Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 202 The meaning of the flag (Part 2)

"It doesn't matter."

Song Shi didn't take it seriously and casually took a can from the drink carton he opened nearby. He saw that it was some kind of synthetic fruit-flavored product.

"It's just a third-level peak person. It won't affect the overall situation. Even if you leave him alone, I can kill him in a few years."

He didn't open it, just put it on a plate in his hand. When he said "kill him", the young man's tone was like talking about which pre-made fast food he would eat tomorrow morning.

"Not necessarily." Chakoluo said sternly: "Nan Xin is in his prime. He is only forty now. In a few years, he will hopefully enter the fourth ring."

Song Shi spread his hands: "So, so what?"

Chacoro laughed loudly.

He smiled, opened the can of drink, drank it all in one gulp, then reversed the situation and threw it back into the box: "Don't you want to ask why I didn't attend the celebration party?"

In this banquet to celebrate the successful deployment of the extension, the commander-in-chief of the Enlightened One only appeared for a while at the beginning, and then left the open space and stayed in a nearby room.

"Okay, why don't you attend the celebration banquet?" Song Shi followed his kindness and said, "Can I guess the reason for life and death?"

Chakoluo was stunned for a moment, really surprised: "Are you so good at guessing?"

——Why do you think I know?

Song Shixin said.

However, in this life, the two met much earlier than in the previous life. At this time, Chakoluo's thoughts may be different from those in the previous life, so he is really interested.

Immediately, he nodded, pondered, and slowly spoke: "Song Shi, what do you think of 'life and death'?"

When he asked this question, the man looked at the young man in front of him seriously.

"—Death is the end."

Without hesitation, Song Shi replied: "Although it can be said that relying on inheritance, beliefs, files and other things, a person's past and existence can be passed down for a long time, achieving the so-called 'immortality'. But in the final analysis, for that person himself, Said that at the moment of death, he was completely finished.”

"Reborn only for the past and not for the reputation behind." Chakoluo nodded slightly: "I have read some of your books, is this what you mean?"

"It's actually different, but it's okay to understand it this way." Song Shi pondered for a moment, then nodded, and said calmly: "So the last words are the last things that a person can leave before the end of his life. Since he has taken them The other person’s life, then if conditions permit, I can give the other person a chance to leave a last message.”

"That's it." Chakoluo nodded.

After a while, he spoke softly:

"After the extension of the geothermal power plant is deployed, we can roll out the energy supply network and prepare for the capture of the fifth area. This is a very important strategic pivot, and we succeeded."

"This is a big win, everyone should be happy, and I am happy too."

"But the celebration banquet. No, it's not about the celebration banquet. I just think that we shouldn't treat 'life and death' like this." The man paused for a while and thought of a word: "I don't care."

"I don't mean that after our companion dies, we must shed tears all day long and put on a face that can't wait to tell others how sad we are. We'll be stuck there for a long time, standing still, overwhelmed by resentment."

Chakoluo turned his head and glanced outside, where people were celebrating in full swing. "There are many people. They are not laughing and celebrating with the idea of ​​'you must not be sad but must move forward'. They really think that their companions are Death is worthwhile, so you should be happy - not just them, not just the enlightened ones, too many people are like this."

"In the corporate alliance, people nowadays don't care too much about life and death."

He seemed a little tired and sighed: "But I think it shouldn't be like this."

"This is the current situation of value." Song Shi propped up his chin with one hand and said casually: "Some people may hesitate to exchange one of their lives for 400,000 credits, but if you only exchange half a life, the people in line can start from here. Arranged to the fifth district in one go. ”

"The installment loan for the prosthetic body and the loan for attending the company school have to be repaid, and various offline services have to be renewed every month. Even if you don't care about reality at all, you are stuck in the virtual network all day long. Nutritional supplements, electricity bills, Internet bills and Membership services on various platforms. Which ones don’t require spending credits?”

Song Shi leaned on the chair and said lazily: "What can a mere life be used for? Which one is better than a credit point?"

