Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 242 Venture Capital

"--How does it feel?"

The TV suddenly turned on spontaneously, and after a brief flicker as if the signal was poor, a humanoid silhouette made of glass and full of radiance appeared.

Its modeling accuracy is so high that even in the latest large-scale virtual online game "Poetry of Movaro" launched by [Dust Contract Generation], those character models that claim to use the latest pseudo-simulation graphics technology and are carefully designed and generated, in It also seemed dwarfed by it.


At this moment, looking at the man in front of the TV, the humanoid snorted: "Are you looking for a sense of presence here?"

"You can think so." Chakoluo spread his hands and said, "Anyway, I don't think your theater can have such a talent."

"I don't know anything about technology. I rely on psychic energy to dive into the abyss." The other party sneered: "Even if you really give it to our theater, we won't accept it. Do you know what a devil is?"

"True?" Chakoluo smiled half-heartedly.

The other party's tone remained unchanged, and his voice was loud: "Of course it's the truth!"

"And having said that, Song Shi is not one of your enlightened ones at all." It said: "You don't think that he will really join you, do you?"

"How can it be."

Chakoluo casually peeled a nut: "If he could change his mind so easily, he wouldn't be able to reach this level. We are all the same unrepentant people, Borage."

"——Don't count me in."

The "person" called [Borage] waved his hands repeatedly: "I am used to compromising."

"Then you compromise all the way to the Lord of the Abyss? Compromise all the way to the person behind the theater?" Chakoluo shook his head: "If you were really used to compromising, you would never have given me the information about the Sun Celebration."

——One of the people behind the well-known hacker organization [Theatre].

——Depth 5 Demon, [Borage].

At this moment, the person who was talking to Chakoro turned out to be an abyss lord!

"A compromise is a compromise. If you can add insult to injury, you should try your best to add insult to injury."

Borage said sternly: "Zero Degree Network and Fubo Energy have signed a joint defense agreement. The friends of my enemy are my enemies. I cannot let them have an easy time."

"Also." After a pause, Borage added: "Fubo Energy will provide preferential treatment for the people of the Rokal area in the next quarter. I can only say that when I found this confidential file in their database, I spent a lot of money. The strength is not low, but it is not very high either.”

"A double-edged sword reserved for special use."

Chakoluo said it for the other party: "It's just that for them, both sides of this sword are covered with honey."

If the enlightened ones are not aware, on the day of the celebration, after Ishua announces policies to benefit the people, the latter will eat up the enlightened people's contributions and turn them into their own huge reputation.

For Fubo Energy, their corporate image will be improved, and for Ishua personally, the position of the next "Justice" will also be confirmed.

And if the enlightened ones really find a way to get this information, they will be ready to intervene.

Then, Fubo Energy, Zero Degree Network and Southern Region Heavy Industries, which have already prepared their armed forces, will happily accept the Enlightenment members who take the bait and inflict heavy damage without hesitation.

The last time the geothermal power plant was deployed, Enlightenment took the initiative.

This time at the Solar Celebration, Fubo Energy fought back, tightly controlling the initiative and waiting for both “beneficial” outcomes.

In these years of struggle, the two sides have come and gone like this countless times, but most of the time, the enlightened ones encountered the latter - the real master of the corporate alliance. After all, he still occupies the sky and overlooks the nine mortal world. A giant enterprise.

"No matter how much honey you apply, this is still a sword."

At this moment, Chakoluo said calmly: "Fubo Energy is confident that it can eat honey from any side, but it never thought that its tongue would be sliced ​​open by the sword blade."

"Even I didn't expect that Song Shi would be promoted to the third ring so quickly. How could they have expected it?" The man said one word at a time, "No matter how many plans they made, they would never have calculated such a parameter change."

"You have such confidence in him?" Borage seemed a little surprised: "No matter how talented he is, he has just been promoted to the third ring, and you let him jump directly into a battlefield of this intensity."

"Be careful of premature death." It said: "Have we not seen too many geniuses die suddenly?"

"This is the reason why you have been lingering in front of the fifth ring door, but you are never allowed in." Chakoluo paused: "One of..."

"Are you blaming me again?" Borage got angry and snorted unhappily: "Okay, since you have such a high opinion of him, I won't say anything else. I wish you success."

"It's really 'us'."

Chakoluo nodded: "Leave first, you are not suitable to appear in Casting Light City now."

A depth 5 [Lord of the Abyss].

What's more, he is also the behind-the-scenes controller of [Theatre], and he is considered a strong player even among the abyss lords.

Such an existence is naturally the strength of a fifth-level unit, and theoretically should never enter Casting Light City. It's just that "Borage" played a roundabout way, using his personal name and remote incarnation to sneak into Zhuguang City's network online and pry into Fubo Energy's database.

Fubo Energy has indeed found some trouble.

But that's all. If the action goes further, the situation may get out of hand and lead to chaos.

"Kick people away after getting the information? The company's public relations department is not as fast as you."

Liuli said: "Chakoro, don't tell me, you really intend to abide by this "armed force limit" rule? Are you stupid?"

"Let me reveal that Fubo Energy has rented the near-earth orbit service of Time Pass, and stuffed a lot of experts on it, waiting day and night, just waiting to seize the opportunity to parachute to Zhuguang City."

"I know." Chakoro said: "They also know that I know."

The man said lightly: "So none of them dared to come down."

"Although Zhuguang City is large, it can definitely not withstand the melee of multiple level 5 units." He shook his head: "Both Fubo Energy and I have concerns, but as long as I am still Here, their little tricks can only be "little tricks" forever. "

"I believe in my members, and I believe in Song Shi. They can do it if I leave it to them."

"Liuji, my suggestion is that you can also try to trust them."

Liuji shrugged indifferently: "So far, I have trusted a total of 18 stocks, and all of them have lost everything... I have PTSD, so I dare not trust them again."

"But since you said so, I'd better get it early. You know how to contact me, and notify me if you need it."

With a snap, the TV screen went out, and after a few breaths, the original program reappeared.

Cha Keluo glanced at it and sat back in his chair.

He did have some personal friendship with Liuji, but that friendship was far from the current level where the other party was willing to really make an effort and face the giant enterprise.

--In essence, the other party's current behavior and promise is a venture capital.

The other party does have a grudge against Zero Degree Network, and just happened to have the intention of making friends with the Enlightened One-mainly because the latter has two fifth-ring psychics sitting in charge.

Therefore, with the overlap of the two, it was able to pry open the information about the Sun Festival and promised to take action when the situation changed later.

Chakolo raised his head and stared at the ceiling.

Above the ceiling, above the artificial sky covering the inner city.

The light energy matrix built with trillions of resources as always covered the sky in all directions.

The man raised his hand, and then slowly clenched it.

"It won't be long..."

Although the title of the book is very Feilu, the content and temperament of this book belong to the pure infinite flow. What's more, the infinite flow sub-type of this book is my favorite type, which is very happy.

The author said in the testimonials that the performance is not very good, so I recommend it here. After all, this type of work is really one less book to read. If it is abandoned, where should I go to read it?

As for the content, in short, this is a story about a reincarnation on the side of force bombing all the infinite worlds and infinite masters - powerful! Dominant! Magnificent!

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