Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 99 Tuxingsun Monster

After hearing what Ye Han said, Han Yuwan was really a little unstable in her heart, and she had the urge to beat Ye Han to death.

She said all the nice things to Ye Han, gave him enough face, and treated him with spiritual tea. Even after giving him the Refining Treasure Technique, this kid was still not satisfied.

He also asked her to explain to him the experience of practicing the Refining Treasure Technique. Explaining it once was not enough, and she also had to explain the difficulties of the Refining Treasure Technique.

Only then did Ye Han agree to help her.

Now that the departure is approaching, if this kid tells her that even with the Refining Treasure Technique, he has not refined the Thorny Ring to one-third.

If the degree of refining is too low, it will lead to the failure of the mission that she has prepared for so long.

It would be strange if she didn't beat Ye Han to death.

However, the Refining Treasure Technique does consume a lot of mana, but if Ye Han can pay some price and speed up the refining of the Thorny Ring to more than half, it should be possible.

Otherwise, he can refine the Thorny Ring to one-third in the past month and a half, which is barely usable.

Han Yuwan thought so, staring at Ye Han and said: "Junior Brother Ye! I am playing such a joke on you! Tell you honestly how your refining is going now?"

Ye Han could see that Han Yuwan really cared about this matter. At the same time, he was actually testing Han Yuwan to see if he really wanted to refine the thorny ring to deal with the monsters, in case he had other ideas about him.

After all, he felt that he had only been in Qixuanmen for a short time, and it took only about seven or eight months for him to reach the seventh or eighth level of Qi Refining. If Han Yuwan knew his background.

It would be normal for him to have ideas about him.

So he still had to be cautious and test Han Yuwan.

Ye Han then replied: "Don't worry! Senior Sister Han! I have completely refined the Thorny Thorn Ring, and I have also mastered the magical power of the bracelet! This time, if nothing unexpected happens, I will definitely be able to help Senior Sister Han."

Ye Han's words were true. As early as seven or eight days ago, he had completely refined the Thorny Thorn Ring. While he had time, he also mastered some of the magical powers that the Thorny Thorn Ring brought.

The reason why he refined it so quickly was that on the one hand, the Thorny Thorn Ring had actually been refined by more than one-third.

Then he did not hesitate to use the purple tripod's characteristic of quickly replenishing mana, and refined the Thorny Thorn Ring at all costs, so he completely refined it in such a short time.

And he also mastered the magical power of this bracelet.

Hearing this, Han Yuwan looked at Ye Han in surprise and said: "Are you serious? If Junior Brother really refined the Thorny Thorn Ring completely, this trip will be very successful!"

At the same time, she was also very surprised that Ye Han actually refined the Thorny Thorn Ring in such a short time.

It's really unimaginable.

After all, the Thorny Thorn Ring is a top-grade magical weapon. Under normal circumstances, it takes four or five months to refine it and completely transform.

And the later it is, the more difficult it is to refine it, and you have mastered the magical power of the Thorny Thorn Ring.

Ordinary magical weapons do not have magical powers. Only some refined magical weapons have magical powers given to them by treasure-readers.

The Thorny Thorn Ring was refined by an elder in the sect, so it has matching magical powers.

More importantly, the matching magical power formula is with this magical weapon.

No matter where the treasure is obtained by killing people or robbing treasures, or from some ancient secret realm, where is the magical power formula?

You can only slowly figure it out by yourself.

Of course, the reason why Ye Han told Han Yuwan this was because he had read in some books that it was very normal for cultivators to unite to kill monsters and find natural treasures.

If they understand each other, it will be less likely to fail when they cooperate.

It was also because of Ye Han that he had tried to test Han Yuwan several times and got it clearly that Han Yuwan really wanted him to help kill the monster.

This was said because after both parties had a basic understanding, they could cooperate to avoid the mission failure.

However, Ye Han still did not tell all the truth. After all, he had refined other treasures and had a blood shield talisman on him. This was a treasure for escaping. He was still very confident of self-protection when he went to kill the monster.

After hearing what Han Yuwan said, Ye Han said, "Then Senior Sister Han, can you rest assured now?"

Han Yuwan nodded and said, "Don't worry! There is no time to lose, Junior Brother Ye! I will tell you the other details on the way, let's go."

When she invited Ye Han, she was still a little nervous. Now, after hearing what Ye Han said, the thorny ring was completely refined, so she had a great chance of dealing with the earth-type monster.

If it really succeeded, she could get a foundation-building pill as a reward.

If he got the foundation-building pill and succeeded in the foundation-building stage with his talent and foundation, he would have truly taken the first step of the immortal cultivator into the great way.

Throughout the ages, countless immortal cultivators have spent their entire lives and tried every possible means, but have never been able to truly become a cultivator in the foundation-building stage, and died in depression.

Now she finally has this opportunity, and she must succeed at all costs.

Under the leadership of Han Yuwan, Ye Han went down the mountain at a fast speed.

During this period, in addition to refining treasures, Ye Han also practiced many basic spells, such as the light body technique used to travel.

He succeeded in practicing during this period. This light body technique is not difficult. When performing it, the magic power is circulated to make the body become extremely light, which is somewhat similar to the secular martial arts light body technique.

However, the light body technique of the immortal cultivator is faster and lighter...

Soon the two of them went down the Seven Profound Peak and left the range of the Qingxuan Gate.

Han Yuwan said to Ye Han while running: "Junior Brother Ye! We are going to Tianhuang Valley. There are dust and haze all year round in that place, and there are many earth-type monsters. I want to find a second-level earth-type monster called Tuxingsun."

The voice paused, and she looked at Ye Han and said: "Junior Brother Ye, do you know this monster?"

After hearing this, Ye Han's eyes changed. If it were the past, he would definitely not know this monster, and he might not have even heard of it.

But during this period of time, he has been reading books in the library, and he has learned the classification and names of many monsters.

So he nodded and said: "I know! This Tuxingsun monster is a very slippery monster, very good at earth escape, and timid as a mouse. He will run away at the slightest disturbance!"

Yes, Ye Han has seen the introduction of this Tuxingsun monster in a monster illustration book.

Because the name of this Tuxingsun monster is very special, he is very impressed.

Although the Tuxingsun monster is a second-level monster, it is too slippery and very good at earth escape. It is also in places like Tianhuang Valley where there are many earth-type monsters.

In other words, Tianhuang Valley is a place suitable for earth-type monsters to survive.

It is extremely difficult to catch this Tuxingsun monster in such a place.

What Ye Han didn't expect was that Han Yuwan said, "But there is one thing I have concealed from you, Junior Brother! Please forgive me, Junior Brother."

After hearing this, Ye Han frowned and asked, "What is it?"

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