"Who wins, you or Chacoro?" She coughed and spoke hoarsely.

Song Shi raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Slightly better."

"Is that so?" Gloria nodded slowly and asked, "Chakoluo, how strong is he?"

"Let's put it this way." Song Shi snapped his fingers: "Replace him from the second ring to just now, and your results will not change at all."

Gloria was slightly startled. She lowered her head as if she was thinking about something, and then quickly raised her head again.

She forcibly propped up her overwhelmed body and cast her sights into the distance - the battle there was still going on.

Under the bombardment of a large number of extremely chaotic high-energy forces, even Fast could no longer maintain a complete "curtain". Several large cracks were torn into pieces in the dark sky, leaving behind a dim sky.

The former simply stopped focusing on maintaining the curtain and began to use all his strength to restrain three fourth-level units with his own strength. He unleashed his spiritual energy so freely that the three of them could not even lift their heads. It wasn't until two more level four units from the company came over that the battle situation was finally stabilized.

The remaining fourth-level units were all fighting each other. One side tried to break in, and the other side held the former in place.

The two sides are in a stalemate.

This is a foreseeable situation.

Without external interference, Level 4 units can tear apart the extension of the geothermal power plant into pieces in an instant. It is impossible for the Enlightened One to let any hostile Level 4 unit break into the vicinity of the extension.

Strictly speaking, the key to this operation lies not in the fourth-level units, but in the ground troops armed with explosives below.

But how much better can they, those "elites" in the conventional sense, be compared to ordinary soldiers when facing the people in front of them? Someone must deal with the other party or stop it, otherwise it will be a devastating massacre.


Gloria felt that her vision was starting to get a little blurry, which was incredible for a person who was at the peak of the second ring, no, even half-stepped into the third ring at the moment [Transcendence].

——But he failed.

——I am going to die.

"Let's do it." Gloria stared at the young man again and spoke slowly.

"Aren't you going to try to hold me back for a while with words?" Song Shi smiled and said, "Maybe I can give you a chance."

"I lost to you, that's all."

On Gloria's body, cracks gradually broke out inch by inch. The heart, which was the energy center, was nailed, and the energy supply of the energy plating could no longer keep up. Under the licks of the nearby sea of ​​​​fire, this hard-tempered body was collapsing step by step.

"But your mistakes will always be corrected one day, but I just can't see it."

The woman shook her head, but her eyes still lit up. She said word by word: "Groden's glory will never be destroyed."

Song Shi didn't comment, just nodded calmly.

He raised his hand——

——Raise your hand!

The air is rippled, and the physical scene is shaking. No, it's not "air" at all, but "space" in the true sense of the word!

Twenty-seven meters away, next to the collapsed load-bearing pillar of the fortification, the space blurred at this moment, and the outline of a human figure was revealed.

He was a stern middle-aged man. He also had a tall build and gorgeous short red hair, but unlike Gloria, his face was filled with indifference - there were light gray debris in the gaps between his clenched fingers. Little by little passes.

They are the disintegrated fragments of a one-time [Phase Transfer Device] that allows users to move between spaces. It is one of the products of cutting-edge technology.

The pinnacle of this technology is the [Phase Armor] that can transfer all attacks to the gaps in space. The ultimate unbreakable barrier - even the nine giant corporations that are above us can only possess the singularity technology "Space Jump". "The [Valley Overturning and Development] can create real objects.

Even if this concept-level creation cannot be realized, based on the characteristics of "phase shift" alone, this is the most top-notch stealth measure.

At this moment, there is no option to use the extension to destroy the geothermal power plant.

Fubo Energy is based in Zhuguang City and is in charge of the security department.

[Balance] at the pinnacle of the third ring, Nansing Groden.

The moment he came out of the phase shift state, the man looked indifferent. Without hesitation, he clenched his fist and raised his hand, aiming at Song Shi in front of him.

Covering the area with a radius of fifty meters around the opponent in one breath, the spiritual energy that had been ready to go climbed to the top and blasted out!

——Psychic Skills·[Structural Analysis]!

——Psychic Skill·[Ignore Physical Properties]!

——Psychic Skill·[Constant]!

——Psychic Skill·[Collapse]!

——Psychic Skill·[Dissociation]!

——Psychic Skills·[Make Up Forbidden]!

As a psyker on the path of [Balance], the law Nancy controls is "structure". To be more precise, it is one direction of "structure" - how to destroy the structure.

As early as when he first entered the third ring, he could easily see the structure of a complex device, the structure of each part, and even the material composition of these parts with just one glance.

He can use minimal force to hit the weakest points of these "structures" to destroy the whole.

But now, having reached the peak of the third ring, he has even surpassed the limitations of matter and can destroy ethereal things such as "energy" and "spirit".

In Nan Xin's eyes, only "Song Shi" was left.

Not holding anything back.

The six spiritual energy skills were activated at the same time. Even if it was Sadao Zuche who blocked it, the huge mechanical warrior would be shattered in an instant under this all-out attack, let alone a second-ring Dayuan.

Even if Fast was here in person, he had to be extremely cautious.

——The owner of this attack aimed to smash the young man into pieces!

Nan Xin's spiritual energy created ripples and spread in all directions, like rippling water.

In silence, the flames were extinguished, the remaining golden light was broken, and those defensive fortifications that barely had their outlines were quietly turned into dust in front of the ripples.

But facing the terrifying attack that came in an instant, Song Shi didn't even cast a glance.

He just held the heavy murder and slashed it violently. The flames burst out and burned Gloria to ashes!

The next moment, everything solidified.

It was as if someone raised his hand and pressed the freeze button for the world.

The extinguished flames, the shattered golden light, the drifting dust, and even Nan Xin who attacked halfway, along with his terrifying spiritual energy, everything froze.

——Then, the situation reversed.

The flames that were forcibly extinguished were rekindled, the scattered golden light left by Gloria condensed again, and the chaotic dust flew back along their own trajectories, and the outline of matter was outlined and rose.

"We have an agreement that neither side will deploy combat power of level 5 units or above. I can't take action either."

"But I am here after all."

"So you are just betting that I will not break the agreement and take the risk of intensifying the war to forcefully take action to block your surprise attack for him."

"You are right. If it were any other time or any other place, I am afraid I really would not take action. Of course, I can always protect Song Shi, but that is not his path, and he will never be willing to be under the wings of others."

"Everyone's 'destined death' can only be broken by himself."

Deep underground dozens of miles away, in an empty hall, someone slowly put down the nuts and stood up among a pile of beverage boxes.

His sight penetrated the shackles of space and reached the battlefield in the distance.

As if time was going backwards, Nan Xin's body kept retreating and reappeared in the original place, but this time, he could no longer move at all.

The terrifying psychic energy that could easily destroy objects in the past disappeared in front of another more terrifying psychic energy - he was like a "fly" in amber.

"But you got one thing wrong."

"At this moment, he is fighting for the Enlightened One, and at this moment, he is under my gaze."

"Dare you dare to try to extinguish the fire of the future in front of me?"

Chakolo raised his indifferent eyes, like a tyrant who would not tolerate disobedience.

Only at this time, will someone realize what the three words "rebel" really mean.

"I have violated the agreement and taken the initiative."

"- So, what?"

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