Purgatory Artist

Vol 3 Chapter 472: The test of the ancient gods

a month later.

A whole row of twelve interstellar battleships flew from the sky.

An electronic sound resounded in the combined battleship formation:

"General, we are about to reach the battlefield."

A deep voice sounded: "Very good, everyone is ready for battle, this place has become the legendary killing battlefield."

"Heroic warriors, remember, this is the moment to give everything for the Lord."

"Master must be above the sky, watching your struggles!"

"we want--"

Before he finished speaking, blazing rays of light emerged from the ground, penetrating the blue sky and slamming directly into the battleship formation.

"Land in!" the general roared wildly.

On all the battleships, there appeared a group of light barriers, protecting the battleships from diving down.

Another battle kicked off.

on earth. .

the other side.

On a mountain hundreds of miles away from the battlefield.

Liu Ping squatted on the ground, took a piece of dessert handed over by the green skirt goblin, and threw it into his mouth: "Is there really no other Nightmare Lord here?"

"Yes, it is said that everyone who can come has come."

The green skirt goblin looked at him with admiration.

Although the peek-a-boo contest has always been popular with fairies, it has never been held to such a grand scale.

This is no longer a fair of fairies.

This has simply crossed the boundaries of races and has become a super contest that concerns the past and the future, the heavens and the world, and the safety of all sentient beings!

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All of this is thanks to the man in front of him—

This is a man born to make big scenes!

"It seems that the number of participants is almost there, so let them hide well and look for each other." Liu Ping said.

"Okay, are you going to start hiding too? I have an exclusive interview here. It was sent by the Fairy Daily. Do you want to answer it?" asked the green-skirted goblin.

Liu Ping stood up, stretched his waist and said:

"Wait when I get back—I'm going to do something else."

The green skirt goblin froze for a while, then quickly waved her hand: "Wait, wait! Are you going to abstain from the competition?"

"Of course not. I'm going to find a place to hide. After all, this is an unprecedented competition." Liu Ping said.

"So that's the case, then I'll interview you after the competition is over." The green skirt goblin breathed a sigh of relief.


Liu Ping smiled slightly and disappeared directly from the green skirt fairy.

He slowly moved forward in countless illusions, until he came to a remote place, suddenly moved, flew into the sky, and gradually reached the edge of the world.

"You want to leave here?" Mother Earth asked in surprise.

"Yes, no one knew I was gone anyway." Liu Ping said.

"The Four Laws - how could they let you go?" asked the goddess of death.

"As the masters of nightmares, they must make a reasonable connection between this blank history and the future - whether I am here or not, things will continue to develop like this until two thousand years later." Liu Ping said.

God also opened his mouth and said: "As for Liu Ping - the master of nightmares he played will serve as a vanguard two thousand years later to attack Purgatory and the Pillar of Eternal Night - so many powerful masters of nightmares, why should he be invited to appear? "

"Because I'm not here, so I can be a pioneer, this is the most reasonable explanation." Liu Ping said.

"In this way, the Four Laws will not embarrass you, but—how can you leave? The rules of the fairies competition do not allow it!" Mother Earth said in confusion.

Liu Ping didn't answer, and jumped forward gently.

A line of burning small words suddenly appeared in the void: "You have reached the edge of the arena. If you cross here, it will be considered as giving up the game, and the fairies will immediately notice it."

Liu Ping took out the seal belonging to the goblin from his arms and pressed it hard in the void.

In an instant, lines of burning small characters appeared:

"You used the goblin's seal."

"The boundary rules of the current competition will be explained exclusively by handsome young man Liu Ping."

Liu Ping coughed lightly and said, "Because I introduced a large number of contestants when there were only three players left in the competition, I will not come back to continue the competition until there are only three players left in the competition."

"The above are secret terms, only the parties can know."

A secret door quietly emerged from the void.

——This is the special passage under the secret clause.

"It is established." God exclaimed.

Liu Ping put away the seal, flew out of the sky, and looked back by the way.

Ruined world.

It has been filled with active life again.

Humans, monsters, star spirits, elemental beings, giants, elves... countless races have come to this world.

They represent the Nightmare Lords, searching and fighting.

The search is the search for other nightmare masters.

The battle is to kill other Nightmare Lord's minions in order to expand the owner's territory.


One fight after another began.

Gunpowder smoke filled the sky, and there were roars everywhere, if there was no accident——

The battle will continue until Liuping arrives here two thousand years later.

As for those Nightmare Lords...

I can't even wear a Nightmare Embrace, let alone kill them.

"Next time I come back...hope it will be different."

Liu Ping's eyes became dark, his figure moved, and he disappeared from the depths of the sky.


some unknown world.

