Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 203: Ripples of Aftermath

Two flags embroidered with wings and scales were hung alternately, and below was a standard-style desk. Originally, this should have been equipped with some auxiliary intelligent control modules, but the owner of the room preferred a more primitive way of working, so this long table was replaced with pure wooden original furniture.

". Ning Tong, what do you think?"

After a long silence, the woman behind the desk finally raised her head.

The woman looked to be in her early forties, with short hair. Anyone who saw her at first sight could feel the cold and sharp feeling. A touch of silver etched circuit meandered across the eyes, adding a bit of neatness to it.

Shang Qiu, the nominal head of the United Government of the Rockal Plain, and the mayor of Zhuguang City who has been in office for more than twelve years and has been appointed for three consecutive terms.

At this moment, she looked at the person in front of her.

"All reports on this joint military exercise have been submitted."

Ning Tong was still wearing the ironed Security Bureau uniform, standing straight in front of the table.

"I've seen it, but I want to hear your opinion." Shang Qiu casually pushed open the specially customized, highly confidential data tablet: "I'm not a psychic, but you are a professional in this area. I need the opinions of professionals."

". The future is limitless."

Ning Tong paused for a moment, and this taciturn man spoke a terrifying word: "This 'Song Shi', I think he has the qualifications to enter the fifth ring. He may even become the next Chakoro."

Shang Qiu could notice that when the three words "Chakoro" were mentioned, the other party's tone could not help but change slightly, as if in awe.

"The worst possibility is the next Chakoro Vaughan. No, it's not 'bad' either."

The woman pinched her eyebrows and felt a headache again.

With expensive implants and various life-sustaining surgeries, she is nearly sixty years old, but her body functions are excellent. She can still easily tear apart a team of ordinary soldiers, while maintaining her appearance at around forty years old - relying on cosmetic surgery and implants, it's easy to be eighteen years old.

However, forty years old is the best age to be vigorous, sophisticated and friendly.

But after serving as the mayor of Zhuguang City for more than twelve years, sometimes even Shang Qiu can't help but think "Is he really old?".


Like every time in the past, this thought was quickly crushed and extinguished.

She stood up and slowly walked to the window.

The sunlight outside the window was like a waterfall, swaying freely, coating the world below with a layer of golden light.

In some specific areas, Fubo Energy specially replaced the outer layer of the building with a special reflective material, so that when the warm sunlight splashed down, these areas looked like a sparkling lake from a distance, and the reflected sunlight was brilliant but not dazzling - the location of these areas corresponds to several high-end resorts.

Those guests lying on the artificial beach can easily appreciate the dazzling ripples with just a glance, and even the frosty and pale world at the end of the distance.

No matter how sweet the wine is, it will not be more refreshing than overlooking the suffering of others.

This wonder that Zhuguang City is proud of has won the praise of every distinguished guest.

Shang Qiu turned his head and looked in another direction.

That is the outer city area.

To be more precise, it is the third and fourth districts of the outer city area. And with the Enlightened Ones fully stationed there, whether it is still considered "Zhuguang City" must be questioned.

"It's as dangerous as an egg on a pile of eggs"

Shang Qiu stared into the distance. To this day, it is difficult for her to judge whether the move of secretly contacting the Enlightened Ones and pulling them into Zhuguang City in order to get rid of the control of Fubo Energy was a good or bad one.

No one expected that Cha Keluo, who had just been promoted to the fifth ring, would choose to settle in Zhuguang City as the commander-in-chief of the Enlightened Ones, and led the members to take down the third district overnight in an extremely beautiful raid.

The Enlightened One and the company have been in a standoff for several years. With more defeats than victories, the authority of Fubo Energy has indeed begun to decline. Then, not long ago, they directly pulled the Groden Glory over.

Fifth Ring Psychic, Aerospace Mothership.

Today, the situation in the City of Forged Light has long exceeded past predictions.

Even if the Security Bureau smelled an opportunity and chose to strongly support her, directly sent several ace agents as her semi-private armed forces, and strongly consolidated her position in the government.

But the overall situation in the City of Forged Light is still getting out of her control little by little.

