The dim and dim sky in the past gradually became brighter.

Through the gaps between the thick clouds, beams of sunlight filtered down, drowning the world below - making it even more dazzling.

It’s not that this “sunshine” is so bright.

It's just that the accumulation of frost and snow covering the blocks, the turbid hexagonal lattice will bend and reflect the light cast, turning it into strong ultraviolet stimulation. Once it lasts for too long, the human retina will be overwhelmed and fall into symptoms such as "snow blindness" .

Fortunately, it’s never “too long.”

Song Shi raised his head and looked at the sky.

Today is the middle of the month, the twice-monthly “open day”.

Since the completion of the [Macrostate Light Energy Matrix], Fubo Energy has completely monopolized the Sun Queen of the Rokal Plain. The latter invested a lot of resources to build Zhuguang City into a comprehensive metropolis - which is already one of Fubo Energy's iconic landmarks.

Any manufacturer, investor or consumer, as long as they witness this glorious miracle in the virtual online tour provided by [Fubo Energy], will be impressed by Fubo Energy's heritage and willingly trust it to complete business.

Zhuguang City is no longer just a city, it is also a symbol of Fubo Energy.

Even looking at the entire history of corporate alliances, this is an extremely brilliant and successful publicity and marketing case.

- It certainly has its detractors.

So forty-seven years ago, after the [Scientific Ethics Committee] came forward to put pressure, [Fubo Energy] made a compromise and took the lead in setting up a public welfare "open day" event.

They designate the first and middle of each month as "open days". On this day, the macro-state light energy matrix will lift some restrictions and provide free sunlight to the outer city.

At the same time, in the past two days, companies headed by Fubo Energy will cooperate with the municipal government to distribute some free temporary food, regular medicines and daily equipment, and randomly select twelve lucky citizens to participate in a large-scale live broadcast. After the show, they can win prizes including but not limited to "clear the shopping cart".

This is the social responsibility and responsibility of Fubo Energy as a giant enterprise.

"What do you think? From an omnic perspective?"

Song Shi stood on the rooftop, straightened his coat, and looked down.

A sharp whistling sound suddenly sounded.

A minivan with the logo of Fubo Energy and other companies and an armor plate on the outside broke into the street. Like a school of hungry fish after being thrown into a fish pond with bread crumbs, people who had been waiting for it quickly swarmed up.

And soon, two half-covered exoskeleton guards jumped out of the car. Without saying a word, they fired several shots into the air.

After everyone calmed down, they threw out a signal for three micro-drones to fly out. Two released advertising projections with exquisite special effects, and one aimed its lens at the scene.

The guard on the left began to read: "This distribution of free relief food, medicine and shopping coupons in the Arms District is fully sponsored by Fubo Energy. I would like to thank it for its outstanding contributions to social welfare."

The guard on the right took over and adjusted his voice to be very emotional: "Fubo Energy closely connects your quality of life with unlimited energy. Your affirmation is the greatest motivation for us to move forward."

Finally, they said in unison: "The sun is too far away from you. Fubo Energy is willing to cover this distance of 900 million kilometers for you."

After saying this, they opened the door of the truck and signaled everyone to line up to receive it. In front of the bright firearms, these people silently stepped forward and then left silently.

".It's hard to understand." said the lapis lazuli that turned into a necklace.

"Resources, no, productivity." It said: "Your productivity is sufficient, even by the most stringent standards, it is enough to feed the entire population. But at least in the enterprise alliance, your economic entity 'company' has deliberately set up a baseline.”

“You people prevent people from starving to death, but they are limited to ‘barely surviving’ itself. At the same time, these people have to work all year round for this.”

"Omnics don't do this because it makes no sense to us," it said.

After a pause, Lapis Lazuli said: "We pursue freedom, but you have freedom, but you eat each other's freedom."

"Yes, 'feed'."

Song Shi stepped on the edge of the rooftop, chuckled and said: "Nutritional ointment, white maggot breeding technology, and online subscription services. No matter how bad the environment is, people will not starve to death."

"As long as you have enough food and a little entertainment, it's a good life - no one wants to break a good life."

"As for so-called freedom"

He glanced at the truck and the crowd one last time, then turned and walked onto the rooftop, disappearing among the undulating buildings.

The extension deployment of the geothermal power plant was not the next day.

It is impossible for the Enlightened One to start an operation of this level all at once. Whether it is setting up defensive positions in advance and evacuating nearby residents, or performing the last equipment maintenance and repairs on the extension, these will take time.

The same is true for companies headed by Fubo Energy.

In the past few days, in the name of "anti-terrorism and explosion suppression", Fubo Energy, Nanyu Heavy Industry and Zero Degree Network have successively issued statements that they will conduct a joint military exercise in the near future. These days, stolen videos of some armed transports are being circulated on the Internet from time to time.

——This also brought a lot of relief to many people.

Military exercises mean dividing areas.

As long as you remember to stay away from the designated areas in advance, you don’t have to worry about being smashed to pieces by bullets and artillery that hit you inexplicably when you are lying in bed in the middle of the night. Related assets can also be handled in advance, or you can find a brave insurance company to purchase insurance, so that you won’t become a pauper overnight because of the company war.

As for Song Shi’s preparation.

No preparation.

Or rather, there is no need to prepare.

Since his rebirth, he has once again approached the peak of the second ring - and the door to the third ring is also visible when he raises his head.

And a third-ring psychic.

Even in the [Vampsta Empire], which is founded on psychic power and has the most in-depth understanding of psychic power and still retains the tradition of "psychic aristocrats" on the surface, this is also an absolute backbone force.

Whether you join politics or join the military, even if you are a civilian with no background, you can be promoted at a very fast speed. If your faith is strong enough, then the state religion is also a good choice.

Even if you don’t want to deal with people at all, there is another way - the duel field.

If you can carve out a path in this proud tradition of the empire, perform well enough, and even win the championship, you may even have the opportunity to enter the palace and meet the supreme emperor himself.

Among the emperors' personal guards [Divine Servant of the Emperor] of all dynasties, there are always people who have made it out of this path.

In the Vanpusta Empire, the status of psychics is noble enough, and they have enough choices...

At least before killing their prince who has the right to succeed to the throne, the empire has never stopped throwing olive branches to them.


The third day after the "Open Day".

——Song Shi, arrived at the battlefield.

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