Purgatory Artist

Vol 3 Chapter 466: The Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes!

in the void.

Transparent cracks kept appearing, as if the whole world had become as fragile as glass, ready to be destroyed at any moment.

Lines of burning small characters quickly emerged:

"The laws of time, space, cause and effect and fate are gathered here to witness your feat."

"Because the impossible has happened, you have to let them calm down again, lest the current parallel world collapse completely."

"You need to make sense of what happens in two thousand years."

"Remember, the Four Laws can't wait too long, you must act as soon as possible, so that everything calms down and events in history do not contradict themselves."

Liu Ping thought for a while.

—Actually, the biggest problem at the moment is that the Lord of Nightmares died two thousand years ago.

After two thousand years—

It also recruits troops in this world, sits on the sidelines with other nightmare masters, and watches the brutal wars of all beings under them.

Nightmare took pleasure in this and assigned the order of eating according to the outcome of the war. .

How can a monster that has been dead for 2,000 years still exist after 2,000 years?

Ruined city.

Liu Ping, John and Jenny came back to the huge corpse like a mountain.

"It's what destroyed our world!"

John angrily drew his long sword and slashed at the corpse of the Nightmare Lord with all his strength.

A crisp sound.

His sword was broken into two pieces, and one of the pieces flew out and slammed into the ground.

John was startled.

"What kind of monster is this, I... can't even cut through its skin..."

He lost his soul.

Jenny stepped forward and hugged him, gently stroking his back for comfort.

Liu Ping said: "Don't be discouraged, the powerhouses of countless worlds have fought with them for endless years, and they have never won against them."

"Then why did you kill it?" John couldn't help asking.

"It took me a long time too - longer than you can imagine." Liu Ping sighed.

He reached out and pressed lightly on the corpse of the Nightmare Lord.

"What are you doing?" Jenny asked.

"I need to feel its existence. You know, even if it is a lie, it needs certain materials, so that it can be convincing." Liu Ping said.

During the speech, a line of burning small characters appeared:

"You found a corpse, and a Nightmare Embrace."

"Since you are the winner of this war, you have acquired the ownership of the current Nightmare Embrace, and you can collect it at any time."

Liu Ping frowned.

Nightmare Embrace?

Why is the Nightmare Embrace again?

When he first entered the Nightmare World layer, he relied on the Nightmare Embrace of a blood skeleton to deceive the monster and successfully connect with the human heroic spirits.

Later, he killed the professional designer, and through his Nightmare Embrace, he entered the organization that designed professions for all living beings.

- And at this moment, the Nightmare Lord actually has a Nightmare Embrace!

Liu Ping held his breath involuntarily.

He felt something indescribably weird—

A destructive secret lies within the body of this Nightmare Lord, which is waiting quietly for itself.

Once you learn this secret, you have to make some kind of goodbye to everything in the past.

This is a transition in the level of perception.

Liu Ping took a deep breath and said, "Mother Earth, take John and Jenny away, this secret is too dangerous, they can't stay here."

"Okay." Mother Earth said.

After the two left, Liu Ping took out the prison-suppressing knife, held the long knife in one hand, and pressed the other hand on the corpse of the Lord of Nightmares. He was about to speak, but was interrupted by God.

"Wait a minute, the **** of death and the mother of the earth, your strength is weakened to the extreme, you can't hear this kind of secret, there will be danger." God said.

The black and crimson rings on Liu Ping's hands fell off and floated in the air.

"I know you won't talk nonsense about this kind of thing - but aren't you dead too? Can you hear it?" the goddess of death asked curiously.

"I'm not like you." God said solemnly.

"As the omniscient and almighty Lord, shouldn't you have known this secret long ago..." The Mother Earth tentatively asked.

"I know, but I have almighty power—I can save my life by pretending not to know." God said solemnly.

The two goddesses were speechless for a while, their souls completely submerged in the ring, and flew into the distance.


Only Liu Ping and God remained in the ruins.

"Then I'll start." Liu Ping said.

"I don't know anything, be careful yourself." God said.

Liu Ping pressed his hand on the corpse again and shouted, "Come on, you already belong to me!"


A familiar thud.

I saw a card landed in front of Liu Ping.

