly on the surface of glass.

A hand stretched out, then the forearm, upper arm, and shoulder.

As if ink was immersed in clear water, those real and true colors once again appeared in the world.

"The five senses are blocked, the five senses are forbidden"

Song Shi exhaled a burning breath, facing the vast purple mist, laughing loudly, and pointed his index finger at his chest.

"My 'heart' is here, how can I be ignorant and insensitive?"

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