Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 199: Defeat, response and remembrance

Gloria's pupils suddenly expanded.

As the four fires were extinguished, the overflowing fire flow rushed into Song Shi frantically.

He raised his hand, and cracks inch by inch meandered along the surface of his body, like fragmented and barely glued porcelain. The originally short hair quickly began to lengthen and fall on his shoulders, with a gradient of red gold at the end.

At the same time, as if attracted and infused by it, the sea of ​​fire that originally swirled around Song Shi also began to change color, and everything was transformed into red gold at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In other words, it became more "pure"!

Different from the "self-immolation" when facing Gabe in the previous battle at the research institute.

At this moment, with the psychic power reaching the upper level of the second ring and a total of eight psychic skills, how much stronger is the "self-immolation" effect that Song Shi now shows?

Song Shi held the heavy murder and suddenly turned around and pointed forward.

The "Forging Flame" surged freely, completely engulfing Chongshi, making the latter look no longer like a straight knife, but a streak of fire drifting with the wind.

Very strong.

—— Very strong.

—— Very strong!

As Groden, who was granted the "whole person" with pure talent, [transcendence] at the peak of the second ring.

Feeling the terrifying flames in front of her, she had clearly judged that the "within three strikes" the other party said was not a so-called bluff, it was a declaration from the heart and unquestionable - and the other party did have the power to achieve this declaration!

Even those fourth rings of Fubo Energy, when they suppressed their strength to the second ring and practiced with themselves, had never felt this way.

This gap seemed to be close at hand, but it was a huge gap.

Gloria slowly closed her eyes.

Her skin felt a strong tingling sensation, and something in her heart seemed to be about to burst out, and her intuition kept trembling

This is... the real oppression when facing life and death?

So, the woman opened her eyes, and from the depths of her pupils, a look called joy bloomed for the first time!


The pure golden stream tore through the flames and slashed towards Song Shi.

The extremely condensed plasma and psychic energy aggregated into a light-chasing fierce front, and with the two-in-one connection, it went a step further. At this moment, in Gloria's palm, two dazzling golden lights twisted at high speed, dragging out criss-crossing stream marks - each slash was a terrifying destructive force that was enough to easily cut open a shuttle.

But at this moment, all the slashes were completely ineffective!

Song Shi was also moving at high speed. Every time a beam of golden light slashed down, there would be an equally blazing stream of fire to meet it. In the next moment, when the red and golden light marks turned into a complete dissipation, the new bombardment completely tore the former apart.

It was clearly in the state of [Flowing Light Full Energy], and all aspects were greatly improved.

But Gloria was shocked to find that at this moment, she was being suppressed - the other party's "self-immolation" was stronger than hers in the same temporary state!

"——First strike."

Once again, Song Shi's eyes lit up. He did not hesitate to exert his strength, took advantage of the situation, and smashed towards Gloria with a knife.

Yes, "smash towards".

Because the moment he swung down the heavy killing, all the nearby flames surged, and the extremely condensed pulp state turned them into a real wave, swallowing everything in front of them!


Gloria's pupils lit up, and a light shield condensed in front of her, and then it was instantly overwhelmed and crushed into pieces, but immediately afterwards, another new light shield was propped up, and then continued to break.

Rise again, break again!

Three consecutive light shields were shattered, but she finally had time to raise her double swords and resist the subsequent aftermath.

"Not bad!" Song Shi laughed and praised, and then stepped forward without hesitation: "——Second strike!"

In terms of the magnitude of spiritual energy, the opponent has surpassed himself without a doubt.

Gloria could feel that the opponent did not use any fancy techniques, but only summoned the flames and condensed them to cut out.

However, the opponent exerted this unimaginable abundant power to the fullest. It was simple enough, so it was pure enough, so it was "unstoppable"!

But Gloria still blocked it!

She roared and raised her sword with all her strength, and the golden light spread all over the four directions in an instant.

Attack against attack!

Like a reef standing under the raging waves, Gloria's light was squeezed in front of the red-gold waves, and the whole person was shaky-but she was still swinging the sword! Even the speed did not decrease but increased!

The oncoming sea of ​​fire was separated and chopped, and the overflowing fire licked Gloria frantically. Ripples continued to appear on her tall body with flowing light patterns. The energy plating tried to resist the flames, but under the continuous offensive, it could not be completely blocked after all.

Her red hair began to burn, and pieces of skin peeled off and turned to ashes. On the worst-hit back shoulders, even the glass-like white bones could be vaguely seen.

Only Gloria's eyes became brighter and brighter!

"That's it."

The flesh, bones, and even every cell were jumping for joy, and the mind seemed to be gradually withdrawn from the body. It was the ripples of boiling will. Her "heart" and "body" were separated and no longer harmonious and unified, but this was not a bad thing.

That was because both were moving forward, so the deviation brought about a further "advancement" above the peak of the second ring.

When the two settled down again and merged again, that was the scenery of the third ring.

And she had already seen this scenery!

Life and death, strong enemies, oppression.

So, [transcendence].

This was the path that Emmanuel chose for Gloria, and at this moment, the latter was moving straight and accurately on this path.

