Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 100 Tianhuang Valley

Tianhuang Valley.

Although it is called a valley, it is not actually a valley, but a vast expanse similar to the Gobi desert.

This place is dusty and full of haze all year round. The landscape is dominated by the huge Gobi Desert, and the land structure is soft...

The earth aura in this area is much stronger than other auras, and it is a paradise for earth monsters to survive and practice.

In a canyon, the dust and haze here is relatively small, and there are potholes everywhere.

One was bigger than a buffalo, and its whole body was covered with thick armor-like gray-yellow scales. Its entire head was wrapped in armor, and there were some horns on it, like a large lizard wearing armor. He was chewing on the thigh of a huge, monster or beast on the ground...



The monster's eyes moved fiercely, it let out a roar, jumped up and was about to burrow into the soil...

At this time.


A piece of green runes twisted in the ground and came over in an instant, roaring towards the monster from all directions...

In an instant, vines as thick as arms broke out of the ground, forming vine bridges, directly surrounding the monster from all directions, like a cage, and a big hand covered the monster.

The monster roared, shrank its limbs, and rolled up its body. The thick armor on its body automatically shrank, and its horns were instantly petrified.

Then, the body violently rotated, and the rolled-up body was like a rolling stone full of spikes, heading towards the rolled-up canes and impact.

Bang! ! ! Bang! !

The monster beast turned into a round body full of spikes and hit the rattans, making a harsh explosion and sending stone chips flying...

Those rattans were so tough that when the monster's spikes hit them, they were constantly knocked back.

Sensing this situation, the monster roared, turned around, and tried to escape.

But the canes from all directions immediately surrounded it, surrounding the monster and tying it tightly.

The monster beast's round, rolling stone-like figure instantly exploded, its limbs struggled wildly, and circles of astonishing suffocating auras were constantly emitted from its body...

But these rattans were extremely tough, and like living creatures, they tied up the monster, and the runes on the rattans glowed brightly.

Click, click, click! !

This monster was tied up tightly and could not move at all.

At this time.

A woman shouted angrily: "Go!"

In the distant air, a bright red light, wrapped in circles of flames, flew from a distance. In the blink of an eye, the red light penetrated the monster's head.

Poof! !

A bloody hole was instantly punched out of the monster's head, and it was still sizzling with hot steam...

The demonic beast struggled violently and opened its mouth to roar, but the rattans tied it tightly like steel.

After struggling for a few breaths, the monster stopped struggling and its body sank down.

It died so unjustly. It provoked whomever it provoked, and was suddenly killed...

at this time.


Two figures fell from a corner of the cliff, and one of them was a beautiful woman wearing a green and gray dress. She waved her hand, and the red light flew out, dripping in the air. Turned around and flew back.

It turned out to be a spear weapon wrapped in flames.

The other person was wearing green clothes and looked harmless. He was a young monk about seventeen or eighteen years old.

He waved forward with his finger: "Come back!"

The rattan wrapped around the monster twisted and trembled rapidly like a living thing, turning into a green light. It twisted in the air and turned into a bracelet made of thorns, which fell into the hands of the young man.

The woman said with a smile: "Junior brother Ye, I really have you! With the assistance of your thorn ring and the attack power of my flame gun, it is very easy to kill this first-level earth-armored beast."

Yes, these two monks are Ye Han and Han Yuwan who came all the way from Qingxuan Gate to Tianhuang Valley to hunt monsters.

Just now, the two of them cooperated with the characteristics of their respective magic weapons. Ye Han used the thorn ring to turn into the siege power of thorns, trapping the earth-armored beast at once, and followed Han Yuwan to launch a flame gun attack...

The earth-armored beast was tied up and became a target, and was killed in one fell swoop.

The defensive power of this earth-armored beast is very amazing, and it is difficult for ordinary magic weapons to damage the defense.

However, Han Yuwan's flame gun pierced through the figure...

It can be seen that her flame gun is also a very amazing magic weapon. It should be a top-grade magic weapon. It has also been refined using the treasure refining technique, and its power is amazing.

Ye Han put away his thorn ring and said to Han Yuwan with a wry smile: "Senior Sister Han! It's certainly easy to kill the first-order monster, but if you want to catch the earth-walking sun monster, how easy is it?"

Why do you say this?

Because after Ye Han set off with Han Yuwan, Han Yuwan told him that in fact they were not going to kill the earth-walking sun monster, but to capture the earth-walking sun monster alive and bring it back to Qingxuanmen to hand in the mission.

After hearing this, Ye Han almost regretted it on the spot.

To kill a second-level monster, Ye Han thought that by cooperating with Han Yuwan, he had such a high-grade magic weapon, and with his wood-type skills, he was the nemesis of the earth-type monster.

So he still felt that he had great confidence in killing a second-level Tuxingsun monster. He wouldn't encounter any great danger.

As a result, at that time, Han Yuwan told him that his mission was not to kill the Tuxingsun monster, but to capture this guy alive.

How difficult it is to capture a second-level monster alive.

Wouldn't it be necessary to keep trapping the Tuxingsun monster with thorns?

Ah, why is this guy called Tuxingsun monster? Because this guy is too cowardly, just like this grandson, he is afraid of death and will hide at any slight disturbance.

Not to mention finding him and capturing him alive.

Fortunately, Han Yuwan also saw Ye Han's dissatisfaction and said that after coming to Tianhuang Valley with Ye Han, Ye Han would get 20% more of the other monsters hunted and other treasures obtained...

That is to say, Ye Han gets 70% and Han Yuwan gets 30%.

Such a ratio is already very generous.

After all, in terms of cultivation, Ye Han was four levels lower than Han Yuwan. The reason why Ye Han was given an extra 20% was because she had something to ask of him.

Of course, although Ye Han wanted to regret it, he couldn't suppress his excitement. After all, the cultivation resources needed by immortals were not ordinary.

Although he had the purple tripod, in fact, the cultivation resources consumed by this limb were far more than he imagined.

So they came to Tianhuang Valley together.

However, Ye Han also had another thought and made another request to Han Yuwan...

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