Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 213 [A prairie fire] (Part 1)

"Long time no see, Song Shi."

In the underground hall, seeing the figure coming from the slowly opening door, Cha Keluo waved vigorously and said with a smile: "So, how does it feel to be a spokesperson?"

"It feels... OK, but I won't charge less for the endorsement fee."

Song Shi pulled a chair and sat opposite Cha Keluo: "But when it comes to the experience of being a spokesperson, who can compare with you?"

"The only lifetime spokesperson of Chunguang Drinks, the designated partner of Denglan Equipment--" Song Shi dragged out the tail tone and spread his hands: "When it comes to popularity, Cha Keluo, you are the one who lasts forever."

On the online social platform [Fengxun], which is an application under [Chenqi Generation] and has the most online users and almost monopolizes the market, "Cha Keluo Vaughan" has 32 million followers-even if it is not limited to individual users, including various official accounts and corporate accounts, the total number of followers of the former is also ranked in the top 20.

An absolute top-tier "star".

Under the circumstance that [Enlightened] and its members cannot register an account that "can identify themselves", the account [Chakoro Vaughn] has become one of the few formal propaganda channels of Enlightened.

As for other propaganda channels, underground radio stations, private websites, network disk files and the like are of course undoubtedly illegal.

In principle, as the leader of the extreme terrorist armed anti-government, anti-human and anti-social group "Enlightened", [Chakoro Vaughn] is not allowed to register.

However, within an hour and a half after Chakoro himself filed a protest to [Dust Contract Generation], his account was quickly unblocked and launched, and successfully exceeded 5 million followers in the following 24 hours.

The so-called platform terms of [Fengxun] have almost no restrictions on this account. Chakoro posted a lot of theoretically prohibited content on it, including but not limited to anti-company, anti-company, and anti-company.

At the same time, relying on this huge popularity, Chakoro personally went out to endorse [Denglan] and [Chunguang Drinks], boosting sales every quarter.

Any business requires money and resources - and in the corporate alliance, money can replace most of the resources.

Equipment, equipment, personnel training, base construction, intelligence network maintenance, control area order maintenance, pensions, branch support.

With the goal of anti-corporation, facing the suppression of various forces, the operation of the Enlightened Ones needs to consume a huge amount of credit points every day.

Really burning money.

If there is not enough resource support, I am afraid that the Enlightened Ones will soon fall apart - for most people, faith is ultimately difficult to defeat material.

Cha Ke Luo even tried to "reverse" the credit card, but was immediately detected as abnormal by the credit circulation observation platform of the giant company [Dark Crystal Credit] and was forced to abandon this plan.

"No way, if you want to eat, you have to make money."

Chakoro stretched and sighed comfortably: "But I actually like being a spokesperson. If you like it, you can come often in the future."

"You're just trying to get me, right?" Song Shi leaned back: "If you really want to make money, why don't you do a religious fundraising - there are many 'new religions' now anyway."

"New religions" are born through commercial management and technical operations, using stars, idols, programs, fictional symbols, etc. to cultivate fans. [Dust Contract Generation] is a leader in this regard. They have hundreds of mature "new religions" and claim to have hundreds of millions of "believers/fans".

In a sense, "Chakoro Vaughan" is also a new religion.

A considerable number of people choose to join the Enlightened - there are even some members who have made a lot of contributions - they don't actually agree with the Enlightened's creed, they just join for Chakoro himself.

In addition to these "deep fans", there are also those "general fans" who are more numerous and more shallow. With Cha Keluo's appeal, it is certainly feasible to organize a religious fundraising event. If it is operated in advance, the income will definitely not be low.

"If we really do this, the public opinion of the Enlightened will be seriously affected." Cha Keluo shook his head: "But seriously speaking, we have considered the plan of using "new religion" to oppose the company, but... you know, this is a plan that will only be used when we have no choice."


Song Shi just said it casually, he sat up straight: "It's time to talk about business, my "Liaoyuan"? "

Cha Keluo snapped his fingers.

The air rippled slightly, and a glass tube fell quietly.

In the transparent glass tube that was evacuated into a vacuum, a thumb-sized, cube-shaped crystal was fixed.

It was clearly an absolute solid, but when Song Shi cast his eyes, there were strands of extremely thin, fiery red filaments floating gently inside the crystal. They floated irregularly, and when they touched the edge of the crystal, they bounced back silently.

Just staring at it for a moment, an inexplicable burning feeling rose from the bottom of my heart.

——Psionic skill [Liaoyuan].

For the creatures in the past, "flame" was the most primitive and dangerous existence.

In the dry season, a little spark born unexpectedly can ignite a big fire, sweeping and spreading in an instant, swallowing everything, and then turning it into food, continuing to wreak havoc in the distance, until everything that can be swallowed is burned, and there is no trace of flammable things.

The fire spreads all over the prairie, and it is unstoppable.

Born from this image, in a sense, the effect of [Liaoyuan] is very simple.

It can make the holder's "flame" more expansive. A little spark can set the whole balcony on fire. Throwing a flame ball can instantly turn the whole house into a burning house.

At the same time.

It can turn burning things into firewood, throw it into the flame, and let it continue to burn.

Steel, ice water, electric current, ceramics.

Under the effect of [Liaoyuan], these theoretically "incombustibles" will be turned into firewood and become the fuel for the burning of flames. In the past, the "spiritual flame" that had to be completely driven by spiritual energy will have a significant reduction in the original spiritual energy consumption after this firewood bears part of the consumption.

"Expansion" and "firewood".

This is the dual effect of the spiritual skill [Liaoyuan].

Expansion devours everything, and everything turns into firewood, pushing the former to expand again.

In my previous life, I didn't have [Liaoyuan].

However, I have met several great sources who have obtained this spiritual skill. Seeing the effect of their use, I feel quite good, and I am quite regretful.

Looking at the middle-aged man smiling in front of him, Song Shi suddenly understood something.

"Did the psychic who inscribed this 'wildfire' leave a test inside?"

Song Shi's mouth also raised.

"But, it's just what I want--"

--He laughed loudly and crushed the glass tube!

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