Purgatory Artist

Vol 3 Chapter 467: Evil Seed

The dome opened to both sides.

A huge and incomparable head poked out from the sky.

It has a woman's face, and its blue eyes are like crystal clear gems, which contain endless compassion and sorrow.

Its facial features are deep and moving, and if you ignore its size - it can even be called a beautiful face of absolute beauty.

But what is puzzling is that her forehead has no skin, the bones are exposed, and the blond hair on the top of her head is surrounded by green buds and small white flowers—

If you look closely, you will find that although these branches and buds are woven into an emerald-green corolla, it is part of the entire head.

Every branch and bud penetrated deeply into the head.

These buds use the head as soil to bloom.

When Liu Ping looked at it, lines of small characters appeared from the top of its head:

"The flower of the god-devouring evil spirit, the sojourner of the god's corpse."

"Evil species, rare existence."

"This is a very powerful nightmare monster that has been living with the corpse of an ancient **** from endless years ago."

"It is so powerful that it has devoured infinite worlds and sentient beings. So far, there is only one thing missing."

Liu Ping paused slightly, and his eyes fell on the flower crown.

This head is the head of the ancient god, but the main lord is the flower crown, which resides in the body of the ancient god!

- It's only one thing missing.

God suddenly said: "It only needs a real Nightmare Embrace to enter the ranks of the masters in Nightmare."

I see.

No wonder it can't wait to come.

Liu Ping looked at the monster with a mocking smile on his lips.

In midair, the huge Nightmare Lord showed the same smile and said:

"It came quite fast."

The beautiful head looked at the Lord of Nightmares up and down, and said, "Dear Lord of Nightmare, I hope my presence didn't disturb you."

Looking at it, Liu Ping suddenly had a thought in his heart, and said, "Don't pretend, no one can tell lies in front of me - no matter what, you can't wear my armor."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

The monster answered cautiously.

Its face of the ancient **** is still a look of compassion - this is the expression of the ancient god's corpse before death, it is eternally frozen.

"This armor can only be worn by the will of the world. Look at you, tsk tsk, still living in that corpse, never like us." Liu Ping sarcastically said.

The flower crown on the head said: "You underestimate me too much, even if I am not the master of nightmares, I can transform at any time—"

While speaking, it kept looking at the Lord of Nightmares.

But the Nightmare Lord really didn't have any scars on his body. The only few small wounds were left on purpose by Liu Ping because he was afraid of being fake.

"What is it good at?" Liu Pingmo asked.

"Peek into the extremely distant future - no other unknown kind of monster has this ability, only it can see some possible future fragments." God said.

"It's done." Liu Ping said.

"That's it? Don't be a child's play, if you are not careful, we will all be finished." God said.

"Benefits are eternal, my God." Liu Ping said.

He let the huge head look at himself, and even imitated the original appearance of the Nightmare Lord, opening all the vertical pupils at the tip of all tentacles, and looked at the other party with another vicious and cold look.

"Hello." he said.

"Your Excellency, what is your message? If I disturb you, I will leave now." The monster tentatively said.

"Stop talking nonsense, you have no lie to hide from me, I know you want to have a real nightmare hug." Liu Ping said.

"Dear Your Excellency, I came from a ruined pillar, and I'm going to meet your servants in the Nightmare Manor." The monster said.

"It's still testing - the second half of your sentence is true, the first half is a lie." Liu Ping said.

"Sorry." The monster respectfully said, "Please punish."

"Don't say these are useless, I just ask if you want to have a real nightmare hug." Liu Ping said.

"All the servants think—what do you mean?" asked the monster.

"Be my subordinate, as long as you come to be my subordinate and serve me, I will provide your nightmare embrace." Liu Ping said.

"You?" The monster said in an inexplicable tone.

- In the previous battle, the Nightmare Lord was the only one who was injured and stayed here and did not leave.

Why does it boast such a sea mouth?

Although the monster did not say it, Liu Ping understood its meaning.

"I know you can see the scene thousands of years later, go and see, in the distant future, one day, I will be the leader chosen by the Nightmare Lords, and the first to attack an unknown God Pillar World." Liu Ping said.

The monster was silent for a while.

"This is your best chance, or... you actually want to fight me?" Liu Ping showed a cruel smile.

The monster immediately felt his killing intent, and quickly said: "No, you are overthinking it, I don't have a nightmare embrace, there is only such a corpse of an ancient god, and I would never dare to think like that."

