Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 318: Any last words?

——Psychic Skills · [Heart of Practice].

Practice your will and do what you want, never regret it even if you die, never move, never change, never destroy.

Integrate thousands of minds into one, one is many, many is one.

Use [Heart of Practice] as the anchor point in the world, forcibly maintain a little bit of true spirit, and then in turn pull the consciousness, break through the blockade of the five senses and five consciousnesses by the "Netherworld Purple Qi" one by one, and return to the world.

If it were not for [Heart of Practice], the previous self, facing Zang Ye Ting's "Transformation into a Ghost", would probably have to spend a little effort to solve it, or directly smash the opponent before the five senses and five consciousnesses sank.

But at this moment, this is not even a "trouble".

However, the opponent's idea is really wonderful. Even if there is really no [Heart of Practice], I will probably choose to force it to break it when I feel itchy.

"——Can we stop delaying?"

Song Shi pressed the heavy kill and pulled it out slowly.

"Without this winning move, dragging it on will only waste your own strength. In a situation where there is no chance of survival, are you really not going to give it a try?"

The endless purple mist suddenly parted, like a tide dividing into two, and a figure walked out from the distance.

It was Zang Yeting.

He closed his eyes slightly, and then slowly opened them.

Suddenly, Song Shi felt lighter all over, and his spiritual energy returned to its original freedom.

Did the other party revoke the decree?

No, there was more than one.

On the folding fan held by Zang Yeting, the six folds of the fan extinguished their light at the same time and dimmed.

The man's five fingers grasped the edge of the folding fan, gathered it into a line, and clenched it in his palm.

At the same time, all the remaining netherworld purple qi moved without wind, surging towards the man, rushing into his body. Under such intense compression and condensation, his body trembled slightly uncontrollably.

In a trance, he could even hear a twisting sound of being overwhelmed.

This is the last decree.

The six-fold integration is no longer an order issued to others, but only to oneself.

Thousands of states and territories are tied to one person, and he enjoys endless honor.

It is not that the emperor exists for the state and territories, but the state and territories exist for the emperor. Without the emperor, the state and territories are meaningless.

Completely incorporate the "Netherworld Purple Qi" as the state and territories into oneself, and use this resolute meaning of not hesitating to shake the nine states and shatter the four seas in exchange for pure personal combat power that rises in a short period of time.

——Psychic Skills · [Netherworld Edict]: "Son of Heaven"!

There are no extra words. The moment the edict is issued, both parties disappear at the same time.

In less than one-tenth of the time, the black blade wrapped in the flames of disaster and the sword of the emperor with the folding fan as the handle and the purple qi as the weapon collided blatantly!


Then, it was clang clang clang!

Apart from the evenly matched first strike, from the second strike, the sharp blade of the evil flames forcibly defeated the Emperor's sword, which had not yet fully recovered, and then took this as the starting point, and slashed continuously, instantly blasting Zang Yeting into a state of being completely forced to defend, unable to draw out the slightest counterattack!

What's going on——!

"—— What's wrong?!"

Song Shi laughed wildly, and the evil flames gushed out, condensed into a terrifying flame, and slashed down with a bang!

"Why do you think! After removing the suppression of the imperial decree and turning to improve yourself, you can suppress me?!"

Zang Yeting had no time to answer, because before the previous strike had dissipated, a new strike fell again.

Just the spreading aftermath, the ground with a diameter of ten meters collapsed and sank instantly, burning and melting, turning into a large pit several meters deep, and every collision would produce a new large pit.

At this moment, the frequency of the confrontation between the two sides is more than just calculated in "seconds"?

In just a few breaths, the earth was riddled with holes and shattered. The overflowing fire rushed straight into the sky, scattering and splashing, forcing Lapis Lazuli Ai Lu and the shuttle of the tenth round in the air to retreat again to avoid being affected.

Zang Ye Ting's long hair fluttered wildly, one eye had been burned blind, half of his left arm turned to ashes, and his breath was erratic and disordered.

But the man just roared to the sky, biting the tip of the Tianzi sword with his remaining right hand and teeth, and the purple qi surged wildly, without retreating or avoiding, and slashed towards the violent and violent flames that filled the vision!

I! Can still hold on--!

"--No, you can't hold on."

Song Shi said.

The color of Chong Shi suddenly changed. The original pure black suddenly split into two at this moment, bursting with scorching red gold.

Two completely different flames, but belonging to the same master, entangled with Chong Shi together, turning into two colors of counter-rotating and intertwined flames.

Infinite power was revealed, turning into a terrifying killing force that would not tolerate any disobedience.

——It blasted into Zang Yeting's chest!

Even the sound was briefly burned out for a moment.

Until a certain moment, the whistling sound of Fenfeng gradually rang in his ears again.


At the bottom of the huge pit, the man panted and barely opened his eyes.

The extraordinary transcendence from the third ring of psychic power made him see everything clearly even though he was severely injured.

That was Fenfeng's sky. Then, a figure holding a straight knife came out and looked down at himself.

So I was lying down?

Zang Yeting suddenly understood something.

"Take a last look at the sky. Do you need me to move aside? I suggest you look carefully. After all, this kind of viewing state of mind is not common. I remember you are quite particular about this." Song Shi leaned down: "——Are there any last words?"

Zang Yeting opened his eyes and stared at the sky in a daze. After a few breaths, a hoarse voice sounded.

"I have not yet passed the tribulation. I cannot attain the position of the Son of the Netherworld."

"Yes, after all, you are going to be beaten to death by me." Song Shi smiled and said, "Of course, maybe there is really a world after death, 'Netherworld' in this world. You can go there first and save up in advance. Maybe when I go there in the future, you will have a chance to succeed in revenge."

"Of course, I don't hope it really exists. A person has to kill five times before he dies. Isn't it a bit crazy?"

"Hehe. Hehe."

Zang Yeting looked up at the young man, and slowly, he laughed with difficulty.

"Have you broken your destined death?"

"I don't know." Song Shi replied, "Maybe it has been broken, maybe not, who knows?"

Zang Yeting saw the other party and said lightly, "But is there a principle of destiny in the world? Everything I do is only for my heart."

"Destiny is determined. Destiny should be determined."

Zang Yeting's only remaining eyes suddenly widened. He seemed to want to raise his head, but because of the serious injury, his neck, which was propped up, fell down again as soon as he raised it.

"The Netherworld must exist!"

"——Get started!" The man panted and laughed wildly: "I'll wait for you in the Netherworld! I'm waiting for the second battle with you!"

"Understood." Song Shi raised the corner of his mouth, grasped Zhongshi, ignited the red fire, and slashed with his backhand: "Send you on your way."


That was the vibration of the blades touching, rubbing, colliding and dragging.

But at this moment, the sound did not come from Zhongshi.


From the sky, a thunderous roar suddenly resounded!

The dazzling white light that was difficult to look at directly condensed into a magnificent pillar that penetrated the cloud dome, and fell towards the earth below, towards Song Shi in the center of the earth.

Accompanied by the same thunderous roar of anger.

"——Stop it for me!"

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