Purgatory Artist

Vol 3 Chapter 459: King-level strange swordsmanship!

Latest URL: Dawn has not yet come.

The snow in the middle of the night covered the heaven and the earth, and made the world as dead as a grave.

Liu Ping crossed a broken wall and landed gently in the snow.

He looked back.

——On that wall, some kind of unfamiliar words were painted with some kind of paint.

"God, what does this say?"

"It's a line from a poem that reads: 'I want to spend this great holiday with you'."

Liu Ping walked back and gently stroked the wall.

Below that line of large characters, there is a small inscription. .

"It's a feminine name," said God.

"Are these people gone?" Liu Ping asked.

"Their bones are buried under the ruined square in front of them, and they have been dead for about two thousand years." Mother Earth said.

Liu Ping glanced at the map.

The canyon is not far away, and it can be reached in a few more flights.

He was about to leave when he suddenly sensed something, and his figure stood still, quietly looking at a certain direction under the night.

A few floating giant shadows emitted a slight buzzing sound and fell a few meters away from Liuping.

Eight-meter-high mobile armor, a total of five.


The mechs stood firm, stood still.

"Scan all around."

"Start making a biological map."

"Check completed."

"Very clean."


The cockpit of a mech opens.

The man with the pipe jumped out of the cockpit, looked around and said:

"This is a very unpopular ruin site with no strategic value, so no one would have thought we would come here."

The other four jumped down, stamped their feet, let out a breath, and moved their stiff bodies.

"Boss." A team member said while covering his lower abdomen.

"Five minutes of free time," said the man smoking the pipe.

The team member hurriedly walked towards the far corner of the wall, seemingly in a hurry for convenience.

Liu Ping stood on the spot, the fluorescent battle suit on his body exuded a faint fluorescence, the whole person seemed to be integrated with the wall, so that those people did not see him at all.

He gradually realized the benefits of this armor.

——It is very rare to be able to achieve this level of camouflage without releasing the "special effect artist".

Two lines of small silver characters appeared in front of him:

"Discover the enemy."

"You can choose to launch a sneak attack, or you can choose to ignore these people and concentrate on your task."

Liu Ping glanced at it, then simply stood still and looked at the five people quietly.

The wind blew the long knife around his waist.

The two knives swayed slightly, silently.

I saw that the man with the pipe took out a small machine, patted it, and said:

"Report the current situation."

The machine suddenly made a cold voice:

"Current combat duration: 172 hours."

"It still takes 231 hours to complete the battle before returning to the base for rest."

The man cursed in a low voice.

"Boss, don't think about that, at least we are still alive." A team member advised.

"I ordered, continue to enter the combat mission in three minutes, and immediately seize the time to rest." The man said.


Several team members stepped up time to move their hands and feet.

One of the female team members quickly took out food and distributed it to everyone.

"Too sweet." Someone said.

"Stop talking nonsense, this nutrition bar is my treasure, I don't want to eat it and pull it down." The female team member stared.

"Eat, why don't you eat." The man quickly flattered.

"Speaking of which, how is your brother now?" the captain asked while eating the nutrition bar.

"It is said that she has the talent of a priest, and she is still cultivating." The female team member smiled sweetly.

"That's much better than us... we're pure death squads," the captain muttered.

"Haha, it would be nice to live a little longer." Another team member said.

Liu Ping stood aside.

He leaned against the wall and looked at these "enemies" quietly.

"23 years old, 19 years old, 35 years old, 41 years old, 15 years old - all the cannon fodder troops who are driving the armor, they can live for 172 hours, I am already bless them." God said.

Liu Ping looked around the broken walls and said, "Take the world of sentient beings as a battlefield... What are the Nightmare Lords fighting for?"

"Through such a battlefield, the high and the low are divided, so as to decide the order of eating." God replied.


"Specially referring to those worlds with fresh souls."

"It's strange, you answered very lightly today, but you look like a man." Mother Earth sneered.

"Liu Ping is very measured - by the way, men are created in my image." God said.

"Just the distance from the semi-finished product to the masterpiece." The Mother Earth commented.

Liu Ping smiled and patted the knife on his waist lightly with his hand.

So when the wind blew again, the two long knives seemed to fall into a deep sleep, motionless.


After the five people finished eating the food, they jumped on the mecha and flew away with the rumbling sound.

Liu Ping looked at the direction they were leaving, and muttered after a while:

"It seems...more motivated..."

With a flash, he rushed into the sky and flew towards his destination.

Feng Xue was left behind by him.

He drew a graceful arc over the mountains, fell into the back of the canyon, and kept flying downwards, quickly grabbing a raised rock halfway.

