Purgatory Artist

Vol 3 Chapter 460: The synergy of the divine and the creative!

Latest website: There is a deep darkness on the card, but in this darkness, it seems that something is constantly wandering.

- Could this be a knife technique?

Liu Ping held the card, hesitated for a moment, and immediately made a decision.

Maybe the Nightmare Lord is watching.

You have to agree first, and pass the current hurdle first.

As for how to learn this sword technique in the future, we will have to look at it slowly.

"How do I learn it? It's just a card—I mean, how can a card be swordsmanship?"

Liu Ping said in a dazed tone.

- As a swordsman who has never seen strange things, this is probably the reaction.

The wooden woman statue responded:

"You only need to crush the card, you can sense the strange sword technique contained in the card, it will always exist in your perception until you completely master it."

Cards used by crushing, usually one-time use.

This is very precious.

"It sounds a bit beyond my comprehension."

As Liu Ping spoke, he squeezed the card with force on his hand.

The wooden statue watched this scene quietly, and said again: "From now on, you can retreat here to practice swordsmanship, or you can go out to sharpen your skills through battle."

"You won't have any assignments for the next 10 days."

"Please hurry."

The voice fell.

Serpentine cracks appeared on the wooden statue.

Cracks gradually filled the entire statue.

clap la la-

The entire statue shattered and turned into a pile of rotten sawdust, which could no longer be seen as before.

Liu Ping was stunned.

"The thoughts in the statue are exhausted." God said.

"It seems that it has always existed for this moment. After the matter is over, it will destroy itself." The Mother Earth also said.

"never mind."

Liu Ping sighed and sat down on the spot with his knees crossed.

"Do you really want to practice that sword technique?" asked the Mother Earth.

"Of course," Liu Ping closed his eyes and said, "On the timeline, I just got the clown card at this time, there is still some time before the outbreak of the nightmare tide, and we are in a parallel world, just take this opportunity to improve strength."

"That's right - my strength has lost a lot, and I also need to recuperate and accumulate strength again." Mother Earth said.

Two emerald green gems peeled off the crimson ring and landed gently on the dusty ground.

- They are the eyes of the Mother Earth.

"I'm going to rest in the earth, call me when you leave." Mother Earth said.

"Okay, let's go." Liu Ping said.

The two gems slowly sank into the ground and disappeared.

Liu Ping thought for a while and asked, "God, how about you?"

"Frankly speaking, although I got back the Holy Kingdom deck, the nightmare destroyed the whole world outside the deck after all, and I was also hit hard - then I will sleep for a while - you have to wake me up at noon on the fifth day, It was a more important moment," God said.

"Okay." Liu Ping said.

The voice of God ceased to sound.

Now, only Liu Ping is left.

He closed his eyes and entered a deep state of concentration in this secret camp.

All was silent.

That style of king-level strange swordsmanship began to appear piecemeal in Liu Ping's sea of ​​consciousness, showing him some high-level strange and mysterious mysteries of the past era.

Time passed so slowly.

one day.

two days.

- Day 5.

Liu Ping seemed to sense something, suddenly opened his eyes, and counted the time.

"It's already noon... God, don't sleep, get up."

There was no response from the void.

But in Liu Ping's feeling, there seems to be something, stretching and yawning.

"Hey, are you up?" Liu Ping asked.

"Get up, it's this time." God said.

"Why this time?"

"You remember, now you are not only 'deception' and 'creation', but also the reward I gave you - 'sacred'."

"Then what?" Liu Ping asked again.

"Use it," God said.

next moment.

I saw lines of burning small characters appearing in the void:

"Although this sequence is in a parallel world, it leaves a series of spatial anchors on the main timeline, so it can perceive everything that happens in the main time and space."


"On the main timeline, a second partner who has accumulated enough merit has appeared."

"He's asking for your help."

"This sequence has already negotiated with him, and has understood the skill effect he desires."

"Would you like to create new skills for him?"

Liu calmed down.

- That's what happened!

He pondered and said: "Sequence, this time you will not only use my 'creation', but also add 'sacred' power to it to create skills for him."

In the void, burning small words flashed quickly:

"This sequence has consumed all his merits, and used your 'creation' and 'sacred' to complete a skill creation for him."

"described as follows:"

"Name: Libertas."

"Get a brand new skill: Preaching."

"This skill is born out of its original mysterious side skill: suggestion card."

Liu Ping looked at the line prompts and nodded slightly.

Yes, Libertas has a special mysterious side skill: the suggestion card.

In the previous side-by-side battles, this ability played a big role—

It must have been thanks to the "suggestion card" that he surpassed Yana and Maria in one fell swoop and accumulated enough merit first.

Now, Sequence has upgraded this ability with its own "creation" and "divine", but I don't know what it will be like after the upgrade?

Liu Ping continued to look towards the void while thinking.

