Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 245 Parallel Imports New Religion and Power

Dawo was stunned for a moment.

Hey, should I fight Nandou?

Song Shi, the star of Enlightenment, is also worth killing.

At this moment, Dawo wished he could say: "Do you dare to disobey me, who has two million fans on the Internet?"

But the man's reason firmly locked him.

Dawo knelt down without hesitation and opened his mouth to say something. Judging from the shape of his mouth, it was probably related to "begging for mercy".

But the moment before the man was about to speak, a scorching light suddenly lit up from in front of him, burning all the unspoken words into ashes!

Song Shi just raised his hand.

The rushing red-gold flames instantly surged out, coiled around the five fingers, and in less than half a second, the red-gold flowing flames were released, turning into a majestic wave of flames that rolled down on the man.

It's like the sun falling into the earth.

As the flames rose, the scorching heat wave swept away in all directions. Within a radius of a hundred meters, the thick layer of frost that had accumulated for countless years melted in an instant.

No, not "melting."

Under the terrifying psychic flames, these filthy frosts covered with yellow and black scales had clearly skipped the "melting" process and directly "sublimated" into gas!

The accumulated dirt was burned away as the frost sublimated, leaving only pure steam filling the sky.

——In the absence of normal temperature rise, the sewage after the frost layer melts will flow across the water.

With just a gesture, this blow burned away all the dirt nearby, letting the frost fade away, turning it into an unprecedented, dry and refreshing pure land.

Then, he flipped his fingers.

Those arrogant and raging flames, under the unyielding will, all rushed to the right hand. Because they were too large and too fast, looking from a distance, it looked like a red-gold storm vortex, sweeping all the people away. The flames engulfed and condensed into the five fingers.

And at this moment.

These five fingers were hitting me at a speed that seemed slow but impossible to avoid!

Will he die?

Will die!

Dawo's whole body was covered with chills. He no longer thought about begging for mercy and tried his best to activate his spiritual energy.

——Psychic Skills·【Return to the Flood】!

——Psychic Skill·[Compression]!

——Psychic Skill·[Solidity Endowment]!


Like a big whale suddenly swallowing a drink, the steam that originally rose and spilled into the air suddenly gathered together and converged in front of Da Wo. He opened his hand in a slightly stiff posture, touching the tips of his ten fingers.

water flow.

A large amount of completely transparent water bursts out of thin air, and is instantly mixed with steam. It is continuously compressed and solidified, turning into an extremely flat and smooth "mirror" of more than ten square meters.

Yes, "mirror".

Under the power of spiritual energy, the water is still flowing, but it seems to be solid. All ripples on the surface are smoothed out, giving it a cold and hard color like glass.

Then, Dawo watched helplessly.

This defensive method that once withstood the hail of bullets to cover its withdrawal from a company's fighting area, even before it was completely touched, the "mirror" surface suddenly began to boil, and the original smoothness disappeared in an instant——

The next moment, when the five fingers really fell, they burned through the "mirror" easily.

Amid the terrifying burning sensation that hit his face, Dawo closed his eyes and acted like he was waiting to die.

"——Okay, stop pretending."

The second before the man was about to be burned, Song Shi calmly turned his right hand and pinched his fingers at will.

Following his movements, the terrifying heat that had just swept over the surroundings suddenly faded away, as if it were an hallucination.

The last ray of flame dissipated between the fingers.

"You know I won't really kill you, so why do you have to act funny and try to please others so that you can beg for mercy?"

"Aha." He couldn't tell whether it was caused by the high temperature or being too nervous. When Dawo opened his eyes, his face was covered with sweat: "Then what."

"When tracking and flirting with celebrities offline, even if the other party shoots the paparazzi, it will only end with a few credit points. You have the second level of psychic self-protection, so you won't die directly, but if the other party gives you a few You won’t be able to survive a lawsuit, and you’ll suffer a lot of blood.”

"So the person you are looking for is specially selected, and usually both parties have to communicate in advance and decide on a rough script. Since you still dare to come to me after recognizing me, you must have assessed the risk based on my personality profile. , thinking that I won’t kill you, that’s why you came out.”

Seeing that the other party casually stated all his thoughts, Dawo broke into cold sweat and forced a forced smile: "Yes, what I thought is similar to what you said. But to be honest, who can really trust personality portraits?" Evaluation and analysis? I really came to you with the idea of ​​taking risks."

