Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 98 Han Yuwan's embarrassment

Han Yuwan's dress today is not ordinary. She is wearing a white palace dress, plus a small soft leather belt with exquisite carvings and beautiful embroidery...

It outlines Han Yuwan's extremely beautiful figure, as beautiful as a fairy's face, as white as jade, and as skin as a porcelain doll, shining extremely in the sun, like a fairy descending to earth.

She is the number one fairy in Qixuan Peak, and there are countless disciples who have ideas for her.

She dressed up carefully and even wore out her treasured Tianxianfang.

I don't believe it. I can't impress this Ye Han with my dressing up.

Who knows, Ye Han just glanced at Han Yuwan indifferently. He was well dressed, but wasn't he going to kill the monster? Is it convenient for her to dress like this?

He said directly: "Senior Sister Han! I'm ready!"

She looked at Han Yuwan with a strange voice and said, "Senior Sister Han! Is it convenient for you to fight monsters when you are dressed like this?"

Listening to Ye Han's words, Han Yuwan's face stiffened and her brows moved slightly. Not only did she not see any emotion in Ye Han's eyes, this kid also said such things.

Are you dressed like this?

Anyway, Han Yuwan felt that the more Ye Han came into contact with him, the more he could not see through this boy. Could it be that this boy was really not a womanizer?

Or is your charm not enough to impress this boy?

Or what kind of love-ending method has he practiced?

Thinking like this, Han Yuwan couldn't help but doubt herself.

Seeing that Han Yuwan was silent, Ye Han immediately realized that he had said something wrong?

So he said: "But! Senior sister, you look really good dressed like this."

After hearing this, Han Yuwan frowned. The boy's tone was obviously perfunctory. Did she need to be so perfunctory?

She suddenly felt that her mentality was a bit broken, and she began to worry about gains and losses.

Suddenly, I saw that Ye Han's face looked harmless, his eyes...



Ye Han looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, but his eyes looked very clear, and he didn't look like an adult monk.

But judging from some of his behavior, it didn't look like he was very young, which made her curious.

What kind of experiences and what kind of background led to Ye Han's seemingly contradictory behavior...

Thinking about this, Han Yuwan asked curiously: "Junior Brother Ye! I think you seem to be young! Are you noble this year?"

After hearing this, Ye Han subconsciously replied: "Me, it's probably eleven or twelve."

After hearing this, Han Yuwan opened her eyes wide in surprise and looked at Ye Han and said, "What? Junior Brother Ye? Are you only eleven or twelve years old?"

Hearing this, Han Yuwan really couldn't believe her ears. This Ye Han looked cunning and difficult, and he looked quite young. She felt that he was not even sixteen or seventeen years old.

He should be "fourteen or fifteen" years old, right?

But when this kid opened his mouth, he said that he was only eleven or twelve years old?


No wonder he looked completely uninterested in me, he turned out to be just a little kid.

Tsk! How can I treat a half-grown boy...?

Thinking this way, Han Yuwan's face looked very unnatural. She had always been wrong about her feelings and had misunderstood Ye Han.

On the contrary, she breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that it was not that her charm was gone, but that she really found the wrong person.


If I had known this earlier, I wouldn't have bothered with this.

Seeing Han Yuwan's expression of astonishment, Ye Han suddenly realized that he seemed to be a little too dishonest. How could he reveal his true age?

So he said: "Is there any problem? Senior Sister Han?"

After hearing what Ye Han said, Han Yuwan looked a little embarrassed. She glanced at the cave behind him and said, "Junior Brother Ye! Can I use your cave?"

Ye Han looked at her warily and said, "Senior Sister Han, aren't we about to set off? Why do we need a cave?"

Seeing Ye Han's vigilant look, Han Yuwan was speechless. Normally, if she was willing to go to a monk's cave, it would be too late for others to welcome her, but this kid became vigilant...

It seemed that the information I had inquired about during that time was correct. This Ye Han was the same Ye Han who exchanged the Qingxuan Order for the Foundation Establishment Pill last time, and then exchanged the Foundation Establishment Pill and the Seven Elders for the Cave Mansion.

But when she asked, no one said how old Ye Han was.

It's quite a misunderstanding.

He is just a half-grown child, no wonder he is not interested in himself...

So, Han Yuwan said: "I just want to change my clothes! I'll be out soon!"

After a pause, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at him and said angrily: "Don't worry, I won't have any ideas about your cave."

Really, this Ye Han is too cunning at such a young age.

However, in the world of immortality, there are many monks like Ye Han who are very young and whose bodies have fully grown into adults.

There are even some weirdos who are only seven or eight years old, tall and tall, and even older than adults.

Often these are geniuses who cultivate immortality.

However, after knowing Ye Han's true age, Han Yuwan also understood why the Seventh Elder accepted Ye Han as a registered disciple.

Maybe this kid is really a genius. At the age of eleven or twelve, he has reached the eighth level of Qi refining stage.

She had been wondering before, how could Ye Han, who was at the eighth level of Qi refining stage, be accepted as a disciple by the Seventh Elder? If this age becomes 70% to 80% of the eleventh or second Qi refining period, it becomes very reasonable.

After all, only some of the true disciples in the sect and some special and eccentric people in the family can reach the late stage of Qi Refining at such a young age.

Ye Han really needs to make good friends with him.

On the other hand, Ye Han will not plot against her like other disciples.

Ye Han was moved after hearing Han Yuwan's words. Could it be that his words really made Han Yuwan understand?

She knew that it was not convenient for him to kill monsters in such clothes.

Ye Han still opened the cave and let Han Yuwan in.

Sure enough, Han Yuwan changed her clothes after entering for a while. They were much looser and the color was relatively plain blue-gray, which was similar to the clothes he saw Han Yuwan in the treasure pavilion.

Seeing this, Ye Han said, "Senior Sister Han! You look better in the white one."

Han Yuwan gave him a white look and said, "You little kid! What do you know? Wouldn't it be inconvenient to kill monsters dressed like that?"

She then said to Ye Han with concern, "Junior Brother Ye! How is your Thorn Ring refining going?"

Yes, the reason why she invited Ye Han to help kill the special earth-type monster was because Ye Han had Thorn Ring, which was the nemesis of that guy...

Otherwise, why would she give Ye Han the treasure refining technique that she had finally obtained?

After hearing this, Ye Han said with a smile, "Senior Sister Han! If I say I only refined a little bit, will you beat me to death?"

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