Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 246 Zen Ryuu Moment

"—Sit down and talk."

Song Shi sat down with his legs crossed and motioned for the other party to sit down too.

The area they were in was quite remote, with only some dilapidated old-fashioned buildings and not many residents. Song Shi picked up a few pieces of iron sheet from the nearby roof, smelted them with "Forging Flame", and quickly reshaped them into the two chairs at the moment.

Hearing this, Dawo was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized something, suppressed his joy and hurriedly sat in front of the young man.

He slapped his chest: "Brother Song Shi! You can ask whatever you want! Tell me everything you know!"

"What is your traffic level? I mean, in the current Casting Light City." Song Shi asked.

When asked about his professional field, Dawo suddenly became more energetic: "Well, if it was a few months ago, I would have been considered a top-notch person with two million fans, but recently."

"The Solar Celebration is so popular. Fubo Energy has been promoting it. The investment cost is scary. Many big-name guys have been invited here. Except for the real top-notch people, people like me are self-proclaimed. A lot of media also came here spontaneously." Dawo sighed: "Now, I'm considered average at best."

"But let me tell you, if they are packed together, they can't compare to your Chacollo!" Dawo took out a data tablet from his arms and clicked on the wind news: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Chacollo Vaughn, it's a whole Thirty-two million followers, and Zen Ryuksha Mo, which the Chenqi generation has spent so much effort to promote, only has 50 million followers."

You can see that Dawo has also paid attention to [Chacolo Vaughan].

Seeing the man who was getting more and more excited as he talked, Song Shi could only knock on the armrest of the chair.

Dawo immediately coughed a few times and put away the data tablet.

Sure enough.

Song Shi nodded slightly.

Just like Paloser's Shining Star, in a sense, Dawo and Shining Star are the same kind of people. They all only regard "psionic power" as a useful tool, an excellent power, and what they really recognize as themselves - the former is a [Devil], and the latter is a [Blogger].

It's not right or wrong.

However, this will inevitably lead to a decrease in their purity as "psykers"

As for the "Zen Liu Moment" Dawo mentioned, Song Shi also knew who it was.

Chenqi Generation has spent countless mental resources to create the most valuable IP assets, spanning many fields such as idols, actors, singers, designers, e-sports masters, etc., and is the most famous all-in-one artist in the world.

Just one sentence, a smile, and a small gesture can create huge momentum and trigger a trend on the Internet.

The top flow among the top flows is enough to be called the existence of the incarnation of "flow".

And beneath those layers of dazzling and radiant shells, there is another identity of Zen Ryu Mosuna——

One of the leaders of the giant enterprise [Dust Contract Generation].

[Consensus] Path, peak of the fourth ring, depth 6, king of the abyss.

——"Awakened One", the moment of Zen.

It can be said that in the entire enterprise alliance, when it comes to "faith" attainments, Zen Ryushana is the strongest and deepest existence.

She has not been promoted to the fifth ring yet because she has absorbed too much hidden spiritual energy. If it cannot be completely integrated and purified into one body, her power will be too weak after being promoted to the fifth ring.

But her upper limit is only the fourth ring.

What's more, with the huge hidden psychic energy accumulated over the years and the identity of the [King of the Abyss], even in her current state, she is no less dangerous than a fifth-level psyker - she will It is the pillar of [Era of Dust Contract].


My biggest impression of her.

Song Shixin said that when he first came to the Enterprise Alliance in his previous life, the image of Zen Ryu Mo was that of a girl. After ten years, he had fought all the way to the fourth ring. This image was still that of a girl, and his appearance had not changed at all. A lot of skins were planted.

Maybe it's just like one of the slogans of the Dust Contract Generation, everyone will always like the age of seventeen.

But when I was seventeen, why didn't anyone like me?

"Then the Casting Light City is truly a gathering of heroes and heroes."

Song Shi suppressed these thoughts, tapped the air gently, and looked at the man: "Dawo."

"You say it, you say it!" Dawo sat upright.

"In other words, wait until the day of the Sun Festival." Song Shi suddenly laughed: "There will be many, many, many people watching."

Dawo was stunned and nodded: "Of course, I won't talk about others, but myself. I will definitely start a live broadcast when the time comes."

"That's fine."

Song Shi slowly stood up.

He held down the chair, and the forging flames silently surged out, remelting the latter into iron pieces and throwing them aside.

Didn't explain anything.

"By the way, remember to maintain and inspect the prosthesis on your right hand when you go back. Although my blow didn't really fall, it still had some impact. Of course, if you want it to explode when you sleep one night, then just pretend that I didn't say it ”

Next, Song Shi cooperated with Dawo to shoot a short video of "Encountering Nandou", said a few words casually to the camera, and then left here as Dawo watched reluctantly.

Watching the young man's back gradually disappearing into the street, Dawo stood there. After a while, he sighed deeply.

"Hey, it's not that easy to be anti-company and anti-company. How can the company lose..."

"The most beautiful girl in the world, Zen Ryukatsuna, has a lot of people's blood on her hands."

Dawo slowly raised his head. The sky was dim and dark, and the icy wind was still flowing, passing through the clouds. He subconsciously shrank his shoulders: "It doesn't matter if you are so strong. How can a guy like me really dare to get involved?"

But soon, the man became happy again.

"Nandou! Song Shi! Post it now. No, don't rush, wait until I think of a headline that's interesting enough! By the way, I have to ask the guild to prepare the resource package for distribution!"

While humming, the man opened the app and called the bus shuttle. He couldn't wait to go back to the hotel to edit the video: "Haha! I'm so lucky in Dawo, right? I must make a hit this time and show it to everyone." Look!"


Song Shi pushed open the door of his residence and took a quick look. Lapis Lazuli hadn't come back yet.

So he turned on the light, entered the bathroom, took a shower under the ice water, changed his clothes again, and then snapped his fingers to evaporate all the water vapor from his body.

Song Shi sank into the sofa and tilted his head. The program on the online TV was still related to the Sun Celebration. He changed several channels in a row before finally getting a new one. It was a super competitive sports event. The theme of the event was "gambling". Specifically, Projects include but are not limited to poker, roulette, virtual horse racing, and interesting intellectual games.

After watching it for a while, player No. 4 was very lucky and got four 2s. Fortunately, his opponent exchanged a heavy-duty explosion-proof suit from the prop store before the official start of the event, so he was not killed. However, The card table was not so lucky, with flaming debris flying.

Song Shi yawned, turned off the TV, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.


Eleven days later.

When Song Shi had already digested the spiritual energy of Yao Xing San and Yu Pan Yi, a communication from the Enlightened One arrived.

——"Everything is ready."

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