It should be here!

Liu Ping tried to press down on the rock.

The rock wall on his left suddenly opened.

Liu Ping got in.

The rock wall closed behind him, and in the darkness, small silver words appeared again:

"You have arrived at Hidden Supply Camp No. 3011."

"mission completed."

"Please give a high five."

Liu Ping clapped his hands gently according to the words.


The surroundings suddenly lit up.

I saw that this was a rather rudimentary camp, with nothing but a wooden statue about the size of a real person.

The statue looked like a woman, but it was only half-carved. The position of the facial features was empty, with no arms or feet.

The statue suddenly made a female voice:

"Hello, young ghost."

"—Hello." Liu Ping said.

"You have a very high talent, and you should accept a higher level of practice here, so please use this card, it will help you," said the wooden statue.

A card flew out from the crack of the rock wall and landed in Liu Ping's hand.

Liu Ping looked down and saw that the card was painted with a handful of soft and bright spring water, reflecting the moon in the sky.

Two lines of burning small print appeared in the void:

"The Fountain of Awakening."

"Drinking this spring water will preserve all memories, so as not to forget everything in the past."

Liu Ping flipped the cards.

This card has been slightly yellowed, and it looks like it has gone through endless years——

Its role is to allow the user to preserve memory.


The card disappeared, turned into a bottle of spring water, and fell into Liu Ping's hands.

"Drink the spring water, it will help you very well," said the wooden statue.

Liu Ping was silent for a while.

- What kind of situations need to save memory?


When it reaches the level of strangeness, sentient beings will lose their memory.

If you can drink the spring water of the Fountain of Awakening in time, you will not be in that situation.

This wood carving is not lying.

- but why is that so?

In the eyes of the Nightmare Lord, all living beings are just food, why does it help itself retain memory?

Is it because it makes the soul more delicious?

The voice of the Mother Earth suddenly sounded:

"'The Omniscient and Almighty Lord', do you know—"

"You have no sense, even Liu Ping doesn't ask this, you still have to ask me, do you think I can say it?" God said.

"Why can't you say it." Mother Earth said in dissatisfaction.

"Because fate - when you try to observe it, control it, manipulate it, it must change, so we must keep silent," God said.

Liu Ping, as if he hadn't heard it, picked up the bottle and drank the spring water inside.

The voice of the wooden statue sounded again immediately:

"The real power from low to high can be divided into: primary, secondary, high, strong, king, and saint."

"I will teach you a king-level bizarre swordsmanship below."

Liu Ping said: "Wait a minute, what does strange mean?"

The wooden statue said: "The 'emergence' of multiple laws has made the power beyond the comprehension of all beings, so it is called strange."

"Why don't you come step by step and teach me the elementary strange swordsmanship?" Liu Ping asked again.

"Because I don't have a basic level of strange swordsmanship here, it is also a last resort to directly teach you the strange and strange swordsmanship of the king." The wooden statue said.

"Can I master it?" Liu Ping asked anxiously.

"In the beginning, you can only exert one ten thousandth of its power, but as long as you are taught, you can grow up sooner or later, and maybe one day you can completely master it." The wooden statue said.

Liu Ping was suddenly a little surprised.

It turns out that there is a mastery factor here.

I have also met some guys who use high-level strange power before——

But now that I think about it, the power they exerted is not as good as their own strange swordsmanship.

Maybe the same thing?

However, it is still somewhat unclear why the wooden statue will teach himself such a high level of strange swordsmanship so unreservedly.

What the **** was that nightmare master thinking?

Liu Ping's thoughts kept flashing in his mind.

But I saw the wooden statue emitting a ray of light, hitting the void.

Another card suddenly fell from the void.

"Take this card and start studying hard."

Wooden statue road.

Liu Ping stretched out his hand to catch the card and couldn't help but ask, "Did the Lord of Nightmares have too high expectations for me? I'm just a swordsman, why did I learn such advanced moves as soon as I came up?"

"The war situation is very bad, you must gain strength as soon as possible, better serve the Nightmare Lord, and strive to win this war, otherwise all of you will be eaten by other Nightmare Lords~www.wuxiaspot.com~ wooden Statue Road.

Liu Ping thought for a while.

This seems to make sense.

But that spring water really doesn't make sense.

He looked down at the card.

The cards are real again.

If you really learned the king-level bizarre swordsmanship, and completely mastered it——

Will the Nightmare Lord be at ease about this?

It always feels too contradictory.

In the void, lines of burning small words suddenly appeared:

"You have obtained a strange sword technique from the Lord of Nightmares."

"Do you want to start studying?"

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