Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 191 Before the Storm

"—Have they made any new moves?"

In the spotless clean room, the man stood tall and straight, browsing the messages sent to him.

Abadet Indi.

[Zero Degree Network] Head of the Intelligence and Strategic Analysis Department in Cast Light City.

Even in the online virtual conference room, he did not add any "personalized" appearance modules, and the whole person maintained his real appearance.

Exquisite and close-fitting high-end suit, customized top-grade prosthesis and plug-ins, except for the right arm prosthesis equipped with a disc and a simulated streamlined shape, he looks no different from a natural person.

Only when a large amount of information was constantly flowing in and integrated into the pupils of the pair of light brown prosthetic eyes did people realize it.

In addition to being a "supervisor", the opponent is also a third-level [Balance] and a depth 4 [Demon].

"Yes." A subordinate's online stand-in appeared: "This is the latest news from the sentinels responsible for movement monitoring. They are finally ready to advance the extension deployment of the geothermal power plant."

Abadet nodded slightly.

Implanted deep in the brain, the sixth-generation flagship electronic neural processor allows him to easily process huge amounts of information and play mainstream programs on the market in the center of his palm. But at this moment, these are of no use.

The Enlightenment's plan to deploy an extension of the geothermal power plant was never expected - rather, it was the only thing they could do.

After so many years of hard work, [Fubo Energy] has not just created a "macro-state light energy matrix" in the sky.

With energy supply bureaus, circuit transmission networks, power distribution services, etc. forming a huge network, they have completely penetrated the entire Rokal Plain on "energy", the lifeblood of civilization. If you want to defeat Fubo Energy and seize Cast Light City in a real sense, this is not simply a matter of force.

——Geothermal power plant is the alternative provided by Enlightenment.

To be precise, it is a transitional plan to maintain the operation of Cast Light City during the blank period after the defeat of giant companies such as Fubo Energy and Enlightenment taking over the integration.

Even now, it's just as important.

If the Enlightened Ones can't even maintain the supply of energy, then the area they occupy won't be able to last long and they will collapse - the horrible weather in the outer city can really freeze people to death.

Taking the geothermal power plant as the core and gradually advancing to occupy the area has been the established strategy of Enlightenment.

Six months ago, they secretly completed the deployment of the mainframe, which made the company's upper management very angry, and a lot of people were demoted and liquidated. Abadet, as head of the Intelligence Department, also received a severe rebuke.

"Extension deployment."

The man murmured softly.

In the past, the deployment of the main engine of the geothermal power plant was carried out in secret. The deployment location was the hinterland of the Enlightened Ones, that is, in the center of the Third District. This makes intelligence reconnaissance very difficult and involves huge delays.

Even if they get intelligence in advance, they may not be able to successfully stop it because they are at the core of the opponent. In the past six months, in order to quell the anger above, they have sent three tactical teams to sneak in with individual nuclear bombs in an attempt to destroy the geothermal power plant, or its surface supporting facilities.

But all ended in failure.

——But this time is different.

In order to further expand the fourth area, the preparatory deployment location of the extension is the periphery of the third area.

After learning from past lessons and adding corresponding monitoring and observation measures, it is no longer possible to hide such a large equipment transportation and assembly project from the eyes of myself and others.

As for the Enlightenment's movements these days, it is obvious that they have no intention of hiding it.

This will be a head-to-head battle!

In a sense.

——This extension is the "war letter" of the Enlightened One.

"Start deploying the extensions now and advance the strategy." Abadet whispered: "Sure enough."

Whether it is enlightened people or the companies they work for, everyone is waiting for "Shang Qiu".

Waiting for the time when this old woman who has served as the mayor of Cast Light City for three consecutive terms with a total term of more than twelve years and has accumulated a huge reputation will step down and the next mayor will officially take office.

"There are still four months until full-scale war begins."

Abadet exhaled slowly.

He raised his head, his expression no longer doubtful, only determined.

"We must not allow the Enlightened One's conspiracy to succeed."

"——Notify all departments that all vacations are cancelled. Get them all moving, operating around the clock, and be ready for battle. In addition, Fubo Energy and Nanyu Heavy Industry were notified that we have proposed a joint military exercise, and the recommended action level of the assessment is level 4 ”


The conference room was filled with solemnity for a moment, and everyone responded in unison.

Just as Abadet was about to log off, someone suddenly spoke.

"Sir." The man hesitated: "Do you want to notify Ms. Yu Xuyi? We can't contact her."

"The lingering fear instrument"

Hearing the name, Abadet pondered for a moment and shook his head slightly: "No, she will not participate in this joint operation."

The subordinates also wisely stopped asking "Why?" and quickly went offline.

Instead, Abadet paused for a while in the virtual conference room that became empty for a few breaths, seeming to be thinking about something.

——"The mob", Yu Chuyi.

The man thought.

I hope that woman can really unearth the so-called legacy of the liberal revolution for the company.


".Extension deployment of geothermal power plants."

Inside the office building of Fubo Energy.

Browsing through the latest incoming information, Emmanuel looked cold.

The secret deployment of the geothermal power plant half a year ago was the most successful action of the Enlightened in the City of Light. [Fubo Energy] was extremely angry, and was not prepared to swallow the bitter fruit.

The ultimate weapon at the strategic level, the aerospace carrier "Groden Glory" was directly dispatched. At the closest time, it had reached 40 kilometers outside the City of Light - it can be said to be very close.

Then, Cha Keluo took action.

After the tentative collision, the two sides have been in a standoff - the Groden Glory was forced to retreat to 200 kilometers away and could not go any further, and the latter had to keep his energy and keep an eye on the former.

And now, they still want to replicate the "success" again?

But soon, as if he thought of something, his brows slowly relaxed again.

".The ritual is in line with the scorched earth." Emmanuel knocked on the table: "The 'Song Shi' must be present, he will not miss this opportunity."

As early as the second day after the death of "Anfu Axeman", the file on this young genius was presented to him, and the subsequent collection and analysis has never stopped - the other party's personality portrait, identity experience, psychic skills, suppression tactics, etc., are all continuously summarized.

So the man knows that the other party's [Scorched Earth] is "incomplete".

So the man understands that the other party must pursue a "complete" [Scorched Earth]!

"——Nan Xin, have you read the latest intelligence?"

Emanuel activated a secret communication channel.

On the other end of the communication, Nan Xin Groden, the head of the security department of [Fubo Energy] in Zhuguang City, spoke in a steady tone.

"I have learned everything. I will be responsible for the next operation and will never let the extension complete the deployment and infringe on the company's assets."

"Yes." Emmanuel nodded: "This time, let Gloria go with you."

"Yes? Let Gloria." Nan Xin was slightly startled, and suddenly reacted: "Brother, you mean. 'Song Shi'?"

"I will convince her to enter."

Emanuel leaned back slightly and stared at the ceiling.

"This 'Song Shi' is more worthy of attention than ten geothermal power plants."

He said lightly: "I want you to complete one thing."

"If Gloria wins, you should ensure that she withdraws successfully. If Gloria loses this game, you have to kill Song Shi - in the second case, Gloria's life can be prioritized later."

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