Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 244 Dawo Traffic and One Hit


Song Shi raised his eyebrows slightly.

Although he didn't go to the extent of directly changing his head with "biological materials", he still did some disguises when he went out - hood, mask, special face mask.

How come he was still recognized?

"Facial image recognition. No, that's not right."

Song Shi's eyes lingered on the man's eyes. The latter was obviously implanted with artificial eyes, and the specifications were not low.

"Is it representation analysis?" Song Shi seemed to be interested: "Then the question is, how do you have a database about me?"

Identification is not just a simple "facial image".

A person's breathing frequency, habitual walking posture, micro-gestures that even he ignores, habitual subconscious movements, and body center of gravity deviation tendencies are summarized and analyzed by the intelligent computing center, and the database is accumulated to "draw" the identity portrait.

Sometimes, even if a person wraps himself up like a dumpling, under the analysis and comparison of the database, the former is no different from being naked, and the disguise can be easily seen through and the true identity can be judged.

Song Shi knew it well.

——The company has definitely established its own data archive in this regard.

When I was in Palose, I left behind quite a lot of surveillance videos due to various restrictions. By disassembling these videos, the company's intelligent computing department can naturally generate its own representation model.

However, the camera equipment that can perform "representation analysis" is expensive. Considering the cost issue, the company cannot fill the streets with such high-performance surveillance, and it is often only set up in some confidential or high-value areas.

——From the company's "Song Shi" representation database.

——High-specification artificial eyes that can perform "representation analysis".

"I understand, it turns out to be a company person"

Song Shi gently opened his five fingers, and a stream of flames quietly emerged and lingered between his fingers.

"Wait, wait!" The man still raised one hand and pointed at his face with the other hand: "Brother Song Shi! Brother Song Shi! Don't you know me?"

Hearing this, Song Shi paused with his five fingers. He looked at the other person carefully and then said: "No, who are you?"

"Ah? I have more than two million fans on the entire network. Even if I am not as popular as you recently, that's still..."

The man was stunned for a moment, as if he was in self-doubt, but soon he realized the current situation and blinked hurriedly, and a projection popped up on his chest.

Song Shi quickly glanced at it. This is an electronic business card, [Nickname: Walter (same name on all platforms)], with more than two million fans on the entire network, offline PK practice godfather/this life only love fans/Demat martial arts love first person/Valhalla signed anchor/Fengxun annual new star

In view of the fact that the twenty or so titles hanging behind were almost squeezed out of the electronic business card frame, the young man decisively decided not to finish reading it.

"A person from the Dust Contract Generation." Song Shi retracted his gaze and nodded: "He is still a second-ring psychic, and even at the peak of the second ring."

"You appear in front of me to punish evil and promote good, and carry forward the glory of the company? Okay, I accept it-"

"No, no, no! Brother Song Shi! Song Shi's father! Biological father! Silicon-based father!"

Dawowowowowo. The man referred to as "Dawo" begged for mercy with a low tone: "Please don't play with me. I have heart disease and depression. I can't stand being frightened."

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Dawo spoke quickly and threw out the whole story.

As an anchor and blogger on Valhalla and Fengxun, in a sense, he can indeed be regarded as a company person of [Dust Contract Generation].

His main business projects are divided into two parts. One is to make videos as a blogger to comment on various current affairs, and the other is to find people to play PK offline as an outdoor anchor.

——And what really attracts his popularity is actually the second one.

Because the targets that Dawo looks for in offline PK are all celebrities, government officials, well-known bloggers, and artists. All of the above have served as his PK targets.

With the help of the intelligence resources of the anchor guild under the [Dust Pact Generation] behind him, Dawo can quickly obtain the approximate activity trajectory of these celebrities and rush to the corresponding area in advance.

On the other hand, Dawo borrowed money to exchange for a pair of high-specification artificial eyes that can do representation analysis, and at the cost of signing an exclusive contract, he got a set of representation databases of various celebrities from [Dust Pact Generation]. The combination of the two allows him to see at a glance the celebrities who are trying to visit incognito and hide their identities in the crowd - Song Shi, as the "Nan Dou", is one of them.

Then start live broadcast and play PK.

Dawo still has a sense of propriety in selecting people. Most of the celebrities who specifically look for him will not refuse - after all, the former has two million fans, and the two parties discuss and rehearse in advance, and then use the name of PK to eat some traffic together, and it will pass.

