Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 94: Refusal with an excuse

Ye Han did not expect that Han Yuwan came to him to deal with the monsters, and wanted his top-grade treasure, Thorny Thorn Ring, to help.

Although wealth should not be exposed, treasures should not be shown to others.

But who told him to ask Han Yuwan to help him choose the Thorny Thorn Ring last time.

He even suspected that Han Yuwan had planned to let him choose the Thorny Thorn Ring.

She wanted him to help her kill some earth-type monsters.

Anyway, he decided to refuse her, and he had no obligation to help her kill monsters...

Thinking of this, Ye Han said: "Senior Sister Han, it's not that I don't want to help you, but although the Thorny Thorn Ring is in my hand, I haven't refined it yet, so how can I help you?"

This is of course an excuse to refuse. Ye Han has been refining the Thorny Thorn Ring. Although it has not been completely refined, it has been refined about half.

To refine a treasure, you only need to drip blood to recognize the owner, then put it in your arms, and use your spiritual sense and mana to refine it all the time. Once you have completely mastered the formation inside the magic weapon, it will be considered a complete success.

So when he was reading in the library, he put several magic weapons to be refined in his arms and slowly refined them.

After all, there were few people in the library, and there was a formation to separate them. The cultivators could not use their spiritual sense to scan each other and see what was on their bodies.

This is why Ye Han accidentally saw a book written by a cultivator while reading in the library, which mentioned the method of refining treasures at any time.

Although this efficiency is much slower than refining it on his own, the advantage is that it does not delay things.

Now he has refined more than half of his magic weapons, and the mana consumed by controlling their use is much less, and the power has increased a lot.

Of course, he couldn't tell Han Yuwan about his background, even though she was beautiful and enthusiastic about him...

Sure enough, after hearing what Ye Han said, Han Yuwan showed disappointment and frowned, saying, "Junior Brother Ye! This magic weapon has been in your hands for so long, why haven't you refined it yet?"

Yes, the Thorn Ring has been in Ye Han's hands for almost twenty days. Logically speaking, it should have been refined almost.

But Ye Han told her that he hasn't refined the Thorn Ring yet? How can people believe this?

Ye Han said calmly, "It's not that I don't help my senior sister, but I'm refining other magic weapons and don't have time to refine the Thorn Ring."

Hearing this, Han Yuwan looked at Ye Han with a trace of astonishment. You know, the Thorn Ring is a top-grade magic weapon, but Ye Han is refining other magic weapons instead of the Thorn Ring?

This is really annoying. Even if she has been practicing for so long, she only has two top-grade magic weapons in her hand.

Ye Han got the thorny ring, but he didn't have time to refine it?

How many treasures does this guy have?

But at this time, he showed a hint of joy on his face and asked: "Then Junior Brother Ye! Do you have other treasures that can trap earth-type monsters?"

Ye Han said with a smile: "Senior Sister Han! You are asking a little too much."

Yes, even if there are treasures on your body, how can you tell others casually?

After hearing this, Han Yuwan wanted to invite Ye Han to help her even more. No wonder this kid was accepted as a disciple by the Seventh Elder. This scheming and vigilance alone is not comparable to ordinary disciples.

So Han Yuwan said again: "How about this! Junior Brother Ye! I want to tell you clearly, do you know the Chengxianhui?"

Seeing Han Yuwan suddenly turn the topic to the Chengxianhui, Ye Han was surprised. Why did he say this?

But Han Yuwan took the initiative to mention the Chengxianhui, and he suddenly looked at Han Yuwan strangely. She should be at the eleventh or twelveth level of the Qi Refining Stage, because he felt that her aura was similar to Zhang Qingshan's aura.

Moreover, his cultivation was very stable. When he reached the eleventh or twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage, he was actually preparing to break through the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Logically speaking, Han Yuwan should also attend the Immortal Cultivation Meeting, because the Dark Forbidden Land opens once every five years. If she misses this time, she will have to wait for another five years.

Otherwise, Zhang Qingshan would not have hurriedly exchanged all his spirit stones for treasures to attend the Immortal Cultivation Meeting in the Dark Forbidden Land.

The Dark Forbidden Land is the best opportunity to obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill, but there are other ways to get the Foundation Establishment Pill.

For example, completing some special tasks in the sect can also get the Foundation Establishment Pill, or having a backer is also fine.

For example, when Ye Han took the Qingxuan Order to the Qingxuan Sect, he also got a Foundation Establishment Pill.

It's just that the Foundation Establishment Pill was exchanged for a cave residence by him and the Seventh Elder.

Thinking of this, he was a little strange. Didn't the Seventh Elder say that he hadn't accepted any disciples for more than ten years?

The Seventh Elder said that he wanted the Foundation Establishment Pill just for himself, but he only recently learned that the Seventh Elder hadn't accepted any disciples for more than ten years?

Could it be that the Seventh Elder wanted to disgust the Fifth Elder?

There must be a grudge between them, right?

Otherwise, why would the Fifth Elder let Zhang Sanlei and the other two target him?

It was already very embarrassing for a Jindan-stage elder to embarrass a mortal like him. It seemed that there was still a secret.

So Ye Han looked at Han Yuwan strangely and said, "Senior Sister Han, why didn't you participate in the Immortal Ascension Meeting?"

Han Yuwan's face was solemn and she smiled bitterly and said, "To be honest with you, Senior Sister was afraid to participate in the Immortal Ascension Meeting. The Dark Forbidden Land is participated by several sects together. The competition inside is very fierce, killing people and seizing treasures, cheating each other! With so many disciples participating, it would be good if only two or three out of ten can survive in the end."

After hearing this, Ye Han was slightly startled. No wonder Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan wanted to exchange so many spiritual stones for life-saving and magic-fighting treasures. It turned out that it was so dangerous in the dark base.

With a survival rate of 23 out of 10, can Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan make it out alive?

Seeing the change in Ye Han's face, Han Yuwan said sincerely: "Junior brother Ye! In fact, I have almost completed a special task for a sect. This task has almost been completed. The only thing left is to hunt down that special one." If the earth monster is successfully hunted, senior sister will be rewarded with a Foundation Establishment Pill."

As she said, she looked at Ye Han pitifully and said: "Junior brother! Senior sister, I didn't ask anyone else in the article. I just asked junior brother to help senior sister this time. As long as senior sister successfully obtains the foundation building pill, senior sister will definitely repay junior brother. of."

As she said that, Han Yuwan moved a little closer to Ye Han intentionally or unintentionally, and a pleasant feminine scent hit Ye Han's nose...

It's a pity that Ye Han doesn't care about men and women at all. This Han Yuwan didn't say for a long time what benefits he would give him. Now he has no shortage of spiritual stones, cultivation resources, and skills, so there is no need to take this risk. …

Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan once said that the most important thing for immortal cultivators is to protect themselves and survive.

So Ye Han still said: "Sister Han, I am not willing to help senior sister if I am not a junior brother. Didn't I just say that? I haven't refined the thorn ring...!"

Han Yuwan saw that this Ye Han was completely ungrateful, so she had no choice but to say: "Junior brother Ye! As long as you help me, I have a secret method. How about doing it with you in exchange?"

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