Purgatory Artist

Vol 3 Chapter 172: Destruction event

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There was a loud noise on the TV.

When a female voice appeared, all the voices turned into beautiful music.

I saw her standing among the beautiful mountains, floating in the air, smiling and saying:

"Good afternoon everyone."

"The following begins to predict the world situation in the afternoon."

"Dimensional invasion and fluctuations are strengthening."

"It is estimated that around two o'clock in the afternoon, Unknown K from Unknown Land is about to come and expand its world to connect with us."

"Please prepare all people for battle."

"At six o'clock in the evening, if the battle goes well, we will have a time for dinner, about 30 minutes."

"According to expert predictions, around half past six, an unknown body that has not yet been numbered will invade our world."

"Attention, it is the first time it has appeared in the void world."

"Please take precautions in all cities in the southeast region and do not go out unless necessary."

"Please prepare the people for battle and defense."

"Because I don't know how this unknown entity fights, it is not recommended for the elderly, the weak, the sick, and the disabled to go underground to hide for the time being."

"When it comes to 11 o'clock in the evening, we will see the scene of the October volley, which is the grand occasion of the overlap of the world."

"Similarly, the unknown F that we are familiar with will invade at this moment."

"Legal combatants, please avoid them."

"Tomorrow will be a good working day, and there will be no intrusion incidents until nine o'clock tomorrow night."

"For more information, please feel free to pay attention to our emergency report."



The TV was turned off.

"The teacher is here in person, please sit down, please sit down!"

The father greeted the teacher enthusiastically.

Standing at the door, Liuping looked a little complicated.

A middle-aged woman with an ordinary face also walked out of the kitchen and said with a smile: "Teacher Zhang, I would like to trouble you to take a trip for your child. It's really—"

This is the mother.

"Don't be so polite," Teacher Zhang waved his hand. "Liu Ping is my student. I just came to do a home visit. It's all right."

A few people sat down.

Liu Ping didn't say a word, but silently listened to the greeting between the father and the teacher in front of him.

Lines of burning small prints appeared before his eyes:

"Time: Era of Void."

"Location: A certain human world, the number is unknown."

"Linking to the current world sequence."

"The link is successful!"

"Know the events of the current era:"

"After one hour and fifty-five minutes, the world of the K-number unknown will overlap with this world."

"The village is facing destruction."

"Start countdown:"




Liu Ping's eyes turned and looked back at his father beside him.

"Ms. Zhang, how do you think Liu Ping should choose?" Father was talking to the teacher.

"I think he is very malleable and talented. Unfortunately, no big people come to our village, otherwise he would have been adopted as a direct disciple by those big people." Teacher Zhang said.

"Ms. Zhang's evaluation is so high?"

Father laughed, the wrinkles on his face deepened.

Teacher Zhang sternly said: "Yes, I know you want him to inherit the family business, after all, your family has so many fields."

"Haha, if there were no monsters in the early years, I would definitely support him to go out to study, but now in this world-alas."

When the two said this, they fell into silence together.

A five- or six-year-old child ran out of the next room, quietly holding Liu Ping's hand, and asked: "Brother, are you going out to study?"

Liu Ping looked at the child.

——This is my brother.

"Brother doesn't know either."

He touched his brother's head and said calmly.

Teacher Zhang continued: "In fact, living in a village is not necessarily stable. Big cities have a more complete defense system and stronger professionals."

"But we have survived every time before." Father said.

"Our luck is really good, but we can't always rely on luck. If Liu Ping goes out to study, it will be a totally different path from ours." Teacher Zhang said.

Father hesitated for a moment, and said, "Let's think about it again."

Teacher Zhang sighed, stood up and said: "Okay, think about it again, you can come to me before tomorrow."

"The teacher stayed for dinner."

"No, go back and make preparations. Just now the forecast said there would be an attack at two o'clock in the afternoon."

"It shouldn't be possible to hit us-too, then I won't keep the teacher."

"You should also pay attention and open up all defensive measures."

"I see, thank you teacher."


"The destruction of the village is about to begin, the remaining time:"


Liu Ping had already eaten and sat on the sofa to rest.

While his father was smoking a cigarette, he drew out a small controller and said, "Each household has three automatic artillery pieces and a stray dog-shaped mobile armor. Our family has many fields. I have a good relationship with the village chief. A mobile armor."

