Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 208 Fine Traditions

At the end of the originally unchanging desert, or rather at the border, a continuous burst of cheers suddenly broke out!

The cheers were so enthusiastic that even though there was only a two and a half meter lizard man standing in front of him, Song Shi couldn't help but raise his head and look at the source of the sound.

I saw a large "auditorium" quickly appearing in the sky of the desert, accompanied by the brilliant flashes of what appeared to be fireworks, spreading in a ring and quickly surrounding the entire desert.

Song Shi frowned slightly, trying to see clearly the faces of the "audiences" in the auditorium, but even if he used his psychic powers, the faces of these spectators still looked like Marseilles.

Even their clothes seem to have not been fully rendered, looking like haphazardly spliced ​​blurry blocks of color.

——The only thing that remains unchanged is that they are constantly erupting into tsunami-like cheers!

"Real person or a derivative?" Song Shi did not turn his head, his eyes wandered back and forth between the lizard people and the audience: "Where did these audiences come from?"

Seeing the lizard man breathing more vigorously and his muscles gradually tightening, Song Shi's tone changed slightly.

It wasn't that he was nervous, but more like he felt a little nostalgic because of the scene in front of him.

"Look at this, we are being treated as duelists for people to watch. An abyss area that conforms to the logic of cognitive reality. What should I say?"

"These 'audiences' are all automatic answering programs." Lapis Lazuli said quickly: "As you can understand, they are all public opinion puppets."

Lapis Lazuli had already put away the humanoid holographic projection, and the scanning device it carried continuously collected information and sent it to the analysis center. It spoke quickly: "The person in front of us is definitely not a real person, but it does not match the characteristics of the derivative body. This thing "

“Cleaner, right?”

Song Shi looked at the lizard man with great interest. The latter stared at the immobile young man, seeming to be irritated. His fingers grasping the wooden spear loosened and tightened.

"It has psychic powers, and the second ring looks quite clean. It's not like the haphazardly patchwork, muddy and ugly derivatives."

Song Shi suddenly said: "What do you call it?"

The lizard man ignored it, but his Adam's apple bulged and he let out a low roar.

"There seems to be intelligence. It just seems."

"Song Shi." Lapis Lazuli suddenly spoke, and its tone was extremely serious: "Our 'anchor' has just experienced fluctuations that lasted seven frames. I suggest that we come up and log out immediately."

"Fluctuation? Then I don't think there's anything to worry about."

Song Shi laughed and said briskly: "How can you just walk away from such a rare situation? Even if the 'anchor' is really disconnected, there will still be an offline forced logout."

Suddenly, another wave of momentum erupted from the audience seats.

Only this time, it no longer sounded like cheers, but more like impatient "boos"!

Hearing the hiss, the lizard man could no longer hold back. It took a deep breath and clenched the wooden spear that was originally holding with one hand instead of holding it with both hands.

The manufacturing process of this dark brown wooden spear is quite primitive. A suitable branch is selected, then the branch is cut off, the tip is shaved off, and a layer of grease is applied.

But from Lapis Lazuli's perspective, as the lizard man lowered his center of gravity and clasped his fingers together, the data intensity of this "wooden spear" instantly soared.

——With the opponent's display of physical strength, it has no doubt that the opponent can penetrate the combat suit full of bulletproof inserts with one blow!

"lapis lazuli."

Song Shi suddenly laughed.

He looked at the lizard man in front of him. Even though the opponent was in a posture ready to attack and his center of gravity had been lowered, when he really met his eyes, the latter was still half a head taller - a psyker on the [Transcendence] path. Always used to "huge".

"You should have entered the relevant information, right? The fine customs of the Vampusta Empire." Song Shi said slowly: "The dueling field tradition that the people of the empire are proud of, most things can be resolved in the dueling field - —Even if it’s the throne.”

"Twelve hundred years ago, the two princes who competed to the end among the successors were equally powerful and outstanding, so the two groups behind them were equally large. If they went to full-scale war, they might even bring down the entire empire. Split. So in the end, the two sides stood in the duel field of the imperial capital, and under the gaze of the entire empire, they chose their emperor by life and death."

".The forty-ninth emperor, 'The Dispute', Domini Kata." Lapis Lazuli spit out a name.

"Even if you put aside all the off-site disputes and enter simply as a challenger, as long as you can fight all the way, honor, fame, power, status, everything will be at your fingertips."

"I don't, I have a friend." Song Shi walked slowly, his tone was quite nostalgic: "In order to achieve a breakthrough, when he was at the peak of the third ring, he ran to the empire to fight in the duel arena, winning all the way, and finally won A provincial champion—"

The lizard man disappeared on the spot, and in the torn air current, it grabbed the wooden spear and stabbed it towards the enemy's head!

Song Shi didn't move.

He raised his head, the lizard man's muscles were tense, and the wooden spear was sharp, but at this moment, they were blocked - the barrier turned into scorched earth rose, and pieces of red "ice crystals" condensed and shattered, and the wooden spear's Momentum keeps falling.

Until the end, there is no way to get any closer.

Without giving the opponent a chance to strike second, Song Shi raised his finger and tapped lightly.

The lizard man's vertical pupils shrank suddenly, and his otherworldly body reacted instantly, retreating with a vigorous movement far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Just useless.

It was not "a bunch", "a line", or "a piece". At this moment, as Song Shi raised his finger, the red-gold flame expanded and turned into a surging wave that encompassed the entire space nearby, crushing down towards the lizard man!

The latter roared, and its body began to swell, its green scales became smoother, and blue veins bulged along its flesh. Even the tightly grasped wooden spear began to shrink, becoming thinner and straighter.

Then, the flames completely submerged it.

In the next moment, the burning outline smashed the sea of ​​fire and roared to smash the wooden spear!

Song Shi nodded slightly and finally stopped standing there.

He drew out the heavy assassin and met it head-on, and the two sides missed each other.

Half a breath later.

The burning lizard man shook, as if it was unbelievable. It tried to turn its head, but a crack that almost cut open its chest and the raging flames in it made it stumble and fall.

"It's not a real person, nor is it a derivative."

Song Shi glanced at the audience who cheered loudly because of the lizard man's fall, then retracted his gaze and looked at the lizard man on the ground again.

This level of second-ring transcendence is not worth mentioning to me now.

"Lapis Lazuli, this thing has no intelligence, or its intelligence is limited to fighting."

Ignoring the noisy cheers, he squatted down and stroked the lizard man's body: "In my opinion, this is more like a 'fantasy beast'."

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