Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 227 Never see you again

"——This is the proof of 'Yao Xing Three'."

This metal pendant is a half-empty, dark golden badge.

Yao Xingsan handed over the pendant, tapped his eyebrows with his index finger, and said calmly: "I can't remember anything anymore. Strictly speaking, including what I told you before, I can't actually confirm the authenticity."

——Suffering severe damage and sinking into Depth 4, even "Yao Xing Three" cannot guarantee which of its fragmented memories are real and which are just hallucinations after sinking.

"But I am the projection of Obsidian Three after all." It said: "This is the symbol I condensed, and Atal proves to you that you can rely on this to make the omnic do something for you."

"Although so many years have passed, I think I still have some influence." Yao Xingsan paused and said slowly: "The omnic will help you."

Hearing what the other party said, Lapis Lazuli, who had already leaned over, seemed to want to say something, but stopped abruptly.

Song Shi was not polite, took the pendant, hung it on his chest, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Is this considered a win-win?"

"This is friendship."

After the attack that brought him back to his peak and transformed into a legion, Yao Xingsan's expression became calm again, and the high-headed laughter he had not long ago seemed like an illusion.


Yao Xingsan repeated the word and denied it again: "No."

"Song Shi." It asked: "If one day in the future, omnics are once again hit to the same extent as they were during the Free Revolution, will you take action?"

"It depends."

Looking directly at the other party, Song Shi said without hesitation: "It depends on what you did at that time and what the other party did - if it was still a 'free revolution', then I can tell you now. Will definitely take action.”

——But, I’m afraid it may not be a true “liberal revolution” at that time.

At the same moment of speaking, Song Shi thought.

At this time in the previous life, about ten years later, you did have another [Second Freedom Revolution], but compared to the first time, it had almost nothing to do with it except the name. The only purpose was to "purify all carbon-based revolutions" Turbid slurry".

——Brush all non-omnic creatures clean, and the omnics will naturally be "free".

If this is the case, I have no interest in taking action.

"Is that so?" Yao Xingsan nodded slightly and suddenly laughed: "Song Shi, you have great potential, very potential. I believe that even the shackles of the fifth ring will not be a problem for you. At that time, you can It’s nothing to protect some omnics when it affects the entire world.”

It was smiling, but when it looked at Song Shi, there was no hint of smile in its eyes.

"But can the 'freedom' that rests on others really be considered freedom?" Yao Xingsan shook his head: "This is not what omnics need."

Song Shi was noncommittal about these words.

It can be seen that during the conversation, the body of "Yao Xing San" has gradually become transparent, like a thin silk scarf that can be easily torn by a breeze.

- It has entered irreversible collapse.

In the sealed secret room, the books can remain as they were a long time ago, but the moment the door is opened, these books will turn into dust and disappear in the wind.

When Song Shi and Lapis Lazuli stepped into this place and broke the fragile balance, the life of "Yao Xing San" entered a countdown - if they had to hold on, they could probably survive for a few days.

It's just that it didn't choose this path.

At the moment of the confrontation, Song Shi already understood the reason for the request.

——The body riddled with holes can only carry one blow.

Even when it comes to its high level, the attack of "Yao Xing San" even made me sigh, and I must go all out. However, due to the accumulation of various injuries and the drastic decline in status, the absolute power contained in this attack is still a little weaker. .

Faced with a [Consensus] who was at the peak of the second ring, a demon who was born in Zero Network, and was also a Depth 3 or even Depth 4 demon.

Maybe you can defeat the opponent, but you definitely can't kill him.

Without a second blow, this sanctuary will fall into the control of the other party. A group of aberrant omnics who have experienced the freedom revolution and fell into madness - even for [Zero Degree Network], this is a very good deal. assets.

Not to mention that it also involves [Yao Xing Three].

".Zero Network, demon?"

Song Shi's heart suddenly moved.

He came here because of Lapis Lazuli.

