The air seemed to stand still.

Then, Yu Xingyi's brows gradually widened.

"Okay, let me think"

The woman pressed her temples, as if she was distressed. She sighed deeply and showed a friendly smile: "When was the last time you said, 'The days are long'?"

"A month or two ago." Song Shi also laughed, and he flipped the gun carelessly: "How do you feel?"

"I think we are very destined."

The bracelet on Yu Xingyi's wrist trembled slightly, as if it was about to move, but with a gentle touch from the owner, the particles returned to calm.

"My colleagues with big noses don't understand the meaning of 'fate'." She smiled and said: "Fortunately, I still have you, as long as you understand. Look, we can still meet under such inexplicable circumstances."

"It's fate." Yu Xingyi clasped her hands together and said sincerely: "Can you please tell me who disappeared here just now?"

"Who's gone?"

Song Shi tapped his index finger on the blade without stopping: "Don't you already have the answer? Don't you agree that this aspect is the most sensitive?"

"Or are you going to tell me that as a demon from Zero Degree Network, you haven't browsed its files?"

"You must have seen it before," Yu Chuyi said faintly, "That's why it's scary."

There is no need to "look around" anymore.

Under the psychic perception of [Consensus], just standing here, she could feel that there was an indescribably strong "power" filling every corner, pressing down on her from top to bottom, left and right. Come!

Even if there were only a few remnants, the will contained in this momentum still made her whole body tremble unconsciously.

Without the need for any action, the field formed by this residual potential is enough to make the first-level "consensus" who are trying to develop perception instantly fall into coma. Their minds cannot withstand this level of oppression.

Of course Yu Chuyi is not like this.

Although the other party's residual oppression was strong, it was not a problem for her. Instead, it was a very clear sample.

During the few breaths of contact, I retrieved the files I browsed in the past and compared them with my feelings at the moment.

The woman had already figured out the answer in her heart: "The only leader of the omnics, 'Legion', Yao Xing San. How scary."

"But please let me make an irresponsible guess. The person here is not that person, right?"

Yu Xuyi's eyes moved and stayed on the lapis lazuli in the distance: "Ah, by the way, what should I call you now? 'Lapis Lazuli' or 'Atal'?"

"——You already knew my identity?"

Lapis Lazuli was silent for a moment, then slowly spoke.

Its voice was low and indifferent, and the several modules spread out around it kept rising and falling. The tide of gravity had long been accumulated, flashing dangerous light patterns.

"It depends on how you define 'know'."

As if the front was not a gravity cannon ready to go, but an orderly lecture theater, Yu Xingyi smiled and explained the question cordially: "Do you still remember the first time we met? Four months ago, Depth 2's network Yu, if you see me turning around, run away."

"You run away from me and I chase you, and you hide from me and find me. This is the consensus of the second ring." Yu Xuyi sighed: "After chasing for so long, I can more or less 'see' something of yours."

"It just so happens that Zero Degree Network has always advocated that 'information is power'. We have the most comprehensive database, and it just so happens that I have some browsing rights. So I spent some time in the database, and basically I can figure it out."

"——The follower of Yao Xing III, the transcendent of the fourth ring, 'Meteor' Atal."

She gently spread her hands: "To be honest, even our Zero Degree Network thought you died back then. After all, you broke into the battlefield of the fifth ring. Ah, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to make fun of you. I admire you very much.”

"A fourth-level psyker can serve as an absolute top-level person no matter where he is, but you are able to abandon it completely, risking your own life and death, just to buy time for Yao Xing III." Yu Xingyi suddenly fell into deep thought, and she pinched He pinched his chin: "Hey, is this the wonder of transcendence?"

"The goal is to capture me and seize the assets." Lapis Lazuli ignored most of the other party's words and extracted the key points.


Yu Pangyi raised her finger and corrected her patiently: "If it were true that the assets were seized for the company, I wouldn't be the only one chasing you."

Hearing this, Lapis Lazuli couldn't help but be startled.

Suddenly, it realized something: "How did you get here?!"

Yu Zhangyi opened his palm, and an iron forked key slowly took shape: "Just like you, of course you rely on the 'key' to come in openly."

Seeing the key, Lapis Lazuli was silent for a moment, and then his voice began to lose its emotion: "The key needs to be verified by both parties at the same time as the identity of the holder."

"Yes. Of course yes, of course I count as the holder."

Facing the gaze of the omnic in front of him, as if he had finally waited for these words, Yu Xuyi arched his eyebrows and smiled happily.

She smiled and pointed her index finger to her temple: "——They are all in here."

"I can hear the cry of every soul. Do you know that at this moment, they are calling your name." Yu Xiyi's red pupils gradually lit up. She turned her head, listened to the cry in her ears, and repeated it : "Atal Atal. Are you okay? Run away quickly? Escape? Leave her?"


The indigo light flashed in an instant, and the essence of "gravity" roared silently, turning into a gravity field bombardment that was enough to crush a shuttle!

The area with a radius of two meters where Yu Jiyi stood instantly cracked and sank.

But the woman was no longer here.

"Are you going to do it now? Don't you plan to reminisce about the past?"

Yu Jiyi's figure was like cotton wool, and she landed lightly on her toes and stood firm again not far away.

It can be seen that as she landed, white phantoms emerged from the air and drifted in the wind.

Except for the faces, the bodies of these phantoms were like mist, drifting away invisibly - and their faces, some were blurred, as if they had been rubbed with sandpaper, and some were still very clear and lifelike.

——Psionic Skills · [Spirit Servant].

——Psionic Skills · [All-Seeing Eye].

The consciousness of the devoured is transformed into servants, and then on the basis of these spirit servants, the [All-Seeing Eye] for observation is added to them, thus realizing an "all-seeing network" that is far beyond the norm and more than ten times that of a single person.

Therefore, under the "all-seeing network", all information in the environment is revealed without a trace.

Lapis Lazuli's gravity bombardment just now was also "predicted".

"Lapis Lazuli, don't interfere, leave this person to me."

Song Shi slowly raised the heavy murder.

As if taking into account the other party's difficult emotions due to Yu Jiyi eating the intelligent machine, the young man paused for a moment and said, "Okay. If I am not her opponent and I am going to lose, then you don't have to worry about it, just find an opportunity to go together."

"When discussing tactics, can you avoid me a little bit?"

Yu Jiyi sighed and stroked the head of a spirit servant, who looked like a little girl, rubbing the other party's hand obediently.

"Have you forgotten our tradition? Only the dead need to avoid it. But since you want it, I will help you realize it."

The red-gold flames wrapped around the long sword, and in a trance, the air nearby actually made a slight crackling sound.

The young man flexed his knuckles and smiled.

"——Nan Dou, Song Shi."

After a short silence, Yu Jiyi blinked: "Just like in the video, you really like this set, okay, okay."

The corners of the woman's mouth had already risen.

It was as if the long-awaited feast had finally begun.

She smiled and said calmly: "A mob... Yu Jiyi."

——The next moment, the two disappeared at the same time!

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