Purgatory Artist

Vol 3 Chapter 171: country

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Eternal night.

In the dark night, several meteors flashed away.

"Look, they are back."

A humane in a greyhound mask.

Beside him, there are two people wearing masks.

White Wolf said: "I don't know what the group leader is doing on a whim and rushing to purgatory."

The fox said: "—It should be something related to prisoners."

A few stars came quietly.

Four people wearing masks of darkness, stars, tigers and rabbits fell to the ground.


Humanity wearing a dark mask.

"Everything is ready, you can enter the cemetery again at any time." Fox said.

He took out cards and distributed them to everyone.

Liu Ping also got one.

I saw a secret room drawn on the card, which was filled with all kinds of supplies, with only a table and seven chairs in the middle.

Lines of burning small print quickly emerged:

"Last Words Tea Room (Antiquities

"Time card, dimensional card."

"The holder of this card, no matter in any time stream or any space, can arrive in this card for a little rest, or leave a message to the companions here."

"Available once every seven days."

Liu Ping's gaze fell on the word'ancient things' and asked, "Does this card have any origin?"


The fox introduced the function of the card to one side, and said: "This is an important card we got from unearthing another cemetery. It comes from the void world countless years ago."

"And this card."

The group leader once again showed the heavy card full of various technology-side components in front of Liu Ping, and said:

"This card was also obtained from our excavation of a graveyard. By studying it, we learned the origin of the card."


Why are they all obtained from the cemetery?

Liu Ping was a little puzzled.

Xingchen added: "Back then, the Void Human Race was extremely powerful and great, and created a splendid historical civilization. They buried many places similar to the cemetery in the Eternal Night, and seemed to be preparing something."

"Although the Void Pillar was completely destroyed and the civilization of the human race came to an end, these cemeteries have always been in the eternal night. They prove the strength of the human race back then." Gray Wolf said.

"This is the same cemetery we are going down now?" Liu Ping asked.

Several people looked at each other and all smiled.

The Tiger patted him on the shoulder and said, "Fortunately for you boy, this cemetery is bigger than the cemeteries we have explored before—"

The Greyhound also said: "We have worked so hard to break through many heavy barriers and passed many screenings. When you can just go in and explore, you killed the arrogant Card Master of Time."

White Wolf said: "It's not necessarily lucky. After all, the dangers of this kind of cemetery are unpredictable. Maybe we will die here."

"Bah, you crow's mouth!" everyone said in unison.

Bai Lang closed his mouth angrily.

Liu Ping looked at the head of the group.

The leader nodded and said: "Manpower is always the basis for getting information. You are more suitable to join us than the card master of the time."

He made a gesture to the stars.

"Then the Tigers are responsible for letting out the wind, everyone else, who is going to go underground, who has any questions?"


"The action begins!"

Xingchen drew a card and threw it lightly.


The card turns into a light curtain, covering everyone.

Immediately afterwards, they began to sink slowly.

After a while, several people disappeared from the ground.

Only the tiger is still standing in place.

He blew the whistle, found a rock and sat on it, and whispered:

"Very well, according to the original plan, they all went down."

"It's only me here now—"

The tiger looked around and drew a card from the card book.


A game console appeared in front of him.

"Ancient Collector's Void Game Machine, which contains the super masterpiece: The Floating Air War-I finally got it, and I must not let Greyhound and White Wolf see it!"

"Then, the first trial will begin."


The sinking speed gradually increased.

Sometimes, Liu Ping even felt that he had two hands pulling his feet, dragging himself down with all his strength.

Time has become extremely long.

When he counted more than three hundred breaths, the surrounding soil completely disappeared.

He found himself floating in an incomparably empty darkness.

"It's so deep..."

Liu Ping murmured.

Beside him, several other people also fell down one after another, floating together in the darkness.

Greyhound said with emotion: "Yes, the Void Human Race can hide such a large place in the bottom of Yongye. Every time I think of it, I find it incredible."

"Cang Yan!"

The white wolf gave a low cry, and a group of pale flames was thrown out by him.

The flame flew into the mid-air hundreds of meters away and suddenly turned into a bright and full moon.

The darkness faded.

The surrounding scene caught everyone's eyes.

"here it is…"

Liuping lost his mind.

Xingchen said: "Yes, this is a human burial ground. Look, they are all dead, right?"

Below is the vast expanse of land.

Mountains and rivers.



Small village.

In the village, people coming and going are still, like sculptures.

They all lost their lives.

They have been dead for many years, but they are still standing here, as if they were frozen by time.

A small road stretched out from the village, leading to the misty distance.

"When I came down the previous few times, all the barriers had been removed."

"You can go down now."

"Wait, let the stars divination."

Everyone looked at the stars.

Xingchen drew a few cards from the card book, and was about to line up in the air, but saw that the cards broke free of her hand and flew back into the card book.

"What's the situation?" Greyhound wondered.

"...The divination was rejected, and divination is not allowed here." Xingchen said.

