Purgatory Artist

Vol 3 Chapter 461: The twins who carry destiny!

Latest URL: Dusk.

The afterglow of the setting sun spilled over the neighborhood. .

The streets were decorated with lanterns, as if celebrating a grand festival.

But no one.

Liu Ping stood in the middle of the empty road, somewhat surprised.

According to the instructions of the "sermon", he entered this hidden world—

But the so-called "survivor" was not found.

Bursts of melodious music came from afar.

Liu Ping listened and whispered: "Piano music... There is an indescribable sadness and silence..."

He followed the direction of the music and walked slowly along the street.

Snowflakes are falling from the sky.

If you look up carefully, you will find that there is a huge shadow outside the sky.

It looked like a humanoid being looking down on the world.

Liu Ping ignored the shadow for a while.

-In countless worlds and time-spaces, there are too many monsters.

Now he desperately wants to find the "survivor".

Walking through the deserted streets, he finally found the place where the music was playing.

It was a building similar to a temple.

Near it, other buildings surround it, as if it were the center of the place.

When Liu Ping arrived here, the sound of the piano became louder.

— as if welcoming him.

Liu Ping found the main entrance of the temple and pushed the door in.

Still no one.

A piano was placed at the end of the row of unmanned benches, and on the side of the main altar, it was making a ding ding dong sound.

- No one plays it, it's ringing by itself.

Liu Ping looked around and saw a phantom standing on the altar.

It was a black-haired woman.

She was in her thirties, with an air of solemnity and serenity, wearing an old-fashioned black short robe, loose bloomers, and sitting on the edge of the altar with a cigarette in her mouth.

- Looks a little lonely.

"Finally someone came."

The woman exhaled a puff of smoke.

Liu Ping cupped his hands and said, "Your Excellency, I'm Liu Ping, I don't know what to call you?"

"I'm the **** of death in this world - if you don't mind, just call me Aunt Meng, everyone used to call me that," the old woman said.

"Why Aunt Meng?" Liu Ping asked.

"Life is like a dream." The woman said.

She opened a pack of cigarettes and asked, "Do you smoke?"

"Thank you, Aunt Meng, I rarely touch this stuff." Liu Ping said.

"Yeah, it'll make you come to me."

The woman lit a cigarette again, took a deep breath, and her eyes fell on the piano that played automatically.

"Boy, you have a complex human nature and a lot of rare divinity. Can you tell me why you came here?" she asked.

"I... actually came here to avoid the enemy, to rest here by the way, learn something, and prepare for future battles." Liu Ping said.

"Fight with whom?" asked the goddess of death.

"The Lord of Nightmares." Liu Ping said.

"I don't believe it, I've already felt it, you have the sequence of the Lord of Nightmares." Female Death said.

"It's a little hard to explain. How should I put it, I just got through it, let me think about what can prove it." Liu Ping said.


A little girl in a red dress emerged from the void and landed gently beside him.


The goddess of death stared at Andrea in amazement, with a hint of disbelief in her eyes.

"Holy Spirit!"

"Yes, I did come down from the Holy Realm, hello." Andrea saluted.

The goddess of death looked at her, then at Liu Ping, and said, "You... need my help?"

Andrea smiled and asked back: "I can feel that the world still has the last ray of life, do you need my help?"

Liu Ping thought for a while, and equipped the saint-level title of "Icon before the Tide".

Immediately, the goddess of death noticed the change in him, and said in amazement: "You are a saint among all beings - with the Holy Spirit following you, you are also a saint - now I believe it a little bit, if you betray all beings, That title will disappear."

The goddess of death was silent for a moment, then jumped lightly and jumped off the altar.

She came to Liu Ping step by step and said, "Back then... we didn't resist the invasion of nightmares, and all the gods were completely destroyed."

"Only me—"

"Because this world is going to be a complete dead zone, and I am in charge of death, there is still a chance."

"In a long time, I have been relying on more and more deaths in this world, and I have barely maintained until now."

Having said that, she quietly looked at Liu Ping.

"We are a natural alliance front." Liu Ping said.

The goddess of death's gaze fell on his fingertips, and she said softly: "I saw... the earth's long-decayed divine power is lingering in your hands, and there is an almighty **** who has fallen into a state of death, hiding behind you."

"We escaped—you know, it's not easy to make a living." Liu Ping shrugged.

The goddess of death laughed.

Without waiting for Liu Ping to react, she suddenly took out a black ring, grabbed Liu Ping's hand, and asked:

"To be honest, we are indeed all the way, helping me is helping you - but this is not easy, it is a dangerous situation you have never seen before, would you like to try it?"

