Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 228: Lord of the Abyss

“——This is the last question.”

When he finally seized the opportunity, he forcibly embedded the “zero-day vulnerability” into the system, using it as a stepping stone to launch the erosion program in “frames”, which quickly spread.

You can see the surroundings of Yu Jiyi.

The surface of the wall, which was originally dazzling and made of indestructible gems, seemed to have a large number of moldy spots, but in an instant, the gem walls dissolved and collapsed, turning into pools of sewage with mixed colors.

——This “maze program” used for imprisonment was completely broken.

Yu Jiyi gently turned her right hand, and the nearby sewage suddenly squirmed, and tiny black particles jumped out of the water and rushed towards her like a tide.

In a few breaths, these particles connected and condensed to form a bracelet, obediently wrapped around the woman’s slender wrist.

Each of these particles is a tool program she often uses, including self-proliferating erosion worms, "Basil III" decoder, "White Falcon" patrol guard, "Door Bolt" self-stress counterattack trap, "Force IV" deflector, "Red Dragon Breath" icebreaker, and "Parasitic Pavilion" neural circuit implant program.

It is said that in the early days of the Internet, hackers were known as "wizards", and the programs they used were "spells" that could call the shots in the world of the Internet and achieve all kinds of incredible effects.

After the Seven Lands War ended and the [Abyss] was born, [Demon] replaced wizards and became a more common name for hackers.

However, according to some unconfirmed rumors circulating on the Internet, it is said that the King of Hackers [Ogden Christopher] prefers to be called a wizard.

Yu Jiyi can answer this question.

The answer is true.

As a high-net-worth talent cultivated by [Zero Degree Network], a Depth 4 demon, she even went to the company headquarters, where she received some instruction from Dwight Brooks, Depth 6, the King of the Abyss, "Lord of the Ten Domains".

During that time, she also heard a lot of secrets.

One of them was that [Ogden Christopher] really preferred the title of wizard.

But what she really cared about was that her theoretical top-top-top-top boss had told her in person.

- As the King of the Abyss of Depth 6, he was not as good as Ogden in terms of pure technology.

"So, his title is the 'King of Hackers'."

Yu Jiyi thought.

Looking at the whole world, the network technology of the corporate alliance is the most prosperous, and Zero Degree Network is at the forefront of it.

Dwight's skills are inferior to Ogden, but only to him. Apart from Ogden, as one of the masters of the Zero Degree Network, he is the strongest king of the abyss, the strongest demon in the world -

However, in front of the title of [King of Hackers], even the "King of the Abyss" seems a little dim.

Yu Jiyi raised her eyes and looked around.

Deep in the crimson pupils, complex and complicated data flows flashed.

She was thinking about something.

The design idea of ​​this network domain is very ingenious. Although the technology is backward in the specific application construction due to the age, it still has a high value.

The next stage of the demon, the prerequisite for becoming an [Lord of the Abyss], is to control a network domain of your own and turn it into a demon's territory in the abyss.

——This is also the reason why [Lord of the Abyss] is so difficult.

Conventional hackers, even if they have outstanding skills, are still severely restricted by the shackles of hardware.

When they face the company's network security department employees, even if the latter are a little weaker in technology, they rely on the company's massive computing power support, high-end implants and equipment, and real-time logistics analysis to launch a tsunami offensive, and the former mostly end in failure.

Online consciousness is imprisoned, offline IP is broken, armed forces descend from the sky, physically arrested, and dozens of guns are pointed at the head. Either you will be a company dog ​​in the future or be shot on the spot.

But [Lord of the Abyss] is different.

The requirement for the Lord of the Abyss is depth 5, which means that their psychic realm is in the third or fourth ring. Even if they are not good at fighting, they can ignore most of the conventional armed forces with this intensity of psychic power.

——But the real horror of the Lord of the Abyss is the "territory" they control!

If it is said that at depth 1, depth 2, and depth 3, ordinary people can still try to dive for a short time with equipment, technology and will, then from depth 4, the abyss is an absolute forbidden place for non-psychics.

As for Depth 5, if it is not a demon, but just relying on pure psychic energy, then even a third-ring psychic cannot stay for long - if it lasts a little longer, the latter's mind and psychic energy will be polluted, and even irreversible distortion will occur.

Zero Degree Network has conducted an experiment, forcing an ordinary person to sink into Depth 5. Even for a short moment, the latter's consciousness will collapse, and the body in the deep diving chamber in reality will be destroyed, or simply deformed into a monster.

Even with the restrictions of [Domain Firewall], Depth 5 can still affect "reality" from "virtual".

And using themselves as a medium, the Abyss Lord can greatly enhance and spread this influence!

On their own territory, in the Abyss domains they control, they have built virtual server units, computing resource libraries, intelligent control centers, etc. - these virtual creations that originally only existed on the Internet will become real creations under the influence of the Abyss!

No longer constrained by the hardware in the base reality, the Abyss Lord is a huge data center.

——It is precisely by virtue of the combination of psychic power, technology and territory.

[Abyss Lord] is qualified, and even giant companies must pay attention to it!

Financial disruption, information interference, public opinion control, intelligence attack and defense. Now that the network is spread across every industry and field, for companies, under the premise of having anti-company tendencies, the threat rating of an [Abyss Lord] is far greater than that of a simple fourth ring.

This network domain is very valuable

Yu Jiyi's five fingers shook slightly unconsciously.

Although it has not been long since she was promoted to Depth 4, there is still a long way to go before entering Depth 5, but as early as when she was in the Cultivation Academy, she was used to planning in advance, and now this network domain, she is quite excited.

If this is the territory.

Yu Jiyi's thoughts suddenly withdrew, she raised her eyes and looked into the distance.

The woman frowned slightly, and a little surprise appeared on her face.

From the keen perception of [consensus].

The ripples just now, what existence. Disappeared?

She thought for a moment, no longer hesitated, stretched out her hand, as if pushing open an invisible door, and as if pulling back a curtain.

In the abyss, the concept of "distance" has long been separated from the physical meaning.

The broken and corrupted gemstone maze completely collapsed, and the surrounding environment quickly changed in the flying crystal debris.

In a few breaths, a new scene came into view.

The wind-eroded marble column rose, the circuit cables with the skin bursting were scattered on the ground at will, and the iron giant tree grew wantonly--

Behind the giant tree.

The straight blade inserted into the ground trembled slightly, and next to it, a black-haired young man stood.


——The other party was looking at him.

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