"Even if you make up your mind to participate in a restricted variety show to grab prize money, you still have to go through a lot of auditions. Even if you want to risk your life, you still have to see if you are worth it."

Trade your life for money.

In today's corporate alliances, the first thought most people have when seeing these four words is not "is it suitable", but "is it worth it".

"Yes." Chakoluo was silent for a moment. He slowly straightened up and said word by word: "So, I want to change this."

"Because of the reverence for life and death, people will gather together and become a society, and for the same reason, the order that maintains the cornerstone of society will be born. We exist because of life and death."

The man crossed his fingers and clasped them together: "Life and death are the last and most important bottom line, but the company tramples on this bottom line wantonly, making everyone start not to care, just to pursue consumption and credit points."

"This is wrong," he said calmly. "I want to reverse this."

"Many people can't understand why I have to invest so much resources to seize control of Casting Light City. They are all good guys. Even if they don't understand, they are willing to give their lives for an order."

"Fubo Energy and other giant companies have been operating in Zhuguang City for decades and have accumulated a huge foundation. It is extremely difficult to capture it. Even if it is successfully captured, subsequent occupation will be extremely difficult. And its value, Sitting in a city is not a big improvement for the Enlightenment. Being sufficiently dispersed is our advantage. Does the City of Light have any special significance? "

"My answer is, yes, it's special, it means something."

Chakoluo's pupils lit up slightly, as if he had seen a difficult but glorious future.

"The giant wonders created by Fubo Energy, the two completely different climates in the city, the server arrays in the suburbs, and the factories that work all night... When anyone talks about the company, they will definitely not bypass Casting Light City. This city A miracle created by the company’s own hands.”

"Forged Light City has become a symbol of the company. It is one of the collections of entities that represent the meaning of the company's existence." Chakoluo said calmly and firmly: "I want to crush this entity and build a new city on its ruins. Here life and death will be respected, people can live with dignity and see a bright future - it will become a beacon of enlightenment, standing on this land, telling everyone another and correct possibility. "

"Song Shi, although we have not known each other for a long time, this is why I am telling you this."

Chacollo paused for a moment. He knocked on the table. Invisible ripples rippled out, isolating the inside and outside of the room: "At this moment, I am not saying the following words as an enlightened person. The current 'Chacollo Vaughn' is A pure psyker."

"Song Shi, you are very strong, unreasonably strong."

"You are different from, no, we are different from the vast majority of people, even the vast majority of psychics. We are confident that we can glimpse the peak of psychic power. The mountains will fall apart for us, and the sea will boil with a thought, turning the city Hold it in the palm of your hand. It’s not difficult to crush it.”

"The me now and you in the future, until we fall, we will definitely affect the operation of the entire world."

When a star is entrenched in the starry sky, even if it does nothing and just exists here, the light and heat that are enough to burn for tens of millions of years and continue to emit will be enough to easily change the planetary environment thousands of miles away.

"This is our power." The man said slowly: "But I prefer to call it...'responsibility'."

"This is not a warning or exhortation, this is just" he thought for a moment and said in a gentle tone: "As a traveler who has gone further, I offer some advice. I hope you can do it before you reach the fifth ring in the future. Think for a moment about the meaning of this 'power'."

"Arrived at the fifth ring." Song Shi narrowed his eyes and suddenly said: "Death by destiny."

But then, he stopped and chewed up his original words.

"No, there is no need to explain." Song Shi sat upright calmly and smiled slowly: "I will personally see whether the so-called 'destined death' exists - I will break it."

"As for what you mean by thinking about 'power'"

Song Shi looked at the man: "Zha Keluo, I don't reject what you just said, but I may not follow it... If you and I were people who could change with just one word, we wouldn't be sitting here."

"But." The young man tapped his heart with his index finger. The heart soaked in spiritual energy was beating powerfully, boiling in the burning blood.

He smiled and said:

"——If at that time, you think I am wrong, you are welcome to try to kill me."

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