"As we all know, the Sun Festival has always been centered on airships around the city, but there are also several branch venues on the ground. What is behind me now is the construction site of the third venue of this Sun Festival. It is said that the third venue of this year's Sun Festival The chief designer is Mr. Aizaki Toshi, the former chief art director of Yokoyamabo. Now please follow the camera and let us take a look together——"

In the live broadcast room, the reporter maintained a perfect and not annoying smile, dressed appropriately, and showed the audience the No. 3 venue in the final inspection stage with a very friendly image.

In addition to this formal live news broadcast, some self-media also received invitations and released videos about the Sun Celebration. Some well-known singers, actors, and virtual anchors have also been revealed one after another that they will participate in the Sun Celebration performances.

Various luxury brands of cosmetics, affordable luxury goods, electronic equipment, etc. have also launched related linkage products. Even several popular games under [Dust Contract Generation] have officially announced entertainment linkages with the theme of the Sun Celebration, launching a A series of limited-time human rights cards, fashion, offline check-in and other items.

Under Fubo Energy's overwhelming publicity and marketing offensive, the entire Zhuguang City was filled with a cheerful and moving atmosphere. No one even cared about the approaching general election of the ruling officials.

No, to be precise, "most people" don't care.

Since Fubo Energy took the lead in developing [Casting Light City] seventy years ago, the latter has become the undoubted center of the entire Rokal Plain. Therefore, almost every generation of mayor of Casting Light City also serves as the administrative head of the Rokar Administrative Region.

It can even be said that the mayor of Zhuguang City has a higher position and authority than the chief administrative officer of Rokar Administrative Region.

——Because it represents [Fubo Energy]’s trust in you and allows you to be qualified to be the confidant of a giant company!

Unfortunately, after a series of events such as internal strife within giant companies, four full-scale corporate wars, the Free Revolution, and the entry of Enlightened Ones, Fubo Energy's control over Zhuguang City gradually weakened.

With the support from the General Administration of Security, "Shang Qiu" accurately sensed the situation and served as mayor and chief executive for three consecutive terms for a total of 12 years. Little by little, the government of the Rocal region got rid of its pure vassal status——

At least it is no longer a complete vassal, but has some autonomy.

This blow to [Fubo Energy] is actually quite heavy.

In terms of "official government" claims, if in the heyday of Fubo Energy decades ago, even if the government of Zhuguang City, from the mayor to the clerks, were all determined to be anti-corporate, Fubo Energy would You can also clean up everyone and replace them with obedient people the next day.

Not to mention people, even a real "dog" according to biological classification, as long as Fubo Energy wants to, it can surely become the mayor of Casting Light City!

But it's different now.

First, Nanyu Heavy Industries and Zero Degree Network seized the opportunity during the all-out corporate war and intervened in Zhuguang City, forcing Fubo Energy to share part of its control with the former. Then in recent years, Enlightenment has strongly announced its presence, causing Fubo Energy to suffer a big setback.

In this case, the "official government" claim is no longer indifferent to Fubo Energy.

This is why they invested a large amount of political donations and promoted candidates for important positions such as mayors who were dependent on them, and at the same time they secretly promoted Joshua Groden to run for the position of justice.

No matter how flexible Shang Qiu is, no matter how strong the reputation she has accumulated over the past twelve years, according to the mayor's inauguration regulations, she cannot continue to be re-elected - Fubo Energy will take advantage of Shang Qiu's resignation to make a major change in the key officials of the Rokal regional government. The opportunity of a new election will bring everything back on track.

Let the obedient government of the past come back.

Let Fubo Energy be more convenient and free to do things.

"——So, we can't let you really hold the Sun Festival."

Song Shi leaned on the sofa, looked at the live broadcast room, and laughed softly.

The general election is just one and a half months away, and the Sun Celebration is set at this time. It is obvious that one of the main reasons is to build momentum. You know, the Enlightened Ones also secretly contacted some candidates and tried to cultivate high-ranking officials close to them.

If Fubo Energy can really do a good job in this solar celebration, and with their abundant resources and decades of influence in Rockall, after the election, I am afraid they can really make a big change in the city government.


Now that I have come and taken over the job, I can't let them go so smoothly again.

"Now we're just waiting for Chakoluo's preparations."

Song Shi thought to himself that the absorbed Yu Pan Yi and Yao Xing's three spiritual energies, which have been digested in the past few days, will naturally not be a problem by the time of the Sun Celebration.

As for the advance preparation for "promotion"... I can only say that there is no need to worry about it.


After thinking about it like this, I realized that I had nothing to do for the moment.

Song Shi thought for a few seconds and decided to go out.


The howling wind hit me all over my face, and the airflow at more than ten degrees below zero was as cold as a knife--it was not even an empty finger. It was mixed with scrap metal particles that were randomly discharged from factories and overflowed into the air. These howling cold winds could really To tear a natural person's face apart.

However, today's weather conditions are considered pleasant, and the wind is cold, but not to this extent.

Song Shi lives in District 5, which was originally the "neutral relaxation zone" between the company and Qiming. However, after the extension of the geothermal power plant was deployed, Qiming has begun to use the extension to expand its sphere of influence here.

But even if the Enlightened Ones had already made a lot of plans, this level of action could not be realized in a short time, so the Fifth District still retains a considerable past style.

Song Shi strolled around with interest for a while and really felt the strong festive atmosphere. The shops along the street were full of traditional Rocale ornaments such as sun emblems and orange flags.

To be more precise, these are all holographic projections - the city government issued a bunch of free holographic projection models and required shops on the streets to download them to their respective holographic billboards to highlight the arrival of the Sun Festival.

"You have been following me for so long, and you are not going to talk?"

Until one moment, at a remote and dilapidated alley, Song Shi suddenly stopped.

He turned his head and looked behind.

After a brief calm, a man who was originally disguised as a passerby walked out next to a rusty old car that had been parked on the side of the road for who knows how long and was covered with dust.

His clothes were not luxurious, just ordinary casual clothes, and he also wore a down jacket with a built-in electric heating device and filled with artificial down on the outside - in Zhuguang City, the latter is the most popular type of clothing.

"- Name, origin, intention."

Song Shi stood still, glanced at the man, and said concisely: "Run and die."

Hearing the other party's words, the man who was still considering his words raised his hands instantly: "Wait, wait! I have no ill intentions! Absolutely no ill intentions!"

Seeing that the young man was unmoved and his five fingers seemed to be about to raise, the man took a deep breath and said seriously.

"- You are 'Nandou', Song Shi, right?"

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