Liu Ping snorted coldly and stopped talking.

The monster thought for a while, and couldn't help but be curious, and said, "Your Excellency, wait a moment, I'll take a look at the future."

next moment.

The branches on the head of the ancient **** spread wildly, protruding from the head, forming a hand of dark green branches, gently moving towards the void.

The void shook.

Countless light and shadow pictures flashed out crazily, lit up like a giant for a few breaths, and then gradually went out.

In just a few short breaths, various pictures that may happen in the future appeared in front of the monster.

Even in a parallel world, everything that may happen in the future can be realized.

Countless parallel worlds are actually countless different future trends.

What happened on the main timeline is also a possibility.

— even the most probable future!

"Ah... I saw it, you may be the first vanguard to capture an entire world of Shenzhu... It's amazing."

The monster said in a reverent tone.

- This guy on the opposite side is obviously weak among the Nightmare Lords, so why can he achieve such a position in the future?

This is not reasonable.


In fact, it has always been not strong, it was intentional.

The monster looked back at the mountain-like Lord of Nightmares on the ground, and pondered:

"My lord... what do you need me to do?"

"Let's collect information first." Liu Ping said.

"Information?" the monster asked.

"Regarding the Nightmare King Luo, I have some grudges with it - or let's put it this way, do you want its Nightmare Embrace?" Liu Ping said.

"My lord...it's very strong," the monster said.

"I played with it before - but for the sake of caution, I didn't make a full shot when I was not completely sure." Liu Ping said.

"What! Your lord can actually do this?" The monster said in surprise.

This is the time.

Just this moment!

Liu Ping raised his other hand slightly and pressed it lightly towards the void.

In an instant, a brand new special effect quietly appeared, surrounding the Lord of Nightmares.

—That was the strongest and most inexplicable monster in his memory!

The huge armor kept climbing on the purgatory pillar, killing the four gods in purgatory with one finger!

Its power is the strongest in Liuping's memory!

At this moment, Liu Ping released that momentum again with special effects.

one second.

two seconds.

He retracted his hand like an electric shock.

In an instant, the aura of the Nightmare Lord disappeared.

But in the sky, the monster has been completely intimidated.

"You have been hiding such power... No wonder you can become a pioneer in the world of hunting gods in the future... It's ridiculous that I always thought you..."

It shut its mouth rationally and did not continue to speak.

Liu Ping said in an impatient tone:

"Go and collect information for me, this is an order I gave you, you can completely ignore it - but remember, I will never accept you again - you only have this chance to get the Nightmare Embrace from me."

The huge head was silent for a breath, and couldn't help asking: "Sir, how long do we have to wait before we can welcome that feast?"

"Two thousand years—two thousand years later, I will have a decisive battle with King Nightmare Luo, and then go to the world of Shenzhu." Liu Ping said.

Two thousand years later, on the eve of the outbreak of the Nightmare Tide, Nightmare King Luo shot the Nightmare Lord with a punch while hunting Liuping. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

- It can also be regarded as a "decisive battle".

—And it happened in the Overworld.

"My lord, I'm going to collect information about King Luo, you wait for my news."

After the monster finished speaking, it slowly retracted.

The sky closed again.

It's gone.

Liu Ping stood still.

Two lines of burning small characters appear:

"With a span of two thousand years, up to now, everything can be explained by the basic space-time line, the law of causality, and the law of destiny, and there is no contradiction."

"Please keep it up."

Liu Ping read it at a glance.

God's voice sounded quietly: "It takes two thousand years to make everything perfect, and if you're not careful, it will end - it's like walking a tightrope, do you have confidence?"

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"I have something to ask you." Liu Ping said.

"Say." God said.

"I think this blank history is great. Is there any way to move it to the main space-time line?" Liu Ping asked excitedly.

"...Are you planning to dance on a tightrope?" God said.

"You and I worked together to get a sacred clown card, that is to say, in front of nightmares, we are clowns." Liu Ping said.

"If the king of sin is a clown, then all gods are members of the circus." God said with emotion.

"Makes sense—if it's a circus, why don't we name the team?" Liu Ping suggested.

"No, never, I thank you," God said.

"Then tell me, how to move this history to the main time and space line, I can't wait to play the real master of nightmares."

Liu Ping said with deep eyes.

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