This card features an endless starry sky and universe, and among the stars, a massive shell floats.

It has a hollow head armor that exudes diamond-shaped light waves; other parts are full of countless tentacles, with vertical pupils growing at the ends of the tentacles.

Exactly what the Nightmare Lord looks like!

It turned out to be a Nightmare Embrace - so what's the real Nightmare Lord like?

Liu Ping looked towards the corpse of the monster.

He froze for a moment.

The huge body of the monster has disappeared, leaving an unknown corpse about seven or eight meters long in place.

The corpse was completely unrecognizable, and it was completely unfolded the moment it appeared, completely wrapping Liu Ping in it.

Liu Ping only felt that he had appeared in an unfamiliar world with a flick of his surroundings.

- It's like a prison here.

He looked up and saw that the densely packed soul body was penetrated by thorns, hanging in the air like some kind of display.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

The whole world is a jungle of black spikes covered with thorns.

All soul bodies are trapped in the jungle and have no vitality.

These souls have all their power drawn.

They were all plunged into eternal destruction from which they could never recover.

Liu Ping couldn't help but take two steps back.

The earth collapsed under his feet.

Everything in the world began to crumble.

It destroyed.

A world - destroyed.

It turned out to be a world...

I just killed a world!

Wearing a Nightmare Embrace, the world enslaves and devours all beings to strengthen itself.

- So who is in control of the world?

Liu Ping was puzzled.

But the whole world has completely collapsed, collapsed, disappeared.

He returned to the ruins.

There is only one card in hand—

The Nightmare Embrace.

Liu Ping looked at the card in his hand, and saw lines of burning small words suddenly appeared in the void:

"Nightmare's Embrace: World Master of Ten Thousand Eyes."


"Exclusive category: World Will Exclusive Battle Armor."

"You have seen this secret related to the will of the world, +1 for advanced scenes."

"Current senior role: 2/10."

"Please continue to accumulate scenes and prepare for the advancement of 'special effects artist'."

All small prints are collected.


Is this the exclusive battle armor of the World Will?

In other words, only the Will of the World can wear this Nightmare Embrace?

But that world...

It's eating people.

Liu Ping couldn't help but said: "Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs—"

"Now is not the time to think too much," God interrupted suddenly, "The Four Laws can't wait, Liu Ping, you must find a way to appease them!"

Liu Ping came back to his senses, looked around, and saw that the void was densely covered with cracks, as if it would burst at any time.

He looked at the card in his hand again.

I am not the will of the world, so I cannot wear this armor for the time being.


He suddenly raised his hand and shouted, "Come out!"

An illusory huge figure suddenly rose from him into the sky, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com turned into the appearance of the Nightmare Lord, and gradually began to solidify.

Special effects artist!

Create an illusory Nightmare Lord with the power of a special effect artist, and add the power of "deception" to make it completely solid.

From now on, the master of this nightmare will be played by himself!

If this is the case, two thousand years later, it will be himself who will be fighting against other Nightmare Lords.

He recruited himself who had just arrived in this parallel world, gave himself the rank of "ghost class", and taught the king-level strange swordsmanship in that hidden camp.

It all makes sense!

In an instant, all the cracks in the surrounding void were healed and restored as before.

The restlessness of the Four Laws has all subsided.

The voice of God suddenly sounded:

"The fluctuations here still attract a guy after all."

Liu Ping looked up—

The towering Nightmare Lord also raised his head and looked into the depths of the sky.

"What is it?" he asked.

"It's another Nightmare Lord, you have to deal with it carefully, don't be seen through, otherwise you will not be able to play the Nightmare Lord in the future, and all the previous causes and effects will be invalid." God said.

"What are the consequences?"

"If it's better, it will be thrown out of the current parallel world."


"It was wiped out by the Four Laws and the lords of countless nightmares." God said deeply.

Liu Ping closed his eyes, waited for a breath, and opened it suddenly, roaring up to the sky:

"Who is it? Do you think I'm really seriously injured and want to pick up a bargain?"

When he speaks out—

The Nightmare Lord standing between heaven and earth followed him and let out an angry roar:

"Who is it? Do you think I'm really seriously injured and want to pick up a bargain?"

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