Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 97: Treasure Refining Technique

Ye Han sat cross-legged in the training room, with a circle of treasures spinning around him. All the magic weapons he owned floated in the air, slowly spinning around his body.

As these treasures slowly spun, Ye Han muttered something in his mouth, a difficult formula, chanted out, and his fingers quickly pinched the formula. Whenever a treasure passed in front of him, he quickly pinched the formula and chanted the spell, and a ray of light from the treasure refining formula was pointed out, and it drilled into the treasure in front of him.

Yes, after five days of comprehension and practice by Ye Han, he finally succeeded in the primary practice of the treasure refining formula.

Sure enough, this treasure refining formula is indeed a way to speed up the refining of treasures as Han Yuwan said, and to put special magic formulas into the refining treasures, so that the cultivator can control and use these treasures to increase the power of the treasures and reduce the mana required for the treasures to be used...

More importantly, it will also produce special spiritual imprints, which can make it more difficult for this treasure to escape the control of the cultivator.

If it is accidentally obtained by other cultivators, it is very difficult to erase this spiritual mark, unless the other party's cultivation is one realm higher than oneself.

Just like, Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan killed Zhang Sanlei and the other two in the Black Demon Forest and got the treasures on them. The spiritual marks on them, dripping blood to recognize the master, were easily removed by Zhang Qingshan.

It's just that Zhang Qingshan's cultivation is strong and he can't completely remove the breath and marks on them. There are still a few residues, and Ye Han can only slowly refine them.

Another thing is that in the process of change, it takes a long time to let your breath and dripping blood to recognize the master completely merge with the magic weapon.

Only when you really refine it and control a part of it, can the power of this magic weapon be fully exerted...

However, this treasure refining technique is not without disadvantages.

That is, the mana consumed in the process of refining is much more amazing than that of ordinary refining, and you have to constantly put the magic of the treasure refining technique into these treasures, otherwise it is impossible to produce special treasure refining technique marks in them.

Only when the special treasure refining seal is produced, when the cultivator uses these treasures, they will refine faster and become more powerful. There are also special spiritual seals, which make it difficult for ordinary cultivators to use this treasure even if they seize it.

It sounds like this is a useless function, but it is not.

You should know that the immortal cultivators fight by controlling the magic tools through spiritual power and using the immortal spells to exert the power of the magic tools.

Similarly, if the magic tools of the two collide, the spiritual power of both sides will also be affected to a certain extent.

Just like that time, Zhang Qingshan and Qinshan fought, the two evils did not touch each other, but when Zhang Qingshan broke their evil weapons, Qinshan and Qinshan were also injured.

This is because the spiritual power is injured, which is also a great harm to the immortal cultivators.

However, although this treasure refining technique consumes a lot of mana in the process of refining treasures and entering the spiritual mark...

With Ye Han's current eighth-level cultivation in the Qi Refining Stage, refining a treasure will exhaust his mana in three or four hours...

And the reason why he can take out all the treasures to refine now is because he is now using the purple cauldron to refine them.

It's very simple. He doesn't care about the mana consumed at all, but takes out all the treasures to refine them and constantly enters the magic formula and special marks of the treasure refining technique.

Although this consumption is huge, the purple cauldron is also magical enough to continuously replenish the mana it consumes.

In this way, Ye Han feels that he can completely refine these treasures in less than one and a half months.

Sure enough, it only took Ye Han more than twenty days to refine the treasures with the aura of the purple cauldron.

He refined all the magic tools he had now, and controlled them with ease, with amazing power.

Although he is now at the eighth level of Qi Refining, after refining the treasures with the Refining Treasure Technique, he can use the power of the magic treasures to the fullest extent.

Plus the designated continuous replenishment of mana.

When he uses all his strength to attack or defend these treasures, he feels that he should be able to reach the power of a cultivator at the tenth level of Qi Refining.

However, Ye Han is also a little sad that he consumed the aura of the purple cauldron at all costs. Although he has refined all the treasures and has become a magic weapon that he can command and use freely.

But the consumption of the purple cauldron is really not small. The purple cauldron, which was originally completely stone, has become half purple and half stone.

In other words, in order to refine these treasures, the purple cauldron consumed half of the aura of the Qi Refining Pills absorbed some time ago.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Han tried to continue to practice with the purple cauldron. After practicing once, his cultivation level has advanced to the peak of the eighth level of Qi Refining, and his cultivation level can't use the purple cauldron to practice again.

However, being able to reach the Qi Refining Stage and the 80% peak in such a short time is scary enough.

In addition, Ye Han also practiced a lot of basic spells, such as the Light Body Spell for traveling, the Divine Eye Spell for increasing vision, the Divine Ear Spell for hearing, the Divine Sense Sound Transmission, and other basic spells...

The only thing that made Ye Han depressed was that although he spent some time practicing the Qingxuan Sword Technique, he did not succeed in practicing it. After all, he learned too many messy things and did not practice the sword technique wholeheartedly...

From some books he had read, it was mentioned that cultivators should practice swordsmanship in a gradual and cyclical manner. Without understanding the true meaning of swordsmanship, if they practice swordsmanship by force, they can only learn a mediocre swordsmanship. They only have swordsmanship but no sword meaning, and in fact, they are not very powerful.

Practice without a sixty-year period!

Moreover, it was only one and a half months, and Ye Han spent this one and a half months on practicing to improve his strength...

Although it was only one and a half months, his strength had actually improved greatly, and it was simply a difference between heaven and earth.

Because Ye Han didn't know any spells before, and he hadn't successfully refined any magic tools, unlike now, he has refined five magic tools, and they were all refined using the treasure refining technique...

Now ordinary cultivators of the same level can't be his opponents at all.

After having this strength, Ye Han felt that he and Han Yuwan could have some self-protection power when they went to kill some earth-attributed monsters.

Otherwise, he would never go with Han Yuwan even if he was beaten to death.

It was not beyond Ye Han's expectation.

One and a half months had just passed.

Han Yuwan came to his cave and called Ye Han out.

Ye Han was in the cave, packing up everything he needed to pack. To be on the safe side, he absorbed the five top-grade Qi-refining pills into the purple cauldron, which was now made entirely of stone.

Seeing Ye Han coming out, Han Yuwan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Junior Brother Ye! Let's get ready! Are you ready?"

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