Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 96: Pushing the limits

Looking at the jade slip in Han Yuwan's hand, Ye Han did not take it, but looked at Han Yuwan calmly and said, "Sister Han! You just gave me the secret method. What if I regret it and don't help you?"

Han Yuwan smiled and said: "I believe in the character of Peak Master's disciples! I also believe that Junior Brother Ye is not such a person."

With that said, she took the initiative to put the secret method in front of Ye Han and said, "After all, you are good friends with senior brother Zhang Qingshan! I trust junior brother very much."

As she spoke, she continued: "This secret method is a treasure refining secret. It was an opportunity that I got from an ancient place. This secret method has given me, senior sister, a lot of benefits! Otherwise, I would not have been able to complete that task."

When she said this, a trace of reluctance flashed in her eyes. Although the secret method can be copied in exchange for Ye Han's help, it is also a small threat to herself if others learn the secret method...

However, Ye Han is the disciple of the Peak Master. Although he is a registered disciple for the time being, in her opinion, one day he will become the official disciple of the Peak Master, become a being with a higher cultivation level than himself, and have a good relationship with such a fellow disciple. It is also very necessary.

Ye Han didn't expect that Han Yuwan actually knew that he and senior brother Zhang Qingshan were friends. It seemed that senior brother Zhang Qingshan had a very good reputation in Qixuan Peak.

Has he also become a kinder person?

But being able to get this treasure refining secret is not a loss.

Ye Han also knew that the reason why Han Yuwan took the initiative to befriend him was that he was really asking for something from him, hoping to use his thorn ring to help him deal with the earth monster.

On the other hand, it's because his backer is the Seventh Elder...

But regarding Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, Ye Han didn't know what Han Yuwan was talking about.

Ye Han, on the other hand, looked at Han Yuwan and said, "Senior Sister Han! Since you have learned this treasure refining technique, why don't you also explain to me your experience in practicing this treasure refining technique?"

As soon as these words came out, Han Yuwan, who was smiling at first, frowned and suddenly felt a little unhappy. This Ye Han was really pushing the envelope!

She said nice things and begged him in a low voice, but he didn't let go at all.

It wasn't until he came up with the treasure refining formula and gave him a month and a half to refine the thorn ring that Ye Han relented and agreed...

This has been settled, and I have come up with all the treasure refining techniques.

Ye Han was still not satisfied, and asked him to explain to her the secret of refining the treasure art?

You know, like this kind of secret method obtained from the ancient land, if you just rely on yourself to slowly understand and practice it, you will have to read countless books, find many methods, take many detours, and spend countless energy. Practice successfully.

And as soon as Ye Han opened his mouth, he said that he would tell him his experience in practicing this treasure refining technique...

Doesn't that mean that you have to teach him this treasure refining technique step by step?

Han Yuwan felt that she had suffered a big loss when she thought about it. She also thought that he was the same type of person as Zhang Qingshan, a relatively kind fellow student.

It turned out that this guy was simply a genius and took advantage of everything.

So Han Yuwan said: "Junior brother Ye! I have given this treasure refining technique to junior brother. With junior brother's understanding and intelligence, I think junior brother can learn it very quickly. You don't need me to tell you my experience, right?"

After hearing this, Ye Han directly picked up the jade slip, played with it in his hand and said: "Senior Sister Han, I am thinking about your business. Junior Brother, I am stupid and haven't been able to successfully practice this treasure refining technique for a month and a half. Then, Wasn’t it delayed in refining the Thorn Ring?”

You must know that when practicing secret techniques, it will be much faster to have someone to teach you than to slowly figure it out on your own.

But when Ye Han read a book, he saw some of the monks’ cultivation experiences...

In order to cultivate, many immortal cultivators exchange their cultivation experiences with fellow cultivators.

This kind of communication is usually between peers, which can promote each other's cultivation speed and solve some problems encountered in cultivation.

Another aspect is the importance of apprenticeship. Having a high-level monk to guide you in your cultivation is completely different from having no monk to guide you in your cultivation and practicing hard on your own.

Ye Han asked Zhang Qingshan to give him guidance before, but he accidentally took the right path and saved himself many detours.

Of course, the most important thing is that the one who is anxious now is Han Yuwan, and it is not him who is anxious. He can take advantage if he can, regardless of whether he is angry or not.

Anyway, Han Yuwan had already practiced this treasure refining technique, so there was no need for her to spend time trying to figure it out and practice it again.

Han Yuwan took a deep look at Ye Han and said, "Junior brother Ye, the first time I saw you, I knew you were a promising immortal cultivator!"

At this point, she sighed and said: "That's all, senior sister, I will explain this treasure refining technique to you. I hope that junior brother can help senior sister with this big favor!"

Of course, Ye Han could hear Han Yuwan's dissatisfaction in and out of his words. He was simply saying that he was too cunning and was taking advantage of her...

But if there is an advantage, don’t take advantage of it. That’s Zhang Qingshan, not Ye Han.

Next, Han Yuwan asked Ye Han to read the treasure refining formula and memorize it in his heart, and then told Ye Han the formula of the treasure refining formula and the experience of cultivating immortals in detail...

Ye Han was really rude. When he heard something he didn't understand, he immediately asked Han Yuwan...

Han Yuwan had no choice but to tell Ye Han in detail.

It made Han Yuwan feel that even the master's disciples didn't explain it in such detail...

Under such circumstances, if Ye Han still can't learn the treasure refining technique, he can be killed by tofu...

The two stayed in the inner hall for two or three hours. Ye Han had no doubts about the treasure refining technique, so he said goodbye and left.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Han also drank up the pot of spiritual tea brewed by Han Yuwan...

Han Yuwan was depressed for a while. This spiritual tea was valuable, and she was reluctant to drink it, but it was drunk up by Ye Han.

But finally Ye Han was sent out of the treasure pavilion.

Seeing the famous iceberg beauty Fairy Yuwan, actually sent a strange young cultivator out of the treasure pavilion, everyone was surprised.

However, some people said that this was Ye Han, the new disciple of the peak master, and those disciples only then reacted...

No wonder Fairy Yuwan was so polite to Ye Han.

It turned out to be the disciple of the peak master...

It really makes people envious and jealous. Why don't I have such good luck to be accepted as a disciple by the peak master?

Ye Han left the treasure pavilion. After drinking the pot of spiritual tea, he was no longer hungry, but he still went to buy some food.

Now that he had spiritual stones, he ate much better than before, all of which were monster meat or spiritual fruits. Not only were they delicious, but they could also slightly increase his physical fitness...

Han Yuwan had explained the Refining Treasure Art to him in such detail that he felt that he had already learned it. Now all he needed to do was practice and see if the Refining Treasure Art was really that useful...

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