Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 205: Completeness and Failure

Each of these pistols is definitely not the kind of inferior goods that are shoddily made by recycling old parts and reassembling them. The latter are usually only used by street gangsters who are new to the industry, and every time they fire a gun, they risk exploding the chamber.

The "Future Overlook Series" precision pistols that are popular in time series, the "Permit Type III" medium-range kinetic energy pistols of Southern Region Heavy Industry, and even the "Tie Belt" pistol independently developed by Enlightenment.

There are seven in total, and they are all good stuff.

These were obtained from the Enlightenment at Song Shi's request.

Even with his current level of combat power, Enlightenment still had some matching firearms, but those were either too large or had to be used with prosthetics, so in the end Song Shi just picked a few pistols - in a sense , for him, the pistol is more useful.

It's not about power, but about "accuracy" and "distance".

Just like a drone hovering hundreds of meters in the sky, that is a distance that [Scorched Earth] cannot reach for the time being.

Of course, he could actively release psychic flames and easily destroy the drone with one blow, but that would be very cost-effective.

It's different when it comes to firearms. These pistols are specially designed for range and accuracy, and can easily hit targets thousands of meters away.

Through the effect of [Forged Flame], when needed, the pistol can be temporarily converted into a psychic weapon, and the bullets can be attached with psychic flames. It only takes a little psychic energy to burn out most conventional targets in one shot, saving effort. It is worry-free and easy to carry.


This does not mean that these high-end pistols are inherently less powerful.

——The weakest one among them can easily penetrate the protective armor of secondary units.

But at this moment, they are all useless!

Like hitting an impenetrable invisible wall, these roaring bullets stirred up red-gold ripples in the air, but it was difficult to take another step forward. They kept melting into iron slurry and dripping down.

"Okay." Song Shi raised his hand.

The next second, the barrage stopped abruptly.

Lapis Lazuli swung his mechanical arm, and the suspended pistols flew back to their original positions one after another.

It swung again, and the iron slag and bullet casings solidified on the ground rose up, gathered together under the action of gravity, crushed into a small ball, and threw it into the trash can.

Song Shi waited patiently for the other party to finish cleaning before speaking: "How do you feel?"

"Excellent. In terms of physical protection ability alone, it is already equivalent to a riot police officer wearing an exoskeleton and a full armor module." Lapis Lazuli replied cautiously: "In purely theoretical data evaluation, you can already ignore most of the Non-sniper individual weapons.”

"Even the Gauss sniper rifle can cause a certain degree of trajectory deviation and kinetic energy buffering. With your early warning intuition and reaction speed, you can rely on this to complete evasion. Long-range firepower in the conventional sense is basically no threat to you. "

The omnic paused for a while, seemingly thinking about something, but in the end, it chose to speak.

"——Song Shi."

Lapis Lazuli asked cautiously: "According to the records in the database, the defensive effect of [Scorched Earth] should not be like this, at least not at this level of intensity. Can you tell me what you did?"

Essentially, the ability of the psionic skill [Scorched Earth] is to transform the nearby environment into an environment suitable for the "Power of the Great Source: Fire". If explained in game terms, it would provide the holder with a series of benefits such as "increased mana recovery rate", "skill consumption reduction", "suppression of other attributes", "continuous damage caused" and other benefits.

Its core is to pave the field, and the "defensive" and "offensive" routes based on this can only be regarded as an extension effect.

Therefore, even if [Scorched Earth] chooses the "defensive" route, it can only withstand some small-caliber firepower at best. How can it reach the level just now?

"Nothing to disclose."

Song Shi snapped his fingers and removed the scorched earth - when he unfolded it just now, he specially controlled it to restrain the burning effect, otherwise the entire apartment would have been burned down.

In such a cold weather, you can't sleep on the street at night.

"First of all, I completed the rituals of offense and defense to make [Scorched Earth] truly 'complete'."

Song Shi took an ice ball from the wine glass, crushed it into half, and then put it on the table and turned it around: "Look at this ball, I'm spinning it now - even if I use a lot of effort, it's still It won’t last long.”

The broken ice ball swayed, its center of gravity was unstable, and it quickly stopped.

"Because it's not complete enough."

Song Shi took out another ice ball, this time without crushing it. He flicked it gently, and the ice ball quickly and steadily spun: "Now, when the ice ball is complete and the center of gravity is stable, it only takes a little effort to turn it." It can last a long time.”

"When your [Scorched Earth] is complete, its effect will be improved in all aspects. However, it will also impose a greater burden on the holder. Of course, this is not a big problem."

Song Shi picked up the two ice balls and threw them back into the cup: "There is one more point. I think this point is more critical. No matter how powerful the psychic skills are, they will eventually need to be used, controlled and displayed by psychics. You should understand , even if it is the same psychic skill, there will be subtle differences in the hands of different psychics. "

"What a coincidence."

He glanced at the omnic and said slowly: "I happen to have some experience in how to use scorched earth."

Seeing that Lapis Lazuli didn't speak after hearing this, and the lights all over his body were flashing and staring at him silently, Song Shi couldn't help it anymore and burst out laughing.

He laughed and got up from the sofa: "Lapis Lazuli, please clean up the room."

"I haven't been to the abyss for a few days. I can't be decadent today." Song Shi stretched and walked to the bathroom: "I'll take a shower first. You clean up the room and debug the deep diving chamber. We'll go down and move around later-"



The boiling hot water poured down, slid over the black hair, and smashed it on the naked body.

In the misty steam, Song Shi closed his eyes and exhaled.

The "Cha Ke Luo (Premium Edition)" live broadcast room just now was just a commonplace job, and closing one would not affect anything at all. But for Song Shi, this reminded him of the conversation with Cha Ke Luo at the celebration banquet a few days ago.

To be more precise, it made Song Shi re-examine one thing.

Long before entering the Casting Light City, he actually had some doubts, but the main goal at that time was to obtain [Rendering] and [Scorched Earth], so he didn't take it seriously.

Until now, "Nan Dou" is about to step into the peak of the second ring again, Song Shi finally has time to think about this matter again.

He wants to know.

In the case of a fifth-ring psychic.

In the case of the "rebel" entering in person.

——Why did the Enlightened One in the previous life fail in the Casting Light City?

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