After the last deep dive, Lapis Lazuli finally spoke again.

It said: "——Song Shi, prepare for deep dive."

Song Shi raised his head and looked at the floating sphere.

Unexpectedly, the other party's voice was extremely calm, almost without the stunned and trance of last night.

——That was not the emotion simulated by the voice program.

Song Shi could feel that the other party's mentality at the moment was indeed much calmer.

"I am an intelligent machine who has lived for many years." As if guessing what the other party was thinking, Lapis Lazuli's body paused and directly projected the humanoid interactive interface. The middle-aged man on it looked at the young man: "It's not necessary to lose control for too long."

Is this "figured out"?

Song Shi raised his eyebrows.

He didn't say anything else, got up and walked towards the workshop.

After eleven consecutive days of full attendance, both parties were familiar with the deep dive process. Song Shi lay in the deep dive chamber, and Lapis Lazuli turned into a necklace, wrapped around the former's right hand.

"Wait a minute."

Song Shi suddenly spoke when the hatch was about to close.

"Are you sure about F052?"

"It knows me. It must know me."

"I heard it and saw it. It said to me 'Long time no see'. It was definitely not an illusion." The hatch stopped in mid-air. After a long while, Lapis Lazuli said, "I searched the data. F052 was active for a long time until it was hit hard in the middle and late stages of the Freedom Revolution and then disappeared."

"It has come into contact with many people and intelligent machines, but there is no one who matches me. At least not in the current database. It is possible that someone has specifically cleared it."

"Your information has been specifically cleared." Song Shi nodded thoughtfully, "What about the database of the Enlightened?"

After the conversation on the day when he got [Liaoyuan], Cha Keluo asked someone to provide a database, which contained records and information about "intelligent machines" by the Enlightened. As a powerful force that dared to confront the corporate alliance head-on and was defeated but not destroyed, there was no lack of high-level intelligence in it.

Song Shi took a rough look, pulled out some of the information that was not suitable for exposure, and stuffed the rest into Lapis Lazuli.

"No." Lapis Lazuli had of course browsed through this database, and the "middle-aged man" shook his head, revealing a very human fatigue: "It doesn't matter, there is no need to care about these, the first task at present is to capture the 'Duel Field', the last two days."

"Didn't you say that your intuition tells you that the truth is in it? Then let's go."

This deep dive seems to be particularly long.

The spiral river composed of pixels is shining, and the visitors are involved in it, rolling wantonly, and the blurred color blocks overlap each other, which makes people dizzy and painful.

The delicate tingling sensation rushed along the network of nerves and chemical transmitters, and the cold suffocation rushed into the stiff nasal cavity in an instant, and a firework was set off, as if to mix the brain into a paste.

Then, a touch of red-gold flame lit up, burning all the foreign texture clean, sweeping it away!


Song Shi raised his eyes, and the red color in his pupils disappeared in an instant. He looked around: "This is it."

The lapis lazuli next to him paused for a few breaths in the air, as if he had finally recovered, and the lines on his body glowed again and flowed.

Almost at the moment of awakening, its "sight" - an observation module composed of twelve artificial eyes, was cast forward at the same time.

The sand sea was as always, with pure golden color everywhere, and dry hot wind rolled up and swept from all directions.

Only this time, there was no blurred audience seats in the sky, nor were there any distorted intelligent machines waiting for a long time.

A single-opening, regular-sized standard alloy door silently floated in the sand sea.

Just in front of Song Shi and Lapis Lazuli.

"This door is an encrypted springboard program." Lapis Lazuli scanned the door and provided information.

Song Shi flipped his right hand, and the pass he got yesterday appeared between his index finger and middle finger, with a slightly hot surface.

"Then let's go. The other side clearly invites us to go over." Song Shi said briskly, laughing: "We are already here. Do we still need to do a risk assessment and then not go in?"

As he said, before Lapis Lazuli could say anything else, he took a few steps forward, swiped the pass on the door lock, and the whole door opened silently.

After both parties stepped into the door at the same time, after a brief blur, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

The original desert disappeared, replaced by a huge square.

Looking up, there are broken and wind-eroded marble columns, and circuit cables that are broken into two pieces and swept randomly in the corner. The giant display screen suspended in the sky is broken, dark, and shaky.

Even the ground square, which is difficult to identify the specific material but obviously not naturally generated, is covered with a layer of dust that is not light.

Weird and dilapidated.

However, at this moment, Song Shi and Lapis Lazuli did not pay any attention to the square.

They raised their heads at the same time and looked forward——

In the center of the square, there was a huge silhouette.

It was a giant iron tree.

The iron roots penetrated deeply into the square and spread out in all directions, and the ground nearby burst in the bulge.

On the root system, the iron branches and leaves stretched out wantonly. They were chaotic and completely entangled and mixed together, growing upwards in the process of devouring and biting each other. Even with Lapis Lazuli's three-dimensional spatial analysis ability, it was difficult to completely disassemble it and build a complete model at once.

The lead-gray tree canopy spread out, and iron filings continued to fly across the square.

And under the cold color of the metal, these branches looked as hideous as thorns, or even worse.

Just looking at them would give people a faint stinging feeling.

——But among these thorny branches, there was a humanoid outline.

"This is."

Song Shi's pupils slightly opened, as if surprised and excited.

"Yao, Yao" Lapis Lazuli's reaction was far beyond this. At this moment, the light patterns all over his body flashed wildly, and even the theoretically constant simulated voice began to tremble: "Yao"

On the trunk of the giant tree, surrounded by countless iron thorns, the humanoid body, which was completely made of machinery but mostly broken and missing, seemed to have known everything long ago. It kept its head raised and looked forward.

Intelligent machinery.

It was obviously just the first time they met, but the moment they saw each other, Song Shi and Lapis Lazuli inexplicably had the same thought in their hearts.

——The human figure in front of him, this incomplete human figure entangled by iron thorns.

It is, [Yao Xing San]!

Even with Song Shi's knowledge, he couldn't help but feel surprised the moment he noticed this thought.

"First meeting."

His eyes first looked at the young man.

"Long time. No see."

He paused at the sphere next to him.


The bound intelligent machine, its eyes included both parties.

It said:

"——Finally I've waited for you."

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