Seeing the woman's expression, Song Shi's expression became even more joyful, and he laughed in approval.

Then, third——


At this moment, Gloria raised her head and loudly refused.

The psyker tightened his grip on his weapon, and brilliant golden light bloomed on himself.

She said word for word: "——The end of the third blow will be from me."

Under Song Shi's gaze, Gloria turned into a beam of light - no, four beams of light!

The Zhuguang Liefeng split and turned into four handles again, and the woman's outline completely disappeared in the golden light.

That is not an ability similar to "energization", it is just a visual illusion caused by high-speed movement.

Even the sound was lost in the light, not daring to make any waves.

——Furthermore, gather together!

Four beams of light appeared at the same time, and behind each beam of light, there was an afterimage of Gloria. It was like she was holding four Light-Chasing Blades at the same time. In just an instant, a network composed of pure light energy appeared in all directions.

They crisscrossed each other in an instant, and at the last moment, they converged towards the goal.

Song Shi laughed wildly and controlled the fire stream to blast out!

The world darkened in an instant, and all the original colors faded away, leaving only two completely different colors that collided - and then, with an undisputed gesture, the flames surged, boiled, and roared, completely drowning the golden light!

pure white.

Under the collision of energy of too high a level, even with the extraordinary vision of a psychic, a brief period of pure white appeared.

Gradually, the dazzling whiteness dissipated and the vision returned.


The scorching hot wind passed by silently.

Gloria coughed and slowly looked at Song Shi. There were several scratches of varying depths on the other person's body. The most terrifying one exposed the bone-deep wound on the young man's right forearm.

But that's all.

Look down.

Most of the woman's heart was buried in the body. The carefully crafted energy center, extraordinary organs, and already alienated heart would not be any stronger than foam in front of this weapon.


Time seems to have just started to flow at this moment. In the thin voice, the light-chasing blade in Gloria's hand was not, but cracks appeared on the surface of the four light-chasing blades at the same time, and then spread rapidly. The four psychic weapons completely collapsed and became scattered. point of light.

That was the overwhelming feeling after the collision.

After realizing the weakness of pure psychic energy, in the final blow just now, she chose to increase her speed to an unprecedented limit. With this divine speed, she controlled four light-chasing blades at the same time, so that she could reach four times the speed of her own body in an instant. of killing power.

This is an extremely difficult technique that requires an extremely delicate grasp of the balance between body, mind, and spiritual energy in order to erupt with terrifying destruction that almost overlaps the line and far exceeds previous levels. Even if he was granted the gift of "whole person", he had never really achieved this in the past.

Until just now.

Under unprecedented pressure, the shackles that had been difficult to break through in the past, or even noticed, were all broken by oneself, and the heart and body reached an unprecedented unity. This is the end of the psyker named "Gloria Groden". In fourteen years of life, there is no doubt that it is the absolute pinnacle.

——She "surpassed" her past self!

".How did you do it?" The woman was silent for a moment and asked.

"After noticing the power gap with your opponent, you use your skills to make up for the gap, or even defeat the opponent in turn. This is undoubtedly correct. There is nothing wrong with your thinking."

Song Shi looked quite happy: "It's a pity that there was something wrong with your execution."

"You don't have a spiritual skill similar to [Spectral Transformation], so the four attacks just now were not struck out by four of you at the same time in the true sense. It was just that you relied on your super speed and control over yourself to achieve extremely high speed. Switch between four light-chasing blades in a short time, restraining four attacks in one moment."

"But no matter how 'instant' it is, it is not 'simultaneous' after all."

Song Shi explained patiently: "There is a time difference between them."

"For one thing, your speed and reaction ability are stronger than mine. This is my weakness for you, so I can only rely on 'skills' to make up for it."

"I saw through all your disguised sword paths, predicted the true trajectory, found out the weak points of the beam flow, and then took action a moment earlier, blocking the most dangerous parts of them in turn."

"And if you use this level of power, after this move ends, you will inevitably fall into a short-term decline. As long as you seize this moment to counterattack, you can easily penetrate your defense and establish a chance of victory."

"That's why I said your idea is fine, but your execution is a bit poor."

Song Shi shook his head slightly, as if he suddenly remembered something, and he sighed: "Well, I know a woman, and that guy is as transcendent as you."

"Although she is not a perfect person, but..."

The young man raised his head with a look of nostalgia.

"If it had been her just now, it would have definitely been more than four times... probably seven or eight times, right? The difficulty of predicting and resisting would be greatly increased, and it would really threaten my life."

"Well it's almost time."

Sighing again, suppressing the nostalgia, Song Shi looked at Gloria again.

Under that all-out, unprecedented final blow, the latter achieved a brand new breakthrough, but his body could not bear the load. In addition, he was severely injured by Song Shi, and now he could only half kneel on the ground.

The tall body that had always been tall and proud was finally no longer tall.

It wasn't until this moment that the two people's eyes truly reached eye level in the physical sense.

Song Shi looked at the other person, his eyes no longer looking down on him.

He asked calmly and gently: "Are there any last words?"

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