Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 190 Psychic Skills [Prairie Fire]

No. 1【Liaoyuan】

When Song Shi walked out of the elevator, walked through the corridor, and walked into the underground hall, Chakoluo was sitting at a round table, smoking something.

Looking at the young man and Gwenlin, he waved quickly: "Oh, they are all here, sit down wherever you want."

Song Shi was naturally not polite and sat across from the round table, while Gwenlin still stood behind Chakoluo, waiting silently.

Seeing this, Chakoluo sighed, but there was nothing he could do.

"Try it." He threw a few banging objects at the young man.

Song Shi took it. It was some kind of hazelnut-like nut. He crushed the shell and stuffed a few pieces into his mouth.

There is no bitterness and irritation caused by heavy metal elements, industrial waste gas and other things as imagined. These nuts melt in one sip and are exceptionally sweet.

Song Shi raised his eyebrows: "Pure species?"

In today's environment, edible fruits of this level almost only exist in three-dimensional farms that specialize in cultivating high-end products. They are grown in a pollution-free environment and carefully planned cultivation. They are completely high-end products and the favorite of the middle class.

"That's right." Chakoluo nodded: "When we were cleaning up the organ smugglers, these people made a batch of these things. After everyone counted and seized them, they brought some to me."

After watching Song Shi finish eating, the man seemed to be about to say something, but the former had already taken a step ahead and threw back the remaining nut shells.

Chakoluo was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and said, "Then we are quite compatible."

He piled the remaining nut shells together and tapped his index finger on the table.

These broken nut shells, every fragment and every bit of dust rose up and began to gather silently. The winding cracks were re-closed, the broken shells returned to their original shape, and the plump flesh grew out again - no, to be precise, not "Growing back", but everything regressed back to the state it was in not long ago.

But at the snap of a finger.

Maroon nuts are once again piled on the table, waiting to be used again.


Song Shi looked at all this without any disturbance in his heart.

This was the case with Chakoro in his previous life. Once he encountered something good, it was so good. No matter what time or situation, he would only receive this thing - until he got tired of it.

Anyway, there is [Reversal], so he doesn't care about the inventory problem.

In a sense, despite being suppressed by all kinds of overt and covert guns all year round, Qiming Zhe and its subordinate companies can still maintain operations and earn a certain amount of profits. Both he and Xu Yu take considerable credit - the former often [reverses] each other's situation. A reserve of raw materials, which greatly reduces production costs. The latter realizes the "in vivo manufacturing cycle" with its fully expanded and huge true body, constantly producing the equipment and weapons needed by the enlightened, which is why it is called a [factory].

My highest record in the previous life was that I ate twelve canned fruits (non-irradiated version) from him in a row, and there were a bunch of drinks from the Alcoholic Beverage Industry on standby.

"I'm thinking about what to say."

Chakoluo picked up a nut with satisfaction, examined it for a moment before putting it down, and looked at Song Shi again.

"Yeah." He thought for a while: "Forget it, I'll just say it."

"Song Shi, your [Scorched Earth] is incomplete and lacks the 'defense' part. Of course, strictly speaking, it cannot be called incomplete." The man said: "But for you, it must be both. It’s prepared, so I have a road here.”

"——Geothermal power plant?"

Song Shi leaned back slightly and spoke.

Regarding the other party's direct guess of the answer, Chakoluo's expression did not change, as if he had already expected it.

He looked at the person in front of him and easily told what should have been top secret news: "We plan to deploy a group of geothermal power plant extension modules outside the fourth area, and use this as a basis to spread the energy supply network and prepare for the fifth area." prepare for."

"I want you to serve as one of the garrison members to guard the deployment of the extension module. Well, to be precise, guard it from sinking into the deepest and safest position."

"The extension module needs to sink into the ground little by little from the surface to facilitate the extraction of mantle heat. It will be very fragile in the early near-surface state, but once it sinks into the deep underground, even the large-yield earth-penetrating bomb of Southern Heavy Industry will not pose a threat. , unless they plan to use the [earth roar weapon] to release seismic waves in a targeted manner - but in that case, I will take action."

When he said "I will take action," Chakoluo's tone did not fluctuate at all and was still gentle, just like an afternoon chat.

But only the young man and Gwenlin who were close at hand could feel the peace contained in those words.

That is even if the sky is overturned and the waves are turbulent.

——It can also hold up the sky again and calm down the tsunami waves!

"Accurate judgment."

But Song Shi turned a blind eye to this.

He cracked a nut and nodded: "The extension of a geothermal power plant can indeed be regarded as my own territory. As long as I guard it, my [Scorched Earth] will be complete."

By that time, the second level of psychic skills has been completed to the fifth level, and the upper limit of fire seeds has been pushed to sixteen. In this state, he was able to attack Gaboy head-on in his prime, and attack the third ring as the second ring.

"—but it's not enough."

Song Shi cracked another nut and then raised his index finger.

He looked at Chakoluo and smiled: "Is it time for the pie you drew for me to fall to the ground?"

"I knew you'd ask this."

Chacoro laughed.

But then, he squeezed the nuts and felt helpless: "This is indeed my problem."

"I was planning to give you a surprise, but there was a problem with the transportation of the zero crystal, I mean the time. I'm afraid you'll have to wait for a while." Cha Ke Luo paused: "In this case, there's no need to prepare any surprises."


He said directly: "The sixth psychic skill I prepared for you is [Liaoyuan]."

-Psionic skill · [Liaoyuan]?

Song Shi's expression changed slightly when he heard this word.

The next moment, the young man laughed.

"That's really an expensive reward."

Perhaps in terms of pure preciousness, [Liaoyuan] is slightly inferior to [Burning Blood] and [Forging Flame], but there is no doubt that it is still a powerful psychic skill.

More importantly, it suits me very well.

For psychics, "suitability" is often more important than simple "preciousness".

"Flame" is a fear engraved deep in the genes of most organisms and passed down from generation to generation. Humans are no exception. Before civilization, or even before the birth of civilization, an accidental fire is enough to destroy everything.

The houses built with great effort, the food accumulated with great effort, and the lives of people. On the dry land, with the help of the wind, the flames can sweep across the world in an instant and burn everything to ashes.

——The fire spreads all over the prairie, unstoppable.

And [Prairie Fire] is a psychic skill born from this "unstoppable" image!

"——Chakoro, Gwenlin, I have only one condition."

Song Shi stood up.

He stared at the two of them, and the red-gold flame flowed in his pupils.

Song Shi smiled and said:

"After the enemy invasion and war, I have the freedom to choose my opponent - of course, I promise that it will not affect the deployment of the geothermal power plant extension."

Chakoro looked at the young man's eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up a little.

He smiled and stood up as well.


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