It seems that there has just been a war here, and the whole city looks quite depressed.

There are few people on the street.

Cold wind blows.

under night.

Liu Ping gently fell to the world.

As soon as he felt the atmosphere around him, he raised his footsteps and walked towards a large building.

That's a bar.

Through the glass windows, you can see the bright orange lights inside, as well as the neatly stacked, colorful wine bottles.

Maybe it's too cold, maybe it's the wrong time, in short, there are only a few people in the bar.

Liu Ping pushed the door and went in.

The bell rang.

A waitress stood behind the bar, wiping her glass with her head down, and said:


Liu Ping went straight to the bar and sat down, and said, "Come and have a cup of your signature."

"OK, just a second."

"Also, buy this old gentleman a cup."

"Ah, okay."

Liu Ping turned his head and looked at the old man beside him.

He wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, is well-dressed, has a gentle expression, and is looking at the newspaper in his hand.

"Young man, an old guy like me with half a foot in the grave is not worth your glass of wine." The old man said with a smile.

"You don't have to belittle yourself." Liu Ping said.

He put a piece of letter paper directly in front of the old man.

The old man picked it up and said in a low voice: "The edge of the stars, in the kingdom that is on the verge of collapse, hides the people you want to know. If you don't open your heart, it may lead to countless misunderstandings and battles, so Be honest, it's the only way."

After reading, he played with the letter paper and said, "What kind of spell is this?"

"Preaching - this is a divination-like force born from the fusion of 'sacred' and 'creation'." Liu Ping said.

"What are you looking for me for?" the old man asked.

"I want to fight against nightmares." Liu Ping said.

The old man's brows stretched out, but he shook his head and said, "Mortals will not end well against nightmares."

At this time the wine was served.

"Toast to you." Liu Ping raised his glass.

"Thanks." The old man raised his glass and touched him.

The two drank.

Liu Ping put down the wine glass, directly equipped the title of "King of Sin Prison", and said:

"I'll just say it straight, I've killed a Nightmare Lord, and I'll kill more Nightmare Lords in the future."

The old man froze for a moment, slowly raised his head, and glanced at the top of his head.

"It's a rare name, I've never seen it before," he said.

"The name should not be fake, it represents our words, deeds and past, and it is a medal recognized by the law - I did this just to let you know me better." Liu Ping said.

The old man bowed his head and said: "But my era has long since ended, and my set has long been studied by them and put into the set - I have no way to threaten them, and can only survive here. ,do you understand?"

"In the beginning, we were all like this." Liu Ping said.

He raised his hand and let the other party see the rings on his hand.

The old man narrowed his eyes and said, "The broken earth and the weak **** of death, oh, there is also a dead creator... So you want to make up the four holy pillars, so that you can wear their battle armor."

"If we unite, we will definitely be able to defeat them." Liu Ping said.

"But then, how will you be different from them?" the old man asked.

"I don't eat souls." Liu Ping said.

"Every existence who wears the Nightmare Embrace says this, but when they become the world, they don't want to give up such a way to obtain power. After all, eating people is the easiest and most direct way to become stronger." The old man said.

"I won't eat people." Liu Ping shook his head.

"Humans are the most greedy. There is endless greed hidden in your nature. If you become a world-like life form from all living beings, you will even eat us." The old man said.

"No, I still have this confidence." Liu Ping smiled.

"I am the first generation of gods. In the long period of time, I have seen too many strong people. After becoming a world-class life form, they immediately fell down and became extremely powerful. No one has ever been able to. Deal with them." The old man said.

"I want to kill all the Lords of Nightmares, so this is a road that must be taken." Liu Ping said.

The old man hesitated for a moment, then looked up at his title again, and then said:

"Then try it, if you can withstand the next test, I will help you - after all, your name is really a headache~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you don't help you, the law of causality will give I'm causing trouble—"

"This name is so rare, it's the first time I've seen it."

He couldn't help but sigh.

Liu Ping looked up at the name above his head.

"The King of Sins."

"Title effect 1: All spiritual beings and gods will sense your great power and make due contributions to you to obtain their own merit and evolution, otherwise they will suffer the sin of karma."

——For sentient beings and gods, this title is indeed quite powerful.

"What test?" Liu Ping asked.

The old man stretched out his hand and gently drew it from the void, then drew out a card and placed it on the bar table.

Liu Ping looked at the card and saw an endless dark universe painted on the card, and a blue planet revolved around the star.

Lines of burning small characters appear in the void:

"The body of the world."

"Transmutation card, one of the ancient **** decks."

"Using it will turn you into a world-like being, and you will have all the characteristics and perceptions of a world-like being."

"—This is a test. If you fail, this ancient **** will leave immediately and will never have hope for you again."


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