Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 206 Landing Point Shift

In the past, the "Seven Soil War" wars between various countries caused the population to nearly halve, the ecology was destroyed on a large scale, and 40% of the land was turned into "wasteland" where it was difficult to survive. Even if we look at the entire history of mankind, its tragedy ranks at the forefront.


Even on the most intense battlefield during the "Seven Earths War", a fifth-level psyker could determine the direction of the entire war.

Burning the sea destroyed the city, Yishan fell into the mountains.

For them, all this is not a question of "can", it is always a question of "whether they want to".

When the illusory [God Throne] is barely visible to the world, they are the most powerful individuals on the planet, a terrifying existence that can be dubbed the ultimate strategic weapon with the power of one person.

But now, such a thing exists.

The fifth ring of [Balance], the "Rebel", Chacoro Vaughn, appeared in the City of Light.

"Both the Enlighteners and the company suffered losses. The former was forced to abandon the city they controlled and evacuated Cast Light City. The latter was also injured and suffered heavy casualties."

Song Shi murmured in a low voice.

——This is the ending of Light Casting City in my vague impression in my previous life.

But this shouldn't be the case.

[Fubo Energy] and [Dust Contract Generation] are the only two giant companies that do not have fifth-ring psychics.

Although [Southern Region Heavy Industry] and [Zero Degree Network] have the fifth ring and also have industries in Casting Light City, Enlightenment is enough to be even with Chakoluo and Xu Yu, not to mention the latter has already laid out the "definitely win" strategy. With a tough stance, the former may not be willing to die for Casting Light City - the benefits are not worth it.

Chakoluo chose to take action against Casting Light City. Firstly, he wanted to smash this concrete entity of corporatism and establish a beacon of enlightenment. Secondly, [Fubo Energy] did not have a fifth ring to take charge.

They have the space-based weapon "Power of the Blazing Sun", two aerospace carriers, singularity technology and vacuum zero-point energy engines, a large and complete technical system, industrial production chains throughout the corporate alliance, and countless weapons employee

Of course, this is very strong, enough to deter most forces and individuals, but these are slightly insufficient against a fifth-level psyker. In a sense, Fubo Energy is very lucky, " Chakoro" is the "Chakoro" of the Enlightened Ones.

But even if the Enlightenment is involved, or if other giant companies can't help but formally end their business, Chakoluo can at least protect the members of the Enlightenment from safely evacuating the City of Light. How could it lead to a "lose-lose" result?

Even though the current rebel has not yet reached his true peak, he is still a fifth ring after all.

——And this is Chakoro, not Dwight Brooks of [Zero Degree Network], the kind of "fifth ring shame".


"what is the reason?"

Song Shi turned the knob and suddenly adjusted the water temperature to the lowest setting. The originally scalding temperature turned into cold ice water in an instant, splashing over his head.

"There is still too little information." The young man allowed the ice water to wash over his body. After a few seconds, he sighed softly: "If I had known better, I would have asked Chakoluo what happened here."

As if he suddenly remembered something, Song Shi slowly opened his eyes, turned his head, and looked in one direction.

At this moment, his sight seemed to penetrate the pure white porcelain wall of the bathroom, across the block in the frosty wind, extending towards the end of the horizon, and even beyond the end.

——[Pan-Eastern Continental Federation].

Song Shi didn't know why he was "reborn".

But he wanted to know, at this moment, whether there was another original "Song Shi" in that old orphanage?

"When this is over, let's return to the third ring." Song Shi turned on the shower head, and the flames disappeared in a flash, evaporating all the water droplets: "Let's go back."


After a brief period of drowsiness, Song Shi opened his eyes again.

There was an obvious feeling of discomfort, the operation of power was a little obscure, the perception was weakened, and the level of psychic energy was also reduced.

Then, with a low trembling, the lapis lazuli suddenly lit up, and something like a "membrane" was woven into shape at high speed, wrapping it and Song Shi - the latter could feel that the original discomfort quickly dissipated.

Until finally, it changed from "obvious" to "slight".

These are the suppressions brought about by the [Abyss].

Those "redundant spiritual energies" spread throughout every corner of the abyss are like the air pressure in the deep sea, exerting pressure on the beings who enter here all the time.

At the same time, the other base of the abyss is, after all, the "network". Pure psychics without technical protection set foot here, just like divers who dive naked without wearing a diving suit.

Even though he may be very strong and can withstand various pressures with his strong physique, compared to a diver wearing a diving suit, the former's ability to move is bound to be affected.

In fact, the latter may not be as strong as the former on land, but in the deep sea, with sufficiently superior diving suits and tools, it can demonstrate stronger abilities than the former.

——This is also the power of [Devil].

The vast majority of psykers who are not "demon" will definitely avoid setting the battlefield in the [Abyss].

If they are in the abyss and the opponent happens to be a demon, and the word "gaoming" can even be added to the prefix, then even if the two people are originally similar in strength, the former is likely to be completely suppressed or even killed.

Program weaving, information reading, temporary data construction of "equipment" and "weapons", and changing the battlefield environment.

One side is weakened and the other is strengthened.

This will be a completely unequal fight.

Under the rules of [Natural Selection], if a psyker dies in the [Abyss], he will also lose part of his psionic power - the psyker's "psionic power" and "self" are inseparable, which is far from the case. It's not as simple as deducting a little experience bar and then saving it back later.

This is an unmitigated blow.

In severe cases, in the words of the Pan-Eastern Continental Federation, it may even lead to "damage to the foundation", "six senses being obscured", or even "falling into decline".

In the past history, there have been instances where demons used methods similar to "cage programs" to forcibly trap the consciousness of psykers, prohibiting them from logging out, and obliterating them through repeated cycles of killing and resurrection. The opponent's consciousness and spiritual energy are lost, and the physical body in reality dies.

Crossing the shackles of space, achieving "killing" in the true sense!

Song Shi moved his body slightly and looked around.

Although I really don't understand the [Devil] thing, Lapis Lazuli understands it. With the other party in charge of this, even if it is depth 4, the suppression I receive will be within an acceptable range.


Then, Song Shi was slightly startled.

What fills the air is not the familiar salty, rusty sea breeze.

The dry and hot wind silently passes over everything, telling every visitor that the environment belongs here.

What filled his eyes was a piece of pure gold, and in a daze, it was as if a golden ocean was surrounding Song Shi.

Only the fine gravel blown up by the wind clearly told the young man that the nature of this "vast ocean" was an endless desert.

"——Where is this?"

Song Shi tilted his head, trying to find the answer from the lapis lazuli.

Then, under his slightly surprised gaze, Lapis Lazuli was silent for a moment.

"The deep dive landing point I set is definitely the 'Binhai Ruins'." The omnic turned as if observing the surroundings: "But here"

After a while, it uttered a sentence very simply: "There is no record in my database."

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