"The composition of the abyss is very complex. Even within the same depth, its regional distribution is not flat in the conventional sense."

Lapis Lazuli's body flipped over, and several observation modules that looked like prosthetic eyes flew out, quickly scanning the vicinity: "Each area may be overlapped, projected, embedded, or grafted on other areas. The geometric space does not mean much - according to the archives According to records, there have even been sightings of 'Mobius strip-like' structures in Depth 5."

"And because of the rapid replacement of network information and redundant spiritual energy, the abyss is changing every day. A large number of plate areas are collapsing, reorganizing, and rising. They are even disintegrating again before they are fully formed and reduced to broken data."

"But the 'Binhai Ruins' is an explored area that has been stable for a long time. How could it be possible?"

Lapis Lazuli's voice suddenly paused.

Song Shi knelt down and picked up a handful of yellow sand. The delicate and warm touch flowed from his fingers: "How do you say it?"

"The depth detection shows that this is still depth 4." Lapis Lazuli said cautiously: "The specific location cannot be determined, but it is not the 'Binhai Ruins'. The possibility of large-scale changes in the 'Binhai Ruins' can be ruled out. My current speculation Yes, our dive point has shifted."

"Is there a record?"

Lapis Lazuli shook his head: "No, this is not an explored area, and there are even no sighting records."


Song Shi stood up, stretched out his hand, and felt the passing hot wind and the fine gravel mixed in: "The degree of realism is not low, no, it can be said to be very high, at least over 95%. Even at depth 4, Isn’t this rare?”

Lapis Lazuli nodded—its sphere projected a holographic portrait of an adult man in a suit and tie, looking like a standard company dog.

"Someone changed our dive point settings?"

"No, absolutely impossible." Lapis Lazuli retorted resolutely: "I have not felt any interference from external data."

But then, it hesitated again: "But we did shift the landing point. Could it be that we encountered a storm that disrupted the data flow? But"

After meeting each other for such a long time, this was the first time Song Shi saw the other party showing such a hesitant attitude.

"Does the anchor still work?"

"Yes, there is no failure."

"——That's enough."

Song Shi nodded: "I just happened to be a little tired of looking at Binhai Ruins. It would be better to change to another place."

As long as the divers can log out of the abyss and there is no problem with the "anchor" in the upper domain, it doesn't matter how dangerous this place is.

Even if there is a problem with the "anchor", there will be Enlightenment as the final guarantee - he will leave a delayed communication every time he dives, and if it is not closed after a certain period of time, he will automatically notify Gwenlin and the others, and send them to him when the time comes. People come offline and are forced to log out.

"lapis lazuli."

Song Shi walked forward, leaving sand pits of varying depths behind him: "You continue to explore and find out the details of this place. I'll explore first -"

The next moment, he raised his head suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the lapis lazuli also flipped over at high speed, and pieces of "armed" phantoms emerged, ready for data transfer and transformation into entities at any time.

——Because, the sky is cracked!

A winding crack suddenly appeared in the originally blue sky. The crack expanded rapidly. Their edges were blurred and uncertain, like chaotic and distorted pixel blocks. Following the crack, there was a deep darkness.

And from this crack, a huge container slowly squeezed out of the darkness.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, it transforms from transparent to translucent, and then from translucent to solid.

"This is a data rubbing! It's taking shape!"

Lapis Lazuli raised his voice and at the same time, without hesitation, raised the rope-like mechanical arm. At the end of the mechanical arm, the original five fingers quickly collapsed, and countless pixel blocks flashed, reorganizing into a fist-sized muzzle.

Then, the deep blue light disappeared in an instant at the muzzle, turning into a gravitational impact that converged into a line!

——Psychic skills·[Supersensory].

——Psychic Skills·[Gravity Field Generator].

——Psychic Skills·[Torque Meter].

Through psychic skills, professional instruments used for gravity observation are transformed into one's own "super senses\

,"Then, the "Force Field Generator" and the "Torque Controller" were transformed in sequence. The former can generate a gravity field in a direction, and the latter allows the holder to control the direction of gravity to a certain extent.

This is the way of [transcendence] of lapis lazuli.

If one day it can reach the fifth ring, then it will be able to reappear in the ancient mythology, the posture of the "sky Titan" who is entrenched in the mountains and clouds, controls gravity at will, and is said to be able to carry the heaven and the earth on his back.

——But the gravity bombardment, which is enough to crush a shuttle, has no effect at all!

The gravity cannon hit the container accurately, but it could only cause ripples on the surface.

At a slow and steady speed, most of the container's outline has squeezed out of the cracks and is ready to fall into the sand sea below at any time.

"Wait a moment."

Song Shi raised his hand and signaled the omnic to stop the plan of firing another shot: "How is your observation? Can you see the data strength of this thing?"

"Not good!" The lines all over Lapis Lazuli's body flickered, and it quickly replied: "The essence of this 'container' is a barrier formed by a certain encryption algorithm. It's very advanced, no, it's clever. I can't break it in a short time. Look. Nothing less than what’s inside——”


It suddenly realized something: "Song Shi, don't you see?"

"Don't think too much." Song Shi shook his head and sighed: "You can't break a Depth 4 demon, how can a one-click integration package player like me see it?"

"It's just"

The red-gold flame ignited silently and danced wildly in the sea of ​​sand.

Staring at the crumbling container, Song Shi's mouth slowly curled up: "-My intuition is a little bit stronger than yours."

From the surging flames, the dark blue-black straight knife appeared inch by inch.

Song Shi drew out the heavy murder, and the scorched earth with "rendering" instantly unfolded, covering the area with a radius of hundreds of meters centered on himself.

"Lapis Lazuli, get ready!" Song Shi laughed and said, "This thing is coming down!"

The next moment.

Under the gaze of both sides.

This cube container with a length, width and height of three meters has no landing buffer measures, but fell directly from the crack in the sky!


The entire sand sea seemed to tremble. Under the violent impact, the center of the landing point had turned into a big deep pit.

A huge amount of yellow sand rushed up into the sky, like a surging wave, sweeping in all directions. In an instant, a ray of fire suddenly ignited, tearing all the whistling wind and sand into pieces!


From the low roar, the originally indestructible container opened automatically, and a silhouette slowly walked out.

The green and dense scales completely covered the strong and powerful body. With every breath, these scales would rise and fall slightly. Then there was the lizard-like head, it stood with its head held high, and the golden vertical pupils were shining.

It looked like a monster, and also like an orc.

The lizard man's powerful and sharp five fingers clenched a wooden spear, straight in front of him, and his two-and-a-half-meter-tall figure gave him plenty of room to overlook his opponent.

Song Shi flexed his knuckles and was considering whether to choose "questioning" or "taking action" when a loud noise unprecedented in history, even louder than the sound of a container falling to the ground, rang out from all directions in the desert.

There was no need to distinguish the content.

——It was pure and enthusiastic cheers!

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