Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 214 [Liaoyuan] (Part 2)

Time seemed to have stopped for a moment.

The specially made glass tube collapsed, and the tiny fragments burst out wantonly. The zero element crystal containing the strands of fire also turned into powder with the clenched five fingers.

Song Shi's thoughts suddenly pulled away.

With him as the center, the nearby hall, Chakolo, round table. Everything faded instantly, like a mottled old photo.

In the next moment, completely different colors rolled up and re-colored everything.

It's just that the "scene" is completely different.

After a brief blur, Song Shi opened his eyes - with his action, everything seemed to be frozen and no longer changed.

The deep and flat mirror is endless. Standing on it, every step will cause some ripples under your feet.

Looking up, the night sky is quiet, without wind or cloud, only the stars dotted are shining, they are high in the sky, casting a quiet overlooking view below.

——This is the place of [the way].

Using zero element crystals to strip off one's own psychic skills and turn them into a "skill book" that can be used directly is as difficult to achieve as stripping off "instincts", and it is also a considerable damage to the psychic himself.

Such a great difficulty leads to most psychics often being witnessed by the Tao when stripping off, setting some "tests" or "promises". Only by passing the test or fulfilling the promise can this psychic skill be obtained.

In his previous life, he had used several such zero element crystals, and the "promises" in them were varied, including killing all his enemies for revenge, and helping to bury the ashes in a specific place, which was a rather easy promise.

If it is a "test", it is basically the same, that is -


From the crisp and steady clang, the sword with a red sword tassel was pulled out inch by inch.

He was a man who was not tall and could even be called thin. But at this moment, as he drew out the sword, a ray of flame suddenly bloomed in the gap between his long robe and brocade robe, and then surged up, turning into a huge blue dragon that surrounded him and roared with its head held high!

Under the extremely exquisite construction, the blue dragon composed of pure "fire" was not like that kind of rough energy life form. Every inch of detail was lifelike, and the scales condensed by the flames were densely arranged, slowly overflowing with flames.

The man raised his indifferent eyes and pointed his long sword forward.

Then, the blue dragon turned its huge body and circled in the air. It opened its golden pupils and let out an agitated low roar.

"Is this... Nanming Lihuo?"

Staring at the majestic and fierce Canglong in front of him, Song Shi spoke with interest: "It is obviously Nanming Lihuo, but it did not condense into 'Suzaku', but turned into 'Canglong'? Should I say this is heresy or ingenuity?"

The man was indifferent.

"It was the fourth ring in its heyday. What a pity." Song Shi looked at the other party, paused, and shook his head gently: "Even if it is the fourth ring, it can't leave its own will on the road after all."

"Now you are just a pure projection from the road."

Song Shi sighed, as if he was a little bored.

Then, he opened his five fingers, and the outline of Chongshi condensed inch by inch.

"--Is the test the peak of the second ring, or is it automatically set according to the realm of the visitor?"

Those tedious distracting thoughts faded away in an instant, and the red-gold flames surged and collapsed, covering the sky in an instant, turning into a sea of ​​fire, illuminating most of the space.

"But it doesn't matter."

At the same moment when the blue dragon roared and soared into the air and the man slashed with his sword, Song Shi turned around and attacked the sea of ​​fire with one blow, laughing loudly.


The sword light condensed into a line burst out with unimaginable brilliant divine light, and even the raging flames were cut in an instant - it was not the so-called "cut apart", in front of this extremely condensed sword light, everything seemed to be non-existent and separated spontaneously.

When you meet fire, you separate fire; when you see the sky, you cut the sky.

But the first collision was not the sword light and the heavy killing.

——The moment before the two slashed against each other.

The huge blue dragon transformed by the Nanming Lihuo, roared in a shocking way, it raised its head and rose into the sky, and then swooped down from the sky, and slammed into the sea of ​​flames that swept over and swept most of the space!

That was a more violent sound than the initial roar of the blue dragon.

At this moment, the whole sea was hit by the blue dragon to create a "vacuum".

The sea of ​​fire collapsed, the flame scales shattered and peeled off, and the latter fell into the sea of ​​fire, erupting several beams of fire. Under the effect of [Liaoyuan], the "flame" itself nearby also turned into firewood, began to burn, and spread rapidly to the vicinity.

There was the sound of a wave of the sea tide.

In the extremely humane slight surprise revealed by Canglong, a new wave of fire came again, submerging the flame it had just covered.

No, more than one.

From all directions, it seemed that endless "waves" continued to rise and crushed down towards it. Some even turned into arrivals and were submerged by the impatient, even larger waves behind, and even hit Canglong!

The three spiritual energy skills of [Accommodation], [Return], and [Fire Seed] constitute the spiritual energy circulation reserve, plus the spiritual energy level itself far beyond the imagination of most [Dayuan].

Today, Song Shi, in terms of the total amount of spiritual energy alone, has reached an almost unimaginable level.

——"Firewood" and "Expansion" of [Liaoyuan]?

Then I will use my unimaginably abundant spiritual energy to burst you to pieces!

Let’s see whether this “firewood” burns faster or is added faster.

The blue dragon was about to roar, but a sudden burst of fierce light completely suppressed it and the brilliance of the sea of ​​fire.

The environment changed by "rendering", the protection formed by "scorched earth", and the flame flow condensed by "forging flame"

These protections that were enough to resist an armed shuttle for a short time and attack with saturation firepower were all divided in front of the bright sword light.

Then, it was unimpeded.

Across a distance of more than ten meters, Jianguang and Chongshi finally fought for the first time!


The two separated as soon as they touched, the flames rose up, and were instantly smashed by a figure-Song Shi seemed to be suppressed and flew out directly!

He retreated several steps and stabilized his body.

Then he glanced at his hand, and the surface of Chongshi continued to spew out red-gold flames. It was the "forging flame" that originally flowed into it and blessed it. At this moment, it seemed to be under some great oppression and was forcibly peeled off.

On the other side, the man frowned slightly and did not take the opportunity to pursue.

He tilted his head, and a burnt gap appeared on the cuffs of his robe, and a few burn marks appeared on the back of his hand.

"Not bad. It's really good."

Song Shi stroked Zhong Shi, raised his head, and gave a sincere praise: "Force the 'Nanming Lihuo' to condense into a line and complete the purification."

The man's tightly held long sword was swallowing and spitting out a misty luster. They were extremely condensed and turned into a line of divine light that was almost pure white and stretched for several meters.

Even the long sword itself was covered by this divine light.

"With this, in the realm of the second ring, you can use a more advanced form of Nanming Lihuo."

Psychic Skills · [Nanming Lihuo].

This divine fire, which is said to be born from the top beast "Suzaku", if it can be cultivated to a high level, will present a "pure white" form, known as killing evil and exterminating ghosts, and burning everything.

And the person in front of him relied on his exquisite operation and understanding to forcibly display this form at the second ring.

Then it condensed into a line of sword light, cutting through the scorched earth, splitting the sea of ​​fire, and even blasting open the heavy killing blessed by the flame of forging.

"However, if it only stops here"

Looking at the man who raised the sword again, Song Shi raised the heavy killing and announced happily.

"--Then you will lose."

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