"The current ability has been added to Guizang Wuji Jing."

"You know and can use this ability."

"Endless strange ability: preaching."

"It can be activated once a day."

"Because of the combined force of 'Omniscience and Omnipotence' and "Creation", this ability has complete guidance similar to tasks, and it is bound to lead people to the path of certain achievement."

"—No longer in the set."

After all the small characters were displayed, they were quickly taken away and no longer appeared in front of Liu Ping.

"The introduction is very vague...why can't you be more detailed?" Liu Ping said.

"Use it and see." God said with interest.


After using it for a while, maybe you will understand the essence of this skill.

Liu Ping's thoughts moved, and he immediately launched a "sermon".

A soft and holy light appeared around him, making him look like a saint.

He realized something, slowly raised his hand and pumped it in the void.

I saw a letter with a white envelope pulled out.

"It used to be a suggestion card, but now it's a letter—it's not like changing the soup or medicine." Liu Ping said.

"Be confident, there is strength in you and me." God said.

Liu Ping tore open the envelope and pulled out a piece of white paper.

I saw lines of small words written on the paper:

"The grand festival is like a gorgeous ending, which means the beginning of the world's twilight,"

"After the stars have completely fallen,"

"The gods walk among the ruins you have seen, like a stray and bereaved dog,"

"Mortal graveyards are the last sanctuary,"

"Rest in peace, all gods!"

"Under the shroud of death, only the last survivors are waiting silently."

Liu Ping read it quickly, pondered for a few breaths, and then looked at the line of small words in the void:

"Because of the combined force of 'Omniscience and Omnipotence' and "Creation", this ability has complete guidance similar to tasks, and it is bound to lead people to the path of certain achievement."

He stood up from the ground and murmured in a low voice:

"The way to gain..."

The voice of God then sounded: "Why, want to go and see?"

"Of course, we have to figure out this ability - what about Mother Earth?" Liu Ping said.

The ground shook slightly.

Two gems jumped out of the ground, flew onto Liu Ping's fingers, and re-set them on the crimson ring.

"Let's go." Mother Earth said.

Liu Ping walked to the rock wall and pushed it gently.

The rock wall opens.

The world is dark.

In the piercing cold wind, there was no unnecessary movement.

—This place is far from the battlefield and is an extremely remote place.

"Where?" asked the Mother Earth.

"Go to the ruins before." Liu Ping said.

He jumped up and down, flew high into the sky, flashed several times in the turbulent wind, and crossed a distance of thousands of miles.

But seeing a flash of light, he fell back into the ruins.

Liu Ping appeared.

Again he stood before the broken, gray wall.

On the wall is still the line:

"In this grand festival, I want to spend it with you."

grand festival -

This matches the first sentence.

This sentence is actually a place mark, telling myself that it is this ruin.

"The cemetery of mortals... I remember you said that it should be in a square." Liu Ping said.

"Yes, you go to the road on the left, about 1,900 meters. There was originally a square, but I saw that it was transformed into a cemetery." Mother Earth said.

Liu Ping's figure moved slightly, and suddenly crossed the sky and landed on the square.

He looked around.

I saw that it was quite open, but there were rotten coffins and dead bones everywhere, and it seemed that there was nothing else.

"I just can't imagine what survivors will be here."

Liu Ping Road.

"Yes, these people have been dead for about two thousand years," agreed Mother Earth. "God, do you have any opinion?"

"My strength has already formed that letter paper, it's doing very well, I can't say anything more." God said.

"Is it interesting to talk about God every day?" Mother Earth said angrily.

"There is no way. If an omniscient and almighty God wants to talk to all living beings, he must pay attention to these skills, otherwise all living beings will not be able to understand."

"You think too much, why don't you just say it?" said Mother Earth.

"All beings can't even understand their own hearts, and they are even more impatient to experience the joys and sorrows of the same kind. How can they understand the divine revelation?" God said.

Mother Earth did not speak.

Liu Ping took the letter and read it again:

"Mortal graveyards are the last sanctuary,"

"Rest in peace, all gods!"

"Under the shroud of death, only the last survivors are waiting silently."

— It was said in the sermon.

The cemetery is indeed the place where death looms.


Perhaps the so-called death shroud, refers to another thing.

He thought for a while, then said to himself, "Fortunately I still have this—"

The voice fell.

I saw him stretch out his hand and shake it.

Lines of burning small characters quickly surfaced in the void:

"You cast a secret technique: seal the corpse and turn the yin. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

"With the power of this secret technique, you can make you enter a state of death, just like any dead person in the world."

Liu Ping sat down among the skeletons all over the ground, closed his eyes, and held his hand, and seemed to have no breath at all.

he died.

Time passed quietly.

Take a breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

as if there was light—

A dim yellow light full of old and outdated breath quietly appeared, surrounding him and surrounding him.

The light flashed.

Liu Ping disappeared from the spot.

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