Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 329: Advancing at a Rapid Speed

[Monsters from the Corporate Alliance landed in Qingyuan County]


Beiting Defense Front.

"Urgent report from the front! Song Shi defeated Lu Chi in Qingyuan Fengcheng City! Three swords slashed Captain Lu Chi's posture, and burned down half the street!"

"What's the emergency report? You're already out of date! Three minutes ago, Lieutenant Fang tried to intercept by air, but was hit through the second heart! He was transferred to the emergency department of the nearest hospital on the spot!"

"Notify the editorial department immediately and all staff will be on duty. I want to see the new issue of the column online within two hours! The cover must be Song Shi!"

"Wait a minute! The editors all asked for leave on the grounds of 'close reporting'! They all ran to Qingyuan County!"


Corporate league, super competitive sports league.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Qiu, a well-known fighting event commentator, submitted a leave application to the alliance.

"The games of this season will start tomorrow! You're asking for leave now! Wait, holy shit! Have you booked the cross-border air tickets for [Chronological Passage]?!"

"I'm sorry, but I have to go back to my hometown."

"Give me a reason!"

"There is a battle that needs to be explained that I have not yet explained, and a road that needs to be taken that I have not yet taken."

"What the hell... Isn't it your Beiting Defense Front that is fighting again? Who is it this time?"

"Song Shi."


At the same time, Qingyuan County was established as a city.

There is no need for the so-called speculative route. Two days ago, Song Shi, known as "Nandou", dismantled Long Bu's Panxiang powered armor in public and issued an announcement, and he officially embarked on the journey——

From Qingyuan County to Chunming County, to the central city of the latter.

In a sense, the capital of the Beiting Defense Front, [Tiandu].

——Now Song Shi's path forward is clearly a straight line.

He is marching straight towards [Tiandu] with an unstoppable attitude!

"Lieutenant Fang was defeated?"

"Lieutenant Fang, defeated!"

The park that used to be huge now had a huge burning pit in the center. Song Shi flipped his wrist and extinguished the raging flames around him at will.

A medical team that was already on standby quickly stepped forward, loaded the black figure at the bottom of the pit onto a stretcher, put it into a medical shuttle, and flew to a nearby hospital.

After a brief silence, a tsunami-like momentum arose from all directions.


"——Song Shi!"

The crowds of spectators who filled the park rubbed shoulders and cheered.

"Ninth battle, win!"

"Ten swings and ten battles, never defeated in a hundred battles!"

"Song Shi! Song Shi! Song Shi—!"

If divided by combat strength, then the third-level military positions of the Beiting Defense Front are: Lieutenant Officer is [Level 3 Unit], Colonel Officer is [Level 4 Unit], and General Officer is [Level 5 Unit].

As for the two generals and the generalissimo, they are beyond the scope of the third level.

It is impossible for a lieutenant to become Song Shi's opponent.

The outcome was determined from the start.

But at this moment, the crowd did not lose any enthusiasm because of this, and they still cheered and shouted Song Shi's name.

It can be seen that some of the audience members even look like they are worn out by the world. They are people who have followed Song Shi all the way to this day in cars and motorcycles. Some of them took leave, but more people simply abandoned their jobs just to witness everything with their own eyes.

While they were chanting, they injected another injection of stimulant into their necks to cheer them up.

"——Everyone, I want to say something."

Song Shi raised his hand.

The world suddenly became quiet.

"The first thing I know is that in order to come here, many people have not slept for several days, and plan to stay awake for several days in the future, relying solely on stimulants to support themselves."

Song Shi raised his index finger and looked around at everyone.

"Then, remember what I say next - go to bed, I don't want to see anyone die suddenly within my sight."

Everyone held their breath and nodded repeatedly.

"The second thing."

Song Shi raised his middle finger again.

This time, he glanced at the large number of drones surrounding the sky like a swarm of bees.

Whenever a war begins, these drones equipped with various lenses will follow them everywhere, recording every detail of the moment.

"I know that at this moment, there are many real-time betting openings. I want you to give half of the profits from these casinos to those who follow me - to those who come for me and do not hesitate to throw away People who work.”

No forced orders are required.

No need for a majestic tone.

There is no need for “what will be the consequences for those who do not follow”.

But everyone understands that the owners of these casinos will personally supervise the execution with an unprecedented pious attitude, and will distribute "half of the profits" equally to the followers present.

If he had any luck and tried to hide and steal some personal gains, before the officers of the Beiting Defense Front took action, his colleagues in the casino would rush him to death and place his head in front of Song Shi with their own hands!


——This is "Nandou", Song Shi's order.


In the park, a slight beep sounded suddenly.

Another ding.

Ding ding ding ding!

In an instant, a series of transfer notifications suddenly flashed in the prosthetic eyes of many people in the venue. The recipients of these transfers were all anonymous accounts with different sources, except for one thing.

Their transfer notes are all [Nandou].

This gift from Song Shi, who on the Beiting Defense Front would dare to steal even half of his reputation and pretend to be someone else?

"——So generous!"

At this moment, a thunderous sound came.

No, it was not "thunderous".

The source of the sound was clearly a silver-white lightning that was rushing at high speed and crackling!

With a bang, the lightning stopped abruptly ten meters in front of Song Shi, revealing a burly man with his head held high. On the bulging shoulder straps of the military uniform, three rows of horizontal bars flashed arcs from time to time.

"Beiting Defense Line, Captain, Pan Li!"

The big man's voice was like thunder, rolling and echoing: "The peak of the second ring [Dayuan]! This trip is specially to learn Nandou's unique skills!"

"Captain?" Song Shi looked at him for a few seconds: "Where did you come from?"

"I am from Chali County!"

Pan Li slowly raised his right palm with clear cutting lines. In this half-hollowed prosthetic arm, layers of electromagnetic coils were stacked, flashing with heart-pounding blue arcs: "I heard that you are visiting, so I came across three counties!"

"Dayuan, the peak of the second ring, still follows the path of thunder magic." Song Shi touched his chin: "I have a rough idea."

Pan Li was unmoved and shouted in a deep voice.

"--Then, as a weak person, I beg to allow me to attack first!"

"Okay." Song Shi nodded: "Lapis Lazuli, come on, remember to let the opponent attack first."

The light pattern on the surface of the Lapis Lazuli body briefly paused.

Hearing this, Pan Li was also stunned, and then his eyes widened: "I want to challenge you! How can you fool me with a weapon spirit!"

Song Shi laughed: "So, do you want to disobey me?"

Pan Li was stunned again.

His face changed, and he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, his eyes were almost full of pure lightning!

"Don't dare to disobey!" The big man roared: "Then let me try your tricks!"

"I have a name, okay? My last name is Jinshi and my first name is Qing."

Song Shi clapped his hands, took a few steps back, stood next to Ai Lu, and signaled the intelligent machine to come forward.

"Lapis Lazuli."

Song Shi's words were not concealed at all. At this moment, everyone present heard it very clearly.

"This Pan Li is considered strong."

"So go and defeat him."

"——If you can't even beat the mere "strong", there is no need to talk about reproducing the glory of intelligent machines."

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