"Then I have to praise your courage, or that you are not afraid of death?" Song Shi tilted his head.

"How should I put it? In our industry, if you are not alive, it is really no different from the dead. It is a slow death."

Dawo smiled bitterly and sighed: "Who will care about you if you are dead? If we want to have a good life, then the priority of our lives must be put later."

"Then you are very dedicated, so that's okay." Song Shi said noncommittally: "Guess the reason why I took action?"


Mentioning this, Dawo's cold sweat began to flow down again. He considered his words and said cautiously: "Then it's my fault to follow you."

Of course he knew why.

Being inexplicably noticed and followed along the street would make even an ordinary person angry, let alone a psyker with an opposing stance! If the other party didn't directly kill me just now, then it's just because he didn't lick the company's butt so hard in the past to accumulate reputation!

Dawo continued to observe the other party's expression as he spoke.

He thought about it again and again, and finally made up his mind, took a deep breath, and gritted his teeth and said: "What? If you are still not satisfied? I know I am used to fighting! In this way, I am willing to fight with you, just hoping that you will be a little more helpful. "Leave one"

His voice gradually became quieter.

Song Shi was silent for a moment.


He looked at the man in front of him, and his tone became weird: "Come on, you are a slut who is just a fake. If you change it to a more normal second ring, you won't be able to stop it. Okay, don't say this again." Something inexplicable.”

——[Dayuan] The road, the pinnacle of the second ring.

But the moment the two parties met, Song Shi had already recognized the truth.

This "Da Wo" is the most typical [Era of Dust Contract] psyker.

Cultivate a large number of believers who believe in themselves, purify and refine the latent spiritual energy of the latter, and turn them into their own power. This "convenient" path to power improvement was born thousands of years ago, and its most common form of existence is religion.

And now.

As a giant enterprise in advertising media, entertainment social networking, news and digital content production, [Dust Generation] controls a large number of virtual idols, artists, digital companions, well-known IP and other content. On this basis, they use big data analysis, user Portraits, emotions and mental guidance and control are used to cater to fans and create many "new religions".

The most common "new religion" is the fan group.

——Considering [fans] as [believers] can also follow this path of improvement!

[The Dust Contract Generation] has invested a lot in this path and has conducted quite in-depth research. A large number of related papers are published every year. It can be said that this is one of the fundamentals for their survival.

Obviously, as a big blogger under his jurisdiction, "Dawo" was given open permission to teach relevant rituals and application methods.

The effect is certainly gratifying. With two million fans on the Internet, "Dawo" has suddenly raised his psychic abilities to the peak of the second ring in the past few years, which is quite intimidating.

——The shortcomings are also obvious.


Even the ancient gods and Buddhas, these high-ranking psychics who had real achievements in spiritual energy, would worry about how to purify the latent spiritual energy of believers as much as possible and turn it completely into their own power, and be afraid of being entangled by too many wishes.

But "Dawo" is completely different.

He doesn't think about the consequences or refinement at all. He mainly treats his fans as family members, sucks them in hard, and doesn't reject anyone who comes. This spiritual energy at the peak of the second ring is indeed of sufficient magnitude, but its purity is ridiculously low, mixed with a lot of messy things.

In addition, he himself has no interest in fighting. When encountering situations where fighting is needed, he hangs his consciousness in the background and hands his body over to the tactical chip provided by [Dust Contract Generation] in his skull, relying only on a few preset sets inside. Combat strategies are used back and forth.

Add the two together.

When it comes to real combat power, the "Big Wo" in front of him is not necessarily a match for him, not to mention himself, even Dennis, the senior executive officer who drove an exoskeleton armor in Paloseri.

This second-level psychic power can hold him to death and show off his evil deeds on the street.

Whenever you encounter an expert, or even without an expert, as long as there is an ordinary third-level unit with a qualified combat quality, Dawo can be put into a difficult battle.

It's just that [Era of Dust Contract] doesn't care.

The power they give to the former is indeed not strong.

But we can also protect ourselves.

And self-preservation is enough.

For the mortal generation, for the corporate principles they live by.

The value of a big blogger with two million fans is much higher than that of a second-level psyker.

Strength represents power.

Too much power...

It makes people disobedient.

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