Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 95 Bargaining

At this time, Han Yuwan suddenly proposed to use secret methods as a reward to ask for help...

The so-called secret methods are relatively special immortal methods. These secret methods have many functions, including improving spiritual consciousness, increasing the five senses, increasing the reaction of qi and blood, and even imitating the shape...

These are some explanations of secret methods that Ye Han saw when he was reading in the library.

It is worth mentioning that the blood refining technique that Ye Han is currently practicing, which was passed down to him by Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, is also a kind of secret method. It is a technique that specifically refines qi and blood and strengthens the body.

Han Yuwan suddenly said that it would be fine to use secret methods as a reward, but Ye Han was not too tempted. After all, he had a lot of spells and techniques to practice at hand, but he had no time to practice secret methods.

However, he was also a little curious about what secret method Han Yuwan would take out.

So Ye Han said, "Senior Sister Han! What secret method do you want to exchange with me?"

Han Yuwan gritted her teeth and said, "This secret method was obtained from an ancient secret realm. This secret method has a special effect on your use of magic tools and treasures and refining treasures. Apart from other things, after you successfully practice the secret method, the power of any treasure you use to attack will increase a lot, and it can also reduce a lot of mana consumption. The most important thing is that refining treasures can speed up its speed and produce special marks."

Speaking of this, Han Yuwan looked at Ye Han deeply and said, "Junior Brother Ye, I know you are not short of treasures, skills, and elixirs. The only thing I can take out is this secret method."

Yes, in Han Yuwan's view, Ye Han must have an extraordinary background, and he must have no shortage of magic tools, treasures, and elixirs...

Otherwise, he would not have been accepted as a disciple by the Seventh Elder.

On the other hand, Ye Han did not have time to refine top-grade magic tools like the Thorn Ring...

She also couldn't take out any magic tool better than the Thorn Ring, which made Ye Han excited.

Besides, she really needs magic tools, treasures, and elixirs. If she only has secret methods, she can give them to others and practice them herself, and there will be no loss.

Ye Han was moved after hearing Han Yuwan's words. He has been reading books during this period, and secret methods like this are hard to come by...

And indeed, he has no time to refine several magic tools on him now.

The key is not that refining takes time, but that he has to exert the power of these magic tools. The power he can release with his cultivation is also limited.

If she can practice some secret methods, she will have a great advantage in fighting against cultivators of the same level.

And now she has life-saving treasures, blood escape talismans and cold iron shields, which are both good defensive treasures.

However, Ye Han still feels that relying on these alone is not safe. After all, he knows too few fighting spells, and his means of attack are only the basic swordsmanship of thorny rings and half-baked flying scale daggers...

If Han Yuwan has bad intentions, he has no power to resist, which is not good.

Although he was moved, he was still hesitant...

Han Yuwan talked for a long time, and seeing Ye Han still hesitating, she felt that she was a little anxious. However, if she could find someone else, she would not find Ye Han.

So Han Yuwan took the initiative to say: "Junior Brother Ye! As long as you agree to help me, I can pass the secret method to you first, and give you a month to refine the thorny ring! How about it?"

This Ye Han is really stubborn. She gave him enough face, treated him with spiritual tea, and even tempted him a little, but he didn't react at all...

She really doubted whether she had no charm? She was the Fairy Yuwan of Qixuan Peak.

She had to take out her treasured secret method to impress Ye Han.

After hearing this, Ye Han nodded and replied: "Senior Sister Han has said so much, and is so sincere, it would be unreasonable for me not to help her."

At this point, he changed the subject and said: "But! Giving Junior Brother a month may not be enough, how about two months?"

However, when Han Yuwan said that he would give him a month to refine the Thorn Ring and practice the secret method, he felt that he could agree to this matter, after all, the secret method Han Yuwan mentioned really has such a function.

More than a month is enough for him to completely refine the Thorn Ring.

It can even allow him to refine the three flying scale daggers and practice the Qingxuan sword method, so that he will have a certain ability to attack and protect himself.

After hearing Ye Han say two months, Han Yuwan shook her head and said, "Two months is not enough. Two months will exceed the deadline for me to complete the task! One and a half months! Junior brother, I can only wait for you for one and a half months!"

She paused and continued, "Junior brother! In one and a half months, with my secret method, Thorns and Thorns, you will definitely be able to refine one-third of it! That's enough."

Ye Han bargained with Han Yuwan for so long. In fact, he just wanted to confirm whether Han Yuwan really wanted him to help her kill the earth-type monster. What if she had other purposes?

Wouldn't he be a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth?

As the conditions continued to increase, Han Yuwan still hoped that he would help him. That meant that Han Yuwan was really anxious about this matter, and only he could help.

And there should be no better way.

Otherwise, Han Yuwan would definitely stop talking about this matter.

But he didn't believe that Han Yuwan would be so bold as to have evil thoughts about the registered disciple of the Seventh Elder...

This is the benefit of having a backer.

However, Han Yuwan certainly didn't know that his thorny circumstances had changed about half. It was just that he had been reading books in the library during this period and had not spent any time practicing the immortal arts.

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely put all his thoughts on the body movement skills he dreamed of.

But Ye Han knew that sharpening the knife would not delay the chopping of wood. He could not understand many things about the immortal cultivators. If he tried to practice some immortal skills, he would not be able to find the way.

So he should make up for the knowledge and experience of the immortal cultivators...

Then practice, it will be twice the result with half the effort.

So Ye Han nodded and replied: "Okay! Senior Sister Han! Then one and a half months!"

Han Yuwan asked Ye Han again: "By the way! Junior Brother Ye, where do you live? I will find you when the time comes."

Ye Han replied: "I live in the cave in front of the cliff of Qixuan Peak!"

Han Yuwan heard this and her face suddenly changed. She looked at Ye Han in surprise and said in disbelief: "Junior Brother Ye! You actually have a cave?"

Yes, Ye Han is just a cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage, but he actually has a cave? And that cave should be the one of the original senior brother...

It seems that the Seventh Elder really values ​​Ye Han very much.

When Ye Han heard this, he knew that Han Yuwan probably hadn't heard about him exchanging the cave with the Seventh Elder for the Foundation Building Pill.

So he didn't have to explain it.

Han Yuwan took the initiative to say: "Junior Brother Ye! Then I will give you the secret method now!"

As she said that, she turned her palm, and a jade slip appeared on her white jade hand and handed it to Ye Han...

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