Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 328 The First Battle

The first battle came slower than expected.

Bang, boom——

"——Beiting Defense Line, Lieutenant, Long Dun, please teach me!"

Under the slowly exploding crimson smoke, a burly man stood with his head held high, with big muscles all over his body, looking like he was about to burst his uniform.

He stared at the young man in front of him and said in a thunderous voice: "I will take this first prize!"

This is a relatively prosperous commercial street with many shops and people flowing through it, but when a shuttle landed above the street, and then a strong man airdropped at a height of dozens of meters above the ground, "boom" and smashed a big hole in the street.

The crowd who were originally shopping were stunned for a moment, and when they saw the rising fireworks, they immediately understood something and quickly dispersed.

"Why are you the first one of your level to come?"

Song Shi put down the strong mint candy he had just picked up, sighed, turned his head and looked at the other party: "Didn't they say that shuttles are in great demand now? You, a lieutenant, actually got one?"

"I am a local of Qingyuan, close to you, and I happened to be on duty at the airport at the time, so I directly grabbed the shuttle and came here." The strong man answered without hesitation: "I'm lucky, no one reacted."

He said in a deep voice: "Can we start?"

"I don't care, come on." Song Shi made a gesture of invitation: "Let me see if you are not a psychic, you are prepared to rely on prosthesis, oh, no, it turns out to be exoskeleton armor. Okay, you can start wearing it."

Song Shi glanced at the other party and immediately understood.

The lieutenant nodded calmly.

The next moment, the strong man clenched his fists, opened his arms suddenly, and the military uniform was torn with a sizzling sound. The door of the shuttle hovering in the sky opened wide, and a metal box larger than a person fell down!

The iron box fell to the ground, and the sturdy man took a step back and retreated into the open iron box. A large number of modules popped up and switched, but in the blink of an eye, the sturdy man and the iron box disappeared.

Instead, there was a two-meter-five steel mechanical armor, with a dark gray paint tone and heavy armor, a design style that had nothing to do with "elegance and refinement".

The armor was sprayed with long white mist, and the armor plates of the arm guards opened and closed inch by inch. The huge hands, holding the hot melt giant sword at the waist, were pulled out with reverse grip.

"This is the third generation of the 'Pan Xiang' powered exoskeleton armor?!"

The scattered crowd just scattered. They crowded together and completely surrounded the battlefield in a ring. Someone shouted loudly: "Oh my God! It is said that this exoskeleton has extremely strong ground combat performance! Strong power and thick armor! But it also makes it impossible for ordinary people to control it!"

"I found out! He is Long Dun! I heard that he defeated a second-ring psychic head-on with the second-generation 'Pan Xiang' exoskeleton! He was promoted to lieutenant!"

"Oh! The person opposite him is - Song Shi -!"

Song Shi did not raise his hand. He took a look at the armor, and the red-gold fire flow around him began to emerge.

"——Yes! This is the flame of forging!"

Someone else's eyes lit up and shouted: "Song Shi's first-level psychic skill! It is said that it can forge all forms and smelt everything!"

"I feel my body has become hot! It's hot everywhere!"

"No, why do you all know so much!"

A tourist was puzzled. He looked at the crowded and surging crowd around him and felt that he was about to be drowned at any time.

However, in front of such a rare scene, the people nearby had no time to answer him. They stared at the battlefield closely. Some people with quick eyes and hands had already raised drones to try to overlook the video.

The roar of the armored engine resounded through the streets.

"Everyone pay attention! Long Dun is coming!"

In the low sneer, the sword edge lit up inch by inch, red and hot.

"The hot melt heavy armor is charging! Ah, it's so bright!"

"Long Dun starts to lower his center of gravity! Long Dun starts to step! Long Dun starts to charge!"

"Long Dun starts. Uh, Long Dun starts to be engulfed by flames, Long Dun is blown up--!!!"

The mechanical armor lowered its body and charged violently, crushing the stone slabs on the ground with every step, and the stone chips burst and splashed, with an unparalleled momentum, as if to crush Song Shi in his arms!

Then, when the heavy sword was about to fall, Song Shi raised his hand, clenched his five fingers, and punched out.


Endless red flames surged out, and in an instant, the wave of flames collapsed, turning into a flame star clenched by five fingers, and then bloomed again!

--One punch?

From the depths of the strong man's pupils, from that punch, the momentum of [Scorched Earth] and [Embers] suddenly rose and engulfed himself.

Under everyone's gaze, the "Pan Xiang" that was charging suddenly paused, and then a straight stream of flames penetrated its chest. The originally heavy and majestic armor suddenly deformed and curled up in the teeth-grinding sound of metal twisting, and flew backwards at a faster speed than when it came, and finally stopped after knocking down three houses.


A few breaths later, in the messy ruins, the garbage pile of plastic sheets, bricks and broken steel bars was suddenly opened, and the power armor with thousands of holes, especially the chest armor that disappeared like charcoal, stood up. Then the armor plates separated, and Long Dun crawled out in the rising hot air.

"Defeat. Lost with one punch!"

The audience cheered loudly.

"It turned out that the field of [Scorched Earth] was used as the driving force, and [Embers] was attached to destroy the material, so Long Dun's charging kinetic energy was dissipated, and the opponent was directly blown up with one punch!"

A man wearing a "Win Every Martial Art" printed T-shirt explained quickly.

"Not only that! Song Shi also stuffed too much spiritual energy in one breath, so there is such an effect! Such a luxurious way of using spiritual energy! It's really unheard of! How much spiritual energy does he have!"

The tourist was shocked: "You can see this?!"

"——Let me think, it's normal."

At this time, Song Shi spoke.

And the moment the young man spoke, the noisy momentum disappeared at once.

"Your martial arts skills are okay, and your aura is also in place." Song Shi commented: "But this level of performance is just average in your Beiting defense line. But after you go back and hone your skills, you will have a chance to go further. Your limit is not just this."

"Thank you. For your advice!"

There were many burn marks on Long Dun's naked upper body, but he ignored them and said in a deep voice: "I understand! I will definitely do the purgatory this time!"

"Well, training doesn't necessarily have to be purgatory. Forget it." Song Shi pinched his eyebrows: "With your personality, you may be more suitable for purgatory. I wish you success soon. You can get out of the way now."

Long Dun said nothing, and his colleagues on the shuttle threw down the steel cable hook, hooked the wreckage of the Panxiang, and dragged it to take off. He himself said nothing and made way without hesitation.

"——Everyone, listen to me for a few more words."

Song Shi clapped his hands and looked around at the hot crowd.

"From now on, of course, including just now, I will open up the dissemination rights for all the duels I participated in. You can record and disseminate them at will... It is also allowed to reveal my whereabouts!"

"Discuss boldly and divert traffic boldly!"

"--Tell everyone that 'Nandou' is waiting for them!"

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