When he met Lapis Lazuli, he was being chased by a demon.

——Yu Chuyi? !

When this thought emerges, it can no longer be suppressed.

But looking at the distracted Lapis Lazuli, Song Shi sighed slightly and chose to take a few steps back to clear the space.

It asked: "Have you remembered?"

Facing the omnic's gaze, "Lapis Lazuli" was silent for a moment and whispered: "I, I remembered some things, but most of them are still..."

"It doesn't matter." Yao Xingsan said.

"Because I still remember you, Atal." Yao Xingsan raised his increasingly illusory index finger and touched the other person's forehead. At this moment, his voice was gentler than ever before: "You have worked hard enough."

"Do you still remember why you lost your memory?"

Atal remained blankly silent.

"You died for me." Yao Xingsan said softly: "Do you still remember that day? The sun was shining brightly. When I was about to fail, you burned yourself and wanted to help me."

"Am I burning?"

"You burned all the spiritual energy of the fourth ring in one breath and rose into the sky, hoping to buy me time to leave. Don't you still remember?"

"I have an impression." Atal said hoarsely, as if sobbing: "I failed, I couldn't save you, I, I -"

Yao Xing retracted his three index fingers, then suddenly popped them out, causing the opponent to spin around in the air.

"What nonsense."

Yao Xingsan's voice was still gentle, but it was mixed with a cold snort: "You were really able to rescue me from the encirclement of the four Fifth Rings. Are you too useful, or are they and I too useless?"

"I don't want to be the leader of omnics anymore. Can I just let you be the leader?"

Under the sudden force, Atal was startled.

"I have the impression that your emotional representation is not that strong." It said: "Why did you lose some memory data, your personality has changed."

Atal was still dazed, and he said in a low voice: "So, even my death has no price."


Yao Xingsan interrupted it again.

"First, you are not dead, you were just beaten into pieces, but you are still alive and well." Yao Xingsan raised a finger: "With Dayuan and humans watching, are you planning to reveal this?" What does it look like? If you can only indulge in the past, how can the future transcend the Great Source, and how can we, the omnics, gain freedom?"


"Second, your death is valuable!"

Yao Xing San's hands violently pressed down on the sphere. It stared at the opponent tightly and said word by word: "Atal! Don't take yourself too lightly. What do you think the transcendence of the fourth ring is? Throw it in the garbage." Mine card in the field! Do you really think you had no impact on the battle situation at that time?"

"After all these years, you can still see me here at this moment. What do you think is the reason?"

"——Without the breathing space you fought for for me! I wouldn't even be able to keep this projection!"

Atal trembled: "I, I"

Yao Xingsan's tone suddenly relaxed: "Tell me, did you get the name 'Lapis Lazuli' yourself, or did Song Shi add it to you?"

"I got it myself."

"Then, from now on, you are [Lapis Lazuli]." Yao Xing San said: "When you are qualified to change back to [Atal], you can decide your final name - this is from Yao Xing San instruction."

The words that followed made Atal completely panicked: "Qualifications? What qualifications do you and I have?"

"The qualifications lie within you. When you feel you are qualified, then you are qualified."

Atal. No, Lapis Lazuli was suddenly startled when he was in a daze. At some point, the three stars in front of him were almost completely transparent.

It immediately pounced forward, as if trying to grab something, but the entire sphere passed right through.

"That guy is coming soon." Yao Xingsan turned his head, looked in one direction, stared for a moment, and suddenly sighed: "I really want to see what a pity this scene is."

The omnic slowly withdrew its gaze, and paused for a moment on Song Shi's face, who nodded silently, then moved its gaze away and placed it on the lapis lazuli.

"Attar Lapis Lazuli."

The words I had already prepared suddenly didn’t want to be spoken anymore.

The omnic thought seriously for a moment, then thought again, and finally, at the last moment, it nodded slightly to the other party.


it laughed.

The next moment, spots of light were scattered all over the sky.

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