"It seems that a powerful secret curse has been set here long ago, and no divination methods are allowed." The fox meditated.

The group leader drew a card and said to the void: "We have passed all the screenings, please allow us to explore this place."

The card was quickly burned to ashes by the flames.

A line of text emerged in the void and appeared in front of everyone:

"Visitor, what is your intention?"

The head of the group said: "Follow the glory of our human race in the past."

Lines of prompts quickly popped up:

"All access procedures have been confirmed."

"Start a personnel scan."

"Applicants: six people."

"Race: Human."

"—Discover the unspeakable monster."

"The monster is in a seal, and its owner is: Twilight's Embrace."

"Decision: future visitors."

"Further expand the authority."

"Allowed to enter the kingdom of the human race."

All the small prints flashed by.

Everyone was silent for a while.

"Twilight's Embrace... It seems that some of us have already defeated the prisoner with the help of the final weapon left by our ancestors."

The head smiled.

"No matter who it is, this is always a good thing, and our authority seems to have expanded." Xingchen said.

"Go ahead, let's go down and take a look." The head of the group said.

Everyone set off together and flew down towards the village.

They stood in front of the fountain in the middle of the town, looking at the sculpture-like crowds around them.

Lines of burning small prints appeared before Liu Ping's eyes:

"You launched a great exploration."

"The benefits of this exploration will begin to be calculated after everything is over."

"Please go all out."

Liu Ping was watching. Suddenly, White Wolf shouted in a low voice, "What's going on? They seem to move."

Liu Ping looked at the people around him.

I saw the dust in the air gradually subsided.

Bright bursts of light emerged inexplicably all around.

The mottled and decaying colors on those houses and walls became bright again.


An extremely small soft noise.

However, a still woman slowly opened her eyes, causing the dusty shell covering her eyelids to shatter.


The white wolf's figure galloped away in one direction, and a gray line was drawn in the volley.

He disappeared.

"Calm down, the white wolf is not dead-our arrival seems to have triggered something." The head quickly said.

Everyone must be in their hearts.

The next moment—

The group leader turned into a gray line and flew in the other direction.

He also disappeared.

"Xingchen, what's going on!" Greyhound said loudly.

Xingchen said: "It's okay, this should be a reset and arrangement of identity."

The greyhound disappeared suddenly.

Then came the fox.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured: "Fortunately, I have prepared the "Last Words Tea Room". This time the head of the group will not scold me."

As soon as the voice fell, he also disappeared.

In the end, only Liu Ping and Xingchen were left.

"Be careful yourself, leave a message in the posthumous tea room if you have anything."

Xingchen exhorted.

Liu Ping nodded and said, "You are also careful."

The next moment.

The stars turned into a gray line and disappeared from his eyes.

Noisy noises rang from the surrounding streets.

Those people gradually survived.

Liuping stood alone in the middle of the road, holding the Shadow Sword in his hand—

He suddenly felt a huge pulling force.

It's my turn.

As soon as this thought came out, he just felt that all the scenes began to rotate.

-The sky is spinning around the world.

The world passed by in a flash.


A voice sounded:

"Okay, don't make noise, start filling in your volunteers."

Liu Ping opened his eyes fiercely and raised his head from the desk.


This is the classroom.

I sit on a chair with a desk in front of me.

Surrounded by teenagers of similar age.

A man with glasses stood on the podium and continued: "You must seriously consider your future, and then fill in your volunteers carefully."

"Next, the squad leader will start issuing instructions for filling in."

A teenager walked onto the podium, took a thick stack of paper, and sent them one by one.

Liu Ping was watching silently, and there was a sharp pain in his mind.

Many memories appeared out of thin air.

This is Mirror Village.

I am a teenager in Murakami, who has just graduated from school.

Today is the day to fill in the volunteers.


The man on the podium shouted.

"Here!" Liu Ping quickly stood up.

"Come out with me."

The man turned and walked out of the classroom.

Liu Ping walked out of the classroom under the watchful eyes of many teenagers.

"Teacher, what's the matter?"

He asked.

The man looked at him and smiled: "Have you discussed it with your parents?"

Liu Ping was taken aback for a moment, and said: "Not yet."

"It's better to discuss it, just today, I will accompany you after school, UU read www.uukānshu.com to have a good chat with your parents." The man said.

Liuping desperately remembered.

In the memory, several vague figures emerged, gradually becoming clearer.

They are their own parents.

He also has a younger brother.

The memories of fourteen years have become alive, as if I really had such a period of time.

During these fourteen years of growth, I have mastered the knowledge on the side of science and technology, and at the same time learned how to use the five elements to release some techniques on the side of cultivation.

-Is this the identity arrangement?

"Then trouble teacher." Liu Ping honestly thanked him.

"It's nothing. If you can master both knowledge and skills at the age of fourteen, maybe you will become a master against the doomsday in the future."

The teacher exclaimed.

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