Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 93 Invitation to kill the demon...

Ye Han thought that he met Han Yuwan here by chance. He really didn't expect that she came to see him in person?

Could it be?

He and Han Yuwan were only acquaintances. Although she was very enthusiastic about him and invited him to discuss cultivation experience several times, he never met her again...

Is his identity as the disciple of the Seventh Elder really that useful?

However, when Han Yuwan asked this, Ye Han was stunned. He was a little tired after reading books for so long. He didn't notice that his cultivation level had broken through from the peak of the seventh level of Qi Refining to the eighth level of Qi Refining.

When did he break through?

Why didn't he know?

He was also very surprised. When he was reading in the library, he broke through to the eighth level of Qi Refining without realizing it.

What a pleasant surprise. He failed to absorb the aura of the Purple Cauldron, but broke through by reading books.

But he didn't expect Han Yuwan to see it at a glance.

However, he didn't feel much about this, because he felt that his biggest gain was that after reading so many books in it, he now had a deeper understanding of the world of immortal cultivators, and he would not be like a blind man who knew nothing when he went out to do anything in the future.

Han Yuwan saw that Ye Han's face was a little strange, but she said generously: "Junior Brother Ye! This is not a place to talk, can we talk somewhere else?"

Yes, there are many disciples coming in and out of the library. Han Yuwan is called Fairy Yuwan. She looks beautiful and is the focus wherever she stands. Many disciples are secretly looking at the two of them...

Han Yuwan is talking to Ye Han here, and the disciples around are a little envious.

Ye Han nodded and said: "Okay!"

So Han Yuwan took Ye Han out of the library, but met an acquaintance when he went out.

Ye Lingzhi walked in and was stunned to see Han Yuwan and Ye Han. She immediately greeted them respectfully: "Hello, Senior Sister Han! Senior Brother Ye."

The strong are respected by the immortal cultivators. Han Yuwan's cultivation is far superior to Ye Lingzhi. It is normal to greet each other when they meet.

However, Ye Lingzhi's eyes were always looking at Ye Han. Why did Ye Han walk with Fairy Yuwan?

Han Yuwan nodded and did not answer.

Ye Han smiled and said: "Hello, Senior Sister Ye."

Ye Lingzhi also nodded. Otherwise, she looked at Han Yuwan and Ye Han out. Looking at the backs of the two, her eyes showed a hint of sadness.

That's Fairy Yuwan...

Ye Han is the registered disciple of the Seventh Elder...

What is he?


Han Yuwan took Ye Han directly to the treasure pavilion, and took him to a side hall of the treasure pavilion, and also brewed a pot of spiritual tea for Ye Han.

Ye Han took a sip of the so-called spiritual tea, and the entrance was like the entrance of spiritual energy, with a warm and comfortable feeling. Although he had never drunk tea, he felt that this tea must be better than any tea in the world.

However, he saw that Han Yuwan was so polite to him and took the initiative to wait for him outside the library. It must not be that simple to invite him to discuss cultivation experience.

So Ye Han took the initiative to ask: "Senior Sister Han, you said you took the initiative to wait for me outside. I wonder what you want to talk to me about?"

Hearing this, Han Yuwan sighed and said: "If there is another way, I don’t need to find my junior brother. Maybe only my junior brother can help me with this matter."

Hearing this, Ye Han had the urge to run away. Han Yuwan’s cultivation level was the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage, which was far higher than his own cultivation level, although it seemed much worse than Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan.

He had to help him when he encountered difficult things.

I am not idle, how can I help him?

Or he would ask me to find the Seventh Elder, which is even more impossible.

I don't even know where my Seventh Elder lives, let alone go to find my Seventh Elder.

But he still said: "Sister, can you tell me how we are related? If I can help, my Junior Brother will definitely help you."

Having said that, he added in his heart, it's too difficult and too dangerous, don't look for me.

Han Yuwan took a deep look at Ye Han and felt that he was easy to talk to, so she said: "Actually, Senior Sister wants you to help me complete a monster-killing mission!"

Hearing this, Ye Han immediately said: "Senior Sister! Although I am the disciple of the Seventh Elder, my own cultivation is far worse than Senior Sister, how can I help Senior Sister?"

Han Yuwan saw that Ye Hanwan refused so quickly, frowned slightly and said: "Junior Brother Ye! As long as you help Senior Sister, Senior Sister will not treat you unfairly, and this matter is really, only Junior Brother can help Senior Sister."

Ye Han After hearing this, he didn't want to care about this matter anymore, but he couldn't lose the face of the Seventh Elder...

He suddenly realized that he was a disciple of a high-level elder, which was not good. He had to protect his master's face at any time...

So Ye Han asked directly: "Then Senior Sister! Tell me, if you don't tell me what it is, I can't agree to it! Can I help you with this favor or not!"

Han Yuwan looked at Ye Han's attitude and was a little unhappy. She had already given Ye Han enough face by waiting for him in person at the door of the library. She didn't expect him to refuse.

But only Ye Han could help him with this matter.

Of course, she could also ask for help from a higher-level Foundation Establishment cultivator, but the price of asking for help from a Foundation Establishment cultivator was not small, and there were even guys who wanted to take advantage of her.

How could she go to find a Foundation Establishment cultivator?

So Han Yuwan said: "Junior brother Ye! In fact, I am looking for you. I don't have high requirements for the junior brother's cultivation. I mainly want to ask the junior brother to use the thorn ring to help the senior sister hunt down an earth-type monster!"

When Ye Han heard Han Yuwan's words, he understood that his reading in the library during this period was not in vain. The thorn ring is a high-grade wood-based magic weapon. According to the mutual growth and restraint of the five elements, wood controls earth.

Using thorn rings to deal with earth monsters is a good way.

However, he has seen the dangers of hunting monsters. With his own cultivation level, he can still be a little confident in dealing with earth monsters. However, Han Yuwan, who is at the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage, cannot deal with the earth monsters. Monster?

It might be dangerous to go by yourself.

Senior brother Zhang Qingshan has always reminded him that a monk will win if he survives, otherwise how can he live forever?

Ye Han said directly: "Senior Sister Han, I can't help you with this. I didn't refine the Thorn Ring! So...!"

Before Ye Han could finish speaking, Han Yuwan said eagerly: "Junior Brother Ye, you are worrying too much. The monster I am going to deal with is actually a first-order monster, but he can use the Earth Escape Technique. If we don't trap that guy, He gets away every time!"

She said with burning eyes, looked at Ye Han and said: "Junior Brother Ye's thorn ring happens to be his nemesis, so I asked Junior Brother Ye for help."

This damn Ye Han is really hard to talk to if he doesn’t have enough food and salt...

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