He clicked continuously on the controller.

There was a rumbling vibration outside.

Liu Ping looked out the window, only to see the bunker in front of his house opened, and two behemoths came out slowly.

The all-metal shell is 5 meters high, and the weapon hangers are densely packed everywhere, which looks like the gods of the old days.

——From the perspective of technology, these two mobile armors are killing machines.

The father patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Don't listen to your teacher's nonsense, it's nothing good to go to those big cities."

Liu Pingjing looked at him quietly.

My father said to himself: "I remember that last year there was a city that couldn't stand the monster's attack, and all the professionals died in battle. In the end, I had to let those school students go to the battlefield—"

He met Liu Ping's gaze and resolutely said: "Your father, I will not let my son suffer such a catastrophe."

At this time, my mother also came out of the kitchen, and said: "It is said that monsters are prioritizing attacks on cities with a large number of people and strong power. In rural areas like ours, there are not many people, so monsters will not be interested. "

Liu Ping slowly looked away, looked at his mother, and looked at the worry in her eyes.

He thought for a moment, and said, "I see."

The parents looked at each other, and there was a look of relief on their faces.

"Watch TV for a while and go to sleep. Today is dangerous everywhere. Just read at home." Father said.

Liu Ping sat for a while, got up and went back to his bedroom.

In the void, two lines of small characters float still.

"Time left:"


Liu Ping picked a book from the shelf at random, only to see the cover read:

"Towards Mystery: On the combination of mecha combat and magic and other side forces."

"——The doubling effect of the power of rules."

This is a new book, which seems to have just been bought.


Although I have understood the knowledge of various civilizations, I have never thought of mixing them and using them to inspire greater power.

Liu Ping sat down and flipped through the books with relish.

Time passed slowly.


In the void, lines of burning small letters flashed.

"Time left:"

"00: 10:00."

"The world of Unknown K has overlapped with the current world."

Liu Ping put down his book and looked out the window.

I saw floating firelights in the sky, and some creatures that had never been seen on the earth gradually appeared.

They have heavy carapace, scales everywhere, and crawl forward on the ground with six legs.

A reminder sounded from the house:

"The current state of affairs is judged as:"


"Please don't go out, the battle is about to begin."

The earth shook slightly.

The two mobile armors standing at the door moved.

A mobile battle armor took out a giant machine gun from its arm and quickly aimed at the monsters.

Da Da Da Da Da!

The machine gun of the mobile armor shot out fire.

The body of a monster that was beaten suddenly burst open and turned into a pool of green residue on the ground.

Zi Zi Zi!

The earth was corroded into a deep pit.

More monsters were attracted by the firepower and rushed towards this side.

Another mobile armor drew a heavy hammer and dragged it to the ground to speed up and sprint--

It smashed into the surrounding of seven or eight monsters, hit the heavy hammer continuously, and smashed all the monsters to death in just a few strokes.

"The battle is over, start patrols."

The two mobile armors retreated and walked back and forth around the house.

——They are automatic combat mechas. Once deployed, they do not need to be controlled.

Unless someone really wants to fight with them, they will exit the automatic mode.

Liu Ping silently recalled the knowledge in his mind, and suddenly heard his father's voice in the living room:

"In a rural place like ours, even monsters don't bother to come. We just need to defend well, and we can guarantee safety--"

"It's not luck."

Liu Ping opened the door and walked out.

I saw my father and mother sitting in the living room, watching TV.

On TV, the host is making a real-time report with a solemn expression:

"The battle against Unknown K is proceeding in an orderly manner."

"At present, the situation of the battle is stable everywhere."

Picture after picture appeared ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I saw all kinds of huge and terrifying monsters attacking various cities, and the defense line constructed by professionals was fully defensive and counterattack.

The host was talking continuously, and suddenly a note was handed over next to him.

The host took a look and quickly said:

"The fluctuation of the dimension suddenly increases, and an unknown existence is about to break through all spatial barriers."

"The place where it descended is still under intense judgment."

"Please stand your ground."

Liu Ping glanced at Void.

I saw that the two lines of burning small print finally stopped, and there was no longer any change:

"00: 00: 00"

"The destruction of the village begins!"

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