Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1006 Breaking through the Limit

I saw those blood-spotted ants lying on the ground, motionless. Although they still had breath on their bodies, they seemed to be drunk and motionless...

This was the first time he encountered this situation. When these blood-spotted ants devoured and fought each other before, this situation had never happened.

Ye Han pointed his finger, and a blood-spotted ant flew towards him and hovered in front of him. He observed carefully and found that the blood spots on these blood-spotted ants began to turn golden...

Seeing this scene, Ye Han couldn't help but say to himself in surprise: "These guys are actually evolving? Haven't they reached their limit?"

Yes, Ye Han's spiritual sense swept through the inside of the blood-spotted ant and found that the blood and breath of these guys were changing, but the impact was too terrifying, and these blood-spotted ants couldn't resist it, and they fell into a spiritual coma one by one.

You know, decades ago, when he was in the Qiankun Secret Realm of the Qingxuan Palace, the advancement of these blood-spotted ants had reached the limit.

That's why Ye Han went to cultivate poisonous centipedes.

Now he can break through and continue to evolve. This should be when he used the blood-spotted ants to attack the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint. The blood-spotted ants sucked the flesh and blood of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint. The Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint was too high-level and was a real demon. This allowed the blood-spotted ants to evolve again...

However, whether it can succeed depends on whether these blood-spotted ants can withstand the impact of this wave of blood. If they can't hold on, they will only be destroyed...

In fact, the blood, flesh and blood of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint's body were also sucked away by his blood-spotted ants. The body of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint left to the Red Dragon Girl actually had less than one-third of the blood, flesh and blood. I guess the Red Dragon Girl would be very angry if she knew...

Of course, Ye Han didn't care. After all, he and the Red Dragon Girl were just a cooperative party, a relationship of mutual use... The sects of the two parties were still hostile, and they also had hatreds. Naturally, it was impossible to really give the good things to the Red Dragon Girl...

However, just taking the incomplete corpse of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint, a real demon, was not enough for the Red Dragon Girl. For the evil cultivators of the demonic path, coupled with her own body transformed by the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint, she can absorb the breath of the demon flesh of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint. For the Red Dragon Girl, it is also a blessing in disguise...

As for how much benefit this fortune can bring, it depends on how much the Red Dragon Girl can absorb in the end...

Ye Han observed it and it seemed that these blood-spotted ants had survived the most difficult time. Some of them who couldn't survive had fallen into a deep sleep forever, but there were still many who had hope of success...

Once they succeeded, they would all be fourth-level peak insects. There would be thousands of them, which would be a very terrifying killer...

After watching for a while, Ye Han went to the nest of the poisonous centipedes to take a look. After these poisonous centipedes devoured the flesh and blood of a demon king, they were also evolving...

The difference is that the level of the poisonous centipedes themselves is far higher than that of the blood-spotted ants. Although it is only the third evolution, the breath has surpassed that of the blood-spotted ants. Obviously, these poisonous centipedes will soon become one of his super helpers.

He still had two corpses of the demon