"How difficult is it?" Liu Ping asked.

"On the day of the twilight of the gods, it was almost complete despair. Even I found it difficult, and I never dared to ask someone to try it, but you are a saint—"

"Then I'll try." Liu Ping said.

"Remember, there is only one chance, and there must be no mistakes." The goddess of death said.

"Otherwise?" Liu Ping asked.

"I will completely dissipate - in fact, my last trace of soul is pinned on this matter." Female Death said.

"Tsk, my pressure seems to have increased." Liu Ping said.

"I'll ask you one last time, do you want to help?" the goddess of death asked.

"Come." Liu Ping said.

She lowered her head and put the black ring on Liu Ping's ring finger.

all of a sudden.

Lines of burning small characters quickly emerged:

"In the endless moments, sometimes, the future and the past are actually linked."

"They determine each other."

"You will enter a fate line that Death is trying to maintain."


Time seemed to stand still for a moment.

The goddess of death disappeared from his sight.

Liu Ping felt something, and immediately turned to look.

I saw that on the street outside the gate of the temple, there were gradually noisy sounds, crowds, and heavy traffic.

The whole world seemed to come alive.

The voice of the goddess of death sounded from the black ring:

"we say-"

"There is often a faint light hidden in despair."

"On the day of destruction, the most powerful twins of death were born. Every prayer and sacrifice of her and him will make me stronger."

"These two natural priests burst out with infinite will before dying, and made a wish to me."

"If you can fulfill the twins' wishes for me, then things will turn around—"

The door of the temple opened.

A girl in a full costume quietly stuck her head out, looked left and right, and immediately saw Liu Ping.

"John, come on!"

The girl waved at him again and again.

Liu Ping hesitated.

The girl stomped her feet, rushed into the temple, and trotted all the way to him.

"What's the situation?" Liu Ping couldn't help asking silently.

"She's one of the twins, and you're now playing the other—the other's desire is to save her." The goddess of death sounded.

"So I can save her?" Liu Ping asked.

"Twin's wish is to save each other—"

"You have to play one of them to save the other, then immediately play the second one, then go to save the first one, and save both of them," said the goddess of death.

"But I don't know them at all." Liu Ping said.

"Come on, my life is in your hands." The goddess of death said vaguely.

God quietly interjected: "Actually, this goddess of death doesn't know them either. Their power was awakened at the moment when the world was destroyed, and at that time all the gods died and the **** of death lost all power. Liuping, we have to think for ourselves. Method."

"Then where does this power that runs through time and space come from?" Mother Earth asked suspiciously.

"The gods knew that they could not be spared, and left all their last power to the **** of death, thus creating such a hidden technique - now that we have entered the game, I can finally say it - it really suffocated me." God said.

"It's hard work, wretched old man." Mother Earth teased.

"Be serious, Mother Earth, this situation is not an ordinary danger." God said solemnly.

"Rescue two people when the nightmare comes - we may not survive by ourselves." Mother Earth sighed.

Liu Ping listened silently and did not speak for a while.

The girl ran up to him.

"Aunt Meng is not here today - it seems that the gods have disappeared today, I'm trying to figure out a way, do you want to come together?" the girl asked.

Liu Ping paused for a moment, and then realized that the so-called "Aunt Meng" was the **** of death.

He released his spiritual sense and observed himself.

He is still the same as he was.

But perhaps the last shreds of power from the gods came into play, and the teenage girl recognized herself as the other of the twins.

"What's your plan?" Liu Ping asked.

"Of course, go to the star observation platform on the top of the mountain to see the direction of the stars." The girl said.

While speaking, lines of small words appeared above her head:

"Son of Sleeping."

"One of the twins of death."

"The reincarnation who awakened the power of 'Sleep', if she is given a chance to grow, she will surely become the right arm of the God of Death in time."

"Rescue her, and you will gain huge merit."

"Saving the twins is the only chance to change the current parallel world, if you can seize it—"

As soon as all the small prints were collected, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com did not fully explain the following.

Liu Ping laughed.

Seize this opportunity?

it is necessary.

Since the gods released such power before they died, so that the past and the future could change each other, then—

He looked down at the girl in front of him, and said happily, "Star Observatory? Come, let's go together."

The girl immediately smiled and said loudly, "That's right, I knew you would go with me!"

"Of course, we will do a big vote." Liu Ping said.

"That's right!"

The girl is happier.

She took Liu Ping's hand and ran out of the temple.

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