Purgatory Artist

Vol 3 Chapter 473: Test: Desire to Devour

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Liu Ping opened his eyes.

Everything around has disappeared.

He found himself standing in a dark universe, looking down at a blue planet.

A very strange feeling rippled in his heart.

——Everything on that planet, you can make your own decisions.

Not only that.

He looked up into the dark depths of the universe.

There are many worlds hidden in planets and voids, and more splendid galaxies are incomparably powerful world-like life forms.

I am very small in front of them.

There are even some powerful world-like lifeforms that are devouring everything else of their kind. .

The law of the weak is but the most basic rule.

As soon as his mind moved, lines of burning small words suddenly appeared in the void:

"The first level, the desire to swallow."

"World-like life forms have a strong desire to devour when they are born. If you can't defeat it, your world will be completely swallowed by you, and you will directly enter a state of death."

Liu Ping's eyes swept across the countless barren planets in the universe——

These are worlds that died at the very beginning of their birth.

They didn't even get past the first level.

——Within the range that can be detected by the mind, tens of millions of planets are all dead.

Only the planet in front of me that belongs to me—

Or the world.

It was just born!

It will give Liu Ping the desire to devour!

Liu Ping looked at his own world across the long void, and immediately saw everything that happened on the earth.

Countless beings are cultivating, gathering and hunting.

They thrive on the earth.

Liu Ping watched this scene silently, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart:

"The souls of all living beings are beneficial, and eating their souls can make oneself stronger quickly."

He fell and stood at the funeral site of a primitive tribe.

Layers of dry wood have been lit.

The dead man was burned with fire, and his bones were returned to the earth.

But his soul had left his body and floated dazedly above the funeral.

"God, please take me away, I'm out of this world."

The soul prayed.

Liu Ping suddenly had an unprecedented desire in his heart.

eat it!

As long as you eat this, the power of the world will become stronger!

Liu Ping frowned slightly and murmured: "Is there no place for the soul? No... Although eating it can make me stronger, there must be other ways."

The voice fell.

He couldn't help but look at the soul again.

This time, Liu Ping's eyes could hardly be taken away from his soul.

The uncontrollable appetite turned into a frenzy from the depths of the mind, and madness swept everything.

eat it!

The souls of all beings are born in the world, but they represent the essence of the world!

As long as you eat it, the power of the world will be further strengthened!

eat it!

eat it!

eat it!

All the thoughts in Liu Ping's heart disappeared, leaving only this strongest desire.


A radiant humanoid existence floated in mid-air, facing the soul.

Liu Ping looked at the existence of the human figure, and suddenly there was a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

This humanoid existence represents itself.

It is the spirit of catching up!

It will guide all sentient beings who have died.

Whether it is to lead these souls to Liuping and be eaten directly, or to lead them to other places.

Now Liu Ping has to make a decision!

In the void, lines of burning small characters appeared:

"Start setting the rules of the world."

"The Spirit of Reception has been born."

"After any existence dies, as long as it is touched by your Spirit of Reception, it will be sent to you immediately."

"Are you going to eat them, or are there other options?"

"Please set up the language of reception for your world's reception spirit, so as to guide the souls of all living beings!"

All small prints are collected.

Liu Ping tried his best to suppress the strong hunger in his body, and couldn't help but let out a low roar.

This is too difficult, I almost can't control my appetite, but I still have to let the spirit of contact avoid being touched by the soul.

Once it is presented to you, can you resist this desire?

--How to do?

God said solemnly: "Quickly set up a kind of quotation to warn the soul not to approach - otherwise they will directly merge into your soul, and once you have the first time, there will be the next time, until you can't resist the desire at all!"

"Some souls don't listen to the warning, you must take this into account." The goddess of death interjected worriedly.

Liu Ping knelt to the ground, his mind began to blur.

But at the last moment of clarity of consciousness, he raised his hand and waved, setting an initial law for the spirit of catching up!

After doing this, he immediately fell into a coma.

"He lost the power to resist, and once he ate the souls of all beings in a coma, he failed the test," said the goddess of death.

"What laws did he set?" Mother Earth asked nervously.

"Look at it." God said.

The three gods looked at the receiving spirit together.

I saw the soul floating in front of the spirit of reception, attracted by the indescribably powerful fluctuations in its body, I couldn't help kneeling in the air, and said:

"Are you here to pick up my god?"

The Spirit of Reception said in a solemn and solemn tone: "Receive your mother's reception."

The soul was stunned and whispered:

"Your Excellency, why are you so angry? I just want to be picked up—"

The Spirit of Reception continued: "Receive your mother."

The soul is unsure of what this radiant existence is.

"Did I make a mistake on earth? You are so angry..."

The path of the restless soul.

"Angry at your mother." The Spirit of Reception continued.

Mother Earth couldn't help but said, "Does it only take the word 'your mother'?"

"Yes." God said.

"What's the use of setting rules like this? Wouldn't it make mortals lose their sense of awe?" The goddess of death said puzzled.

"Look." God said succinctly.

The three gods continued to look.

I saw that the soul floated in the air for a while, but found that the spirit of receiving and guiding did not have any other movements or words.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It's so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

"Could it be...it's nothing?" the soul murmured in a low voice.

"It's your mother." The spirit of reception and reference scolded.

The soul floated silently in the air for a while, quietly retreated, and left here after a while.

The world has returned to silence.

"It's the first time I've seen this type of reception." Mother Earth murmured.

next moment.

World scene transition.

In another tribe, a chief dies.

His cremation took place in solemnity.

The soul floated into the air, and immediately saw the human-shaped white light exuding infinite power fluctuations.

"God, is that you?" The chief's soul immediately knelt in the air and asked.

"I'm your mother." The spirit said.

The chief's soul was stunned, and asked, "Are you—really my mother?"

"It's your mother." The spirit said.

"Your Excellency~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Are you my mother, or are you an envoy who came to pick me up?" the chief asked.

"God made your mother." The spirit said.

The chief's soul hesitated for a moment and murmured, "...It's a monster."

He cautiously stepped back, and after a while, he flew wildly away from the faint direction of the spirit of reception.

"It seems to work in general," God said in a judgmental tone.

"But it's only in the face of wise and communicative souls, what about other sentient beings?" the goddess of death asked curiously.

The scene shifts again.

in the forest.

A wild dog came to the point of death.

It lay on the grass, unable to bear the pain any longer, and stopped breathing.

Its soul floated up and flew into the air.

The Spirit of Reception appeared.

The wild dog's soul looked at the spirit of receiving and guiding, and growled vigilantly, "Wow!"

The Spirit of Reception took a deep breath—

In the next moment, the Spirit of Reception and Induction roared in full force in the void:

"Wang your mother Wang!"

The sound was so cloud-piercing, earth-shattering, and deafening that the wild dog's soul escaped without a trace in the first place.


"..." Female Death God.

"..." Mother Earth.

"...Who is this person..." The ancient god's whisper sounded in the void.

The voice fell.

Lines of burning small characters quickly emerged:


"You set up the Spirit of Reception in a way beyond the comprehension of ordinary people, so that you have successfully overcome the desire to devour."

"I'm about to enter the next test."

"Gods will be born in your world..."

Liu Ping suddenly opened his eyes.

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