Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 201 The meaning of the flag (Part 1)

The Enlightened One won.

In the fierce battle that lasted for several hours, the company's troops, led by Fubo Energy, relied on their numerical advantage and, under the desperate cover of two level 4 units, approached the perimeter of the geothermal power plant extension and destroyed part of the facilities.

Only the truly critical main part was not destroyed after all and successfully sank underground. Those damaged facilities will affect the power supply of the extension for a period of time, but it is harmless.

And for this impact, the company paid the casualties of most of the ground troops and the deaths of three level 4 units on the spot.

Some people of the Enlightened One also sacrificed, but none of the most critical level 4 units died. The worst case was that they were only seriously injured and needed to receive long-term healing.

Although they have always emphasized "equality" and "life cannot be measured by value", even within the Enlightened One, most members do not agree with this. They clearly understand that some people are more valuable than others.

And the level 4 units are such more "valuable" people.

——The extension of the geothermal power plant was successfully deployed.

——No casualties in the fourth-level units.

——All the strategies set before the operation were realized.

So, this is a big victory!

[Dear gentlemen and ladies or helicopters, it doesn’t matter anyway - dear viewers! Welcome to the news broadcast room of Baidi Society! ]

[This week is really full of surprises. I really want to talk about the weather forecast or what kind of moths are happening next door, and rely on this to make a lot of time and be a happy salary thief. ]

[Unfortunately, I am indeed an excellent news anchor. My sense of responsibility worth a thousand gold and the communication from my boss just told me not to do this, so let’s go straight to the topic that everyone has been waiting for for a long time - "Joint Military Exercises in Zhuguang City". ]

The screen popped up at the right time in the program, and the first-person and camera perspectives kept switching, and the rain of bullets kept lighting up the dark sky.

In the center of the position, dozens of figures were bombarding each other at high speed. The surroundings were demolished into ruins and flattened at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then the ground began to sink. The cameraman hovered far away in awe and dared not approach.

[I must regretfully tell you that this time evil has defeated justice again. Our righteous corporate coalition - of course, I am not referring to "Fubo Energy" here, although they have fallen again and again under the executioner of the Enlightened One, watching the other party's extension inserted into their territory.]

Even the same news will be presented in different ways depending on the program positioning. Obviously, this program belonging to Baidi Society is a semi-talk show. The host was beaming with joy, and his expression kept switching between being stunned and smiling.

"You actually like to watch this type?"

When Song Shi walked into the room, Cha Keluo was sitting in a chair, staring at the TV, on which these were played.

"A lot of people died this time." Song Shi was not polite. He pulled a chair and sat down, and said seriously: "Why are you still in the mood to watch a talk show?"

"It's 'sacrifice'."

Cha Keluo corrected him seriously. He turned off the TV, turned around, and shook his head slightly: "Mood. Didn't you just come down from the celebration banquet?"

"There's no way. If I stay any longer, I won't be able to get up tomorrow."

The original seriousness disappeared instantly. Song Shi leaned on the chair and yawned: "I didn't implant the 'enzyme maker'. My body is full of alcohol decomposing enzymes. I drink liters of wine like them."

In a battlefield of this intensity, even if Song Shi tore apart a large part of the opponent's offensive with his own strength, it would not be "intact" after all. Nearly ten people of the Enlightenment still died.

"File" who said he would treat Song Shi to a drink at the beginning was lucky. He survived successfully and only lost an arm, but that arm was a prosthesis, so it could be said to be unscathed.

——So, we should have a celebration party.

Yes, some people did die. Maybe they were still saying hello to each other yesterday, but today, both of them are gone, and even the complete bodies cannot be collected.

But so what?

People who went bankrupt overnight due to technical adjustments and jumped off the building to eat dumplings, and people who were shot in the head by a passing cyber psychopath. People who relied on stimulants to improve their work efficiency but died suddenly due to overtime. People who installed prostheses to improve their competitiveness, but could not afford advanced rejection agents, so they could only buy some inferior products on the black market, and then died in the bathtub.

In this era, death is no longer a serious and sacred thing. Who has not seen a bunch of dead people when they choose to stand on the extension battlefield? They did die, but their death was meaningful and valuable.

Being able to die valuable is something that countless people are eager to pursue and dream of.

After the death of more people, it was a week or half a month later, when the installment repayment date was defaulted, that they were found as a pool of rotten meat in the apartment. After the artificial body that could be sold was stripped, it was stuffed into a bag and sent to a public crematorium or garbage station.


Song Shi slowly exhaled, and the flames all over his body were ignited, and then disappeared in an instant, burning up the alcohol he drank.

As the focus of this battle, or even a key figure, Song Shi was indispensable at the celebration banquet tonight, and a bunch of people surrounded him and poured wine.

When the group of people got drunk and started to move out gasoline barrels marked with industrial alcohol, he felt something was wrong and quickly found an excuse to escape.

"At this time, I wonder if Fubo Energy is also holding a celebration banquet?"

Song Shi leaned back slightly, half smiling: "Do you think they can swallow this breath?"

On yesterday's battlefield, when the security director, Nansin Groden, made a brazen surprise attack and was held by Chakoluo from a distance, the entire position stood still for a moment - to be precise, the four people who felt the spiritual energy The superior units all separated at the same time and turned their attention there.

"I can take action on Nansing Groden, but it will be very troublesome to actually kill him." Chacoro said: "But for the next three months, he can only lie in bed."


On yesterday's battlefield, Chakoluo did not actually kill the security director of Fubo Energy.

Under the tacit understanding that both sides would not end if their combat power was level five or above, even Chakoluo could not really make a killing move.

A psyker at the pinnacle of the third ring, this is already the highest combat power on the surface of Cast Light City. If he were to kill him, the original balance of the situation would inevitably be broken, leading to a more chaotic and dangerous direction - " "Rebels" can be ignored, but the "chief commander" of enlightened people cannot be ignored.


He was just in front of all the Level 4 units present, in front of the whole city, and under the gaze of a bunch of cameras.

Throwing Nansing Groden into the sky.

——Then, he spread it across most of the city and smashed it into the top floor of Fubo Energy's landmark building in Zhuguang City!

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