And now.

There is no doubt that under the vigorous promotion of Fubo Energy, [Sun Celebration] is one of the biggest hot spots in recent times.

Even if we don't count the singers, idols and celebrities from various fields who received official invitations, there are still many traffic figures who come to Zhuguang City in the name of "individuals".

A gathering of talents.

Dawo was sure of this, and while taking a set of the latest celebrity representation database, he flew to Zhuguang City overnight, intending to take a lot of traffic.

Today, Dawo originally planned to walk around the fifth district to see if he could arrest a few celebrities, but he really ran into the second most wanted criminal! Extreme armed terrorist! "Nandou" Song Shi!

"Well, it's like this"

Dawo rubbed his hands. Both of his hands were prosthetic limbs, but one was completely bionic and almost indistinguishable from a natural person. The other was a half-empty lightweight alloy prosthetic limb with a gaudy painting. It should be [Chronological Passage] 】The Max version of "Neon Color Master" produced a year ago.

"I have two million fans. Brother Song Shi, you have also been a top star for a while. Although your popularity has dropped a lot recently, it doesn't matter! It's because of this that we need to get more hype! Again Tell others once and for all who is the real master in the field of outdoor live broadcasting! ”

". Outdoor live broadcast?" Song Shi raised his eyebrows slightly.

Dawo explained: "Brother Song Shi, didn't you compete with Fubo Energy's armed forces on the live broadcast before? It was at the time of the geothermal power plant extension, and you killed that... uh... that woman in public."

Dawo hesitated for a moment. Considering that this was the City of Light, he still did not dare to say the name "Gloria Groden" directly.

He ignored it, with a look of envy on his face: "Isn't this called an outdoor live broadcast? It's a pure classic case. Our guild has reviewed and analyzed it several times in private. It's amazing, Brother Song Shi! You really deserve the popularity. eat!"

"Don't tell me whether I will agree to it or not."

Song Shi said with great interest: "If you do this with me, aren't you afraid that the Dust Contract will liquidate you for generations? You don't even need to do anything more. Just close your Fengxun account and send an email to Valhalla's live broadcast room. The breach of contract regulations of your various business cooperation are enough to make you bankrupt."

"It doesn't matter." Dawo shook his head repeatedly, pointed at himself, and said with a smile: "Everyone is tired of seeing the company's loyal dog who supports the company's butt every day. Everyone also needs to see some different and novel characters. Well, my personal position is to be anti-corporate, and if I cooperate with you, Brother Song Shi, [Era of Dust Contract] will be more satisfied.”

"This is to increase the diversity of the blogger pool of the Dust Contract Generation, fill up and meet the market demand. It's too late for the management to be happy. How could they really ban me?"

"Of course! I know that a real warrior like you, Brother Song Shi, may look down on me! But I still want to say a few words!" Dawo slapped his chest and said seriously: "To put it seriously, I think I I still contribute to your enlightened anti-corporate cause! At the very least, I am a propaganda tool for you, and I will not stop you!"

"If you don't believe me, you can go check it out. If I were really that kind of company loyal dog and a heinous bastard, I wouldn't dare to enter here! Isn't that asking for death?"

"Brother Song Shi! If we cooperate, I will eat the traffic, you will also eat the traffic, and at the same time, we will promote the Enlightenment. It is truly a win-win situation!" Dawo spoke quickly and quickly, as if he was excited by the idea. , a blush gradually appeared on his face: "Then what. If you think the effect is good, you can also introduce me to Cha Keluo. I have also admired this person for a long time."

Song Shi was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

"Your path is the Great Source, right?"

Dawo was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "I know I can't hide it from you, yes, the source of my power is water."

"I don't have any problem with you. I think it's okay if you cooperate."

"But you definitely can't cooperate just because you say you want to. This kind of free business is not conducive to the functioning of the market. I believe you know better than me."

"I understand, I understand, brother!" Dawo smiled and said, "What do you want? It's not that I'm stingy, but I think you may not value the credit..."

"It's easy to handle, everyone is a great source of friendship."

Song Shi slowly raised his hand and said with a smile, "Let me see how good you are."

"one strike--"

"Take my blow, and if you can block it, let's all eat up the traffic together."

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