The original plan was to use the Enlightened One to contain Fubo Energy and other companies, and the Forged Light City government took the opportunity to further break away from the latter's control and seek autonomy. The strategy cannot be said to have completely failed, but the price paid was extremely high.

—— The three-party separation envisioned at the beginning was indeed successful.

But with the entry of Chakolo and the Aerospace Mothership, the government can be said to be surviving in the cracks of the so-called three parties.

After years of hard work, their authority in the conventional sense is not too weak, but it seems insignificant in front of the two who are now increasingly ready to go.

"Ning Tong." She suddenly spoke.

The man's expression became serious: "Here!"

"Pull back the people from the first, second, third, and fourth districts and transfer them to the fifth and sixth districts. No matter who wins in the end, as long as we control these two outer city areas, we can catch up with the other party's ship - the City of Forged Light is big enough, and they need someone to help control it."

What's more, no matter how insignificant the government of Forged Light City is in front of a fifth-ring psyker and the space carrier, they are the only governing body in the legal sense.

Both the company and the Enlightened One need this name.

The former needs to use shells to make profits, while the latter needs this name to disguise themselves - if they ignore it, they will directly dismantle the government, announce that Casting Light City will break away from the corporate alliance, and install a new set of governing institutions.

Then, the major giants will definitely start a full-scale war without hesitation and dispatch a large amount of force into the Forging Light City. In this case, the "rebels" are certainly strong, but don't giant companies have a fifth ring?

Chakoluo may be able to evacuate, but Forged Light City will never be able to defend it - in a state of war, the giants would rather tear the latter into ruins than leave anything of value to the Enlightened Ones.

"As for the inner city, the next stance can be tougher."

Shang Qiu pressed the edge of the window and his voice became cold: "Those guys thought that my term was about to end, so they started to make moves."

"What a bunch of hopeless government bugs! The whole city could be razed to the ground! They are still thinking about fighting for power at this time!"

She sneered: "Before the next mayor is elected, I will still be the chief executive of Rocal Plain! Do you want power so much? Yes! Then I will let them feel it for themselves!"



Thomas walked into the room, hesitated for a while, and then spoke in a low voice: "It's a pity that Gloria died, but this time the operation failed, our stock price has been shaken, and people's hearts have been shaken. We need you to preside over it even more."

He looked quite embarrassed, with large and small scars all over his body. In yesterday's melee, as the deputy director of safety of Fubo Energy, he was the target of public criticism. Although he was not dead, he was also seriously injured. He has not yet been seen. Can fully recover.

However, compared to Nan Xin, who was hit by Chakoro and is still lying in the intensive care unit, with tubes inserted all over his body and unconscious, he is already in excellent condition.


The man sitting on the sofa was silent, staring at the alloy square box in front of him.

——The one inside this square box is Gloria Groden.

The psychic named Song Shi, after defeating Gloria, burned her completely to ashes with psychic flames. The body that was forged at the peak of the second ring [Transcendence] in the past was only a shallow layer of ash inside the box.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Maybe it's a moment, maybe it's a long time.

"Whether the deployment of the geothermal power plant extension is successful or not is actually not important."

The man slowly stood up, his tall body casting a blurry shadow.

"Even if I give up the entire Casting Light City, I hope Gloria can survive." Emmanuel picked up the box and walked towards the floor-to-ceiling window: "If she can defeat Song Shi, defeat an opponent of this level, break the Her own 'destined death' - she is expected to step into the realm of the fifth ring and become the second person in the family's history."

"Brother." Thomas followed.

"It's a pity that Gloria still failed."

As Thomas watched in shock, Emmanuel pushed open the window and threw the open metal box out in the strong wind hundreds of stories high in the air!

Those black ashes disappeared in the wind in an instant.

"As Gloria's uncle, I am very heartbroken, and as a Groden, I feel sorry for him."

Emmanuel turned around, his tone slightly distorted by the whistling air: "But Groden's glory will never be dimmed by a single defeat, and it will never be pinned on any single individual! It's just a Gloria!"

"Thomas, let people make arrangements and prepare a grand funeral for Gloria."

Emmanuel walked towards the door and never looked back, only his cold voice echoed in the wind.

"Since she dedicated her life here, there is no need to send her back to the family cemetery."

"——She will witness Groden's final victory with her own eyes!"

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