Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 223 Shadow of the Past

——Yao Xing San.

——【Yao Xing San】?

Twenty-two years ago, he unified the thoughts of all the intelligent machines with his own strength, and he was born out of nowhere, and he passed away like a meteor.

Even in the freedom revolution that swept across most of the world with the death of countless forces and individuals, the name 【Yao Xing San】 is the most eye-catching existence!

He defeated the "Nest Master" Modorat, who was also a fifth-ring transcendent and a 【pure white creature】, and deterred all parties. In the name of "free will", he liberated a large number of intelligent machine experimental institutions of various forces, and built a giant ring island "Pingdengtian" in the deep sea, intending to make it the home of intelligent machines. As the leader of intelligent machines, he negotiated with Ye Nan and the Pan-Eastern Continental Union.


When it rose from the mountains and broke into the atmosphere, it ended in a shocking battle, and the burning wreckage turned into overflowing sparks, crossing the sky.

"Pingdengtian" turned into dust in the flash of space-based weapons and sank into the sea. The escaped intelligent machines were captured one by one and stuffed back into the cage. The once grand "Freedom Revolution" came to an end in a disintegration.

And now.

——"Yaoxing San", right in front of him? !

Song Shi stared at the human figure in front of him and wanted to say something, but he paused for a moment and chose to give up temporarily.

Because of the lapis lazuli, the black sphere kept trembling. It seemed to want to get closer, but it seemed to be in panic and could not move.

Song Shi could feel the other party's emotions.

He clearly felt that the other party was filled with ripples of "panic" and "sadness". This was also the first time he felt a complete emotional fluctuation from the other party.

"You can survive and we have a chance to meet again. This is good and I am very happy."

Yaoxing San's voice was not as tired and painful as imagined. On the contrary, its tone was steady and calm. The iron thorns tightly wrapped around and penetrated into the mechanical body seemed to have no effect on it.

It raised its head.

Even though most of its head had disappeared, revealing the equally unbearable mechanical structure inside, this tattered body was still filled with an indescribable beauty.

Looking down at the sphere below, it said quietly: "Long time no see, Attar."


Song Shi repeated it in his mind.

Is this the real name of "Lapis Lazuli"?


Hearing these words, Lapis Lazuli froze in place. For a while, only these words were repeated back and forth in the sound it made, as if it was whispering.

While Lapis Lazuli was frozen, Yao Xingsan slightly turned his sight and looked at the young man beside him.

"The 'Brown Swamp Lizardman' on the first day is my psychic skill." The omnic said slowly: "However, neither you nor Lapis Lazuli recognized it - the situation is similar to what I guessed."

"So I didn't show up these days, just waiting for you here."

"That lizardman?"

Song Shi certainly didn't forget that thing. If he was only interested in the special structure of the lizardman like a "projection" on the first day, then in the following ten days, under the unified distorted omnic opponents, the former was a huge abruptness.

A "lizardman" that appeared in the omnic and was out of place.

I discussed this with Lapis Lazuli privately, but after a discussion, I gave up because of insufficient information.

- Now it seems that this is indeed a problem?

"Yes, the psychic skills of 'Yao Xing San' are built around 'projection'." Yao Xing San nodded gently, and with this action, the nearby iron thorns were driven to tighten a little: "Intelligent machinery and projection, these two features appear at the same time, which can become a very obvious hint... It was originally like this."

". Psychic skills."

Song Shi chewed on the other party's words, and after a few brief thoughts, the clues and things that were a little hazy in the past suddenly became clear, and they were quickly connected to outline a more accurate outline.

After a long time, he slowly exhaled: "So that's it."

Yao Xing San was also slightly startled, as if he didn't expect the other party to know the "truth", but soon, he moved this thought away and told the established words.

"Why did the Freedom Revolution fail? You should have read the information." When saying "failed", the tone of the intelligent machine was still calm: "Because I lost, I lost under their siege."

"I can't remember who it was. I just remember that the sun was very bright that day."

Yao Xing San's remaining eyeball turned upwards, as if he could see through the square and see the real sky above, trying to find a ray of sunshine: "In short, I lost."

"Then, the 'revelation' of the fifth ring took action."

Song Shi followed the other party's line of sight and raised his head.

The sunlight was not reflected in the depths of the young man's pupils-only suddenly, as if crossing time, on a certain day twenty-two years ago, from the sky, a silhouette that was more dazzling than the sun slowly turned something.

"He erased the traces of 'Yao Xing San', but as the leader of the omnics and a fifth-ring psychic, Yao Xing San's status was too high, and even if it was the fifth-ring [revelation], he could only erase part of it."

"In addition to this erasure from psychic power, the major forces also subtly eliminated the influence of 'Yao Xing San' through public opinion manipulation and information control"

The first recognized leader of the omnics, the first fifth-ring omnic, the first omnic to lead the rebellion

With all these identities, deeds, and stories, Yaoxing San is no longer just "Yaoxing San".

Even if it is dead, it will still become an eternal banner, and will be revived in the future resistance of intelligent machines and come to the world again.

—— In a sense, it is even more threatening than the living "Yaoxing San".

I was careless.

Song Shi thought.

I should have thought of it earlier. With Yaoxing San's influence, it should be a household name - but now think about it, except for Lapis Lazuli, who has always been thinking about it, it seems that no one has really mentioned it.

Even some people who know about this intelligent machine can tell some of Yaoxing San's deeds, but if they ask a little more details, it will be all kinds of things.

—— But I overlooked this point.

In my previous life, when I was famous and qualified to know all kinds of secrets, I was very powerful, but I had been dead for 20 to 30 years. I had never dealt with intelligent machines. The combination of the two made me feel that I had never looked up information about him.

And in this life.

"Heh." Song Shi shook his head slightly: "Modorat is the master of the cluster and controls a huge cluster of biological weapons, so he is called the 'Nest Master'."

But Yaoxingsan, who is also the fifth ring [Transcendence] and the opponent of the former, I have never known what this person's specific spiritual power is. There are only some vague deeds on the existing network, and there is nothing about his appearance, personality and other things.

Even the information provided by the Enlightened One is not very clear.

Song Shi closed his eyes and opened them again.

He looked at the still frozen lapis lazuli, and after a moment of silence, he exhaled.

Staring at the intelligent machine in front of him, Song Shi said: "So, you are"

"I am Yaoxing San, but I am not Yaoxing San. I can be it, but I am not it."

"Yaoxing San" calmly met the other party's gaze and nodded.

"——Nice to meet you. I am the projection of Yaoxing San."

Tomorrow's update will also be postponed for a while, and will be updated in the evening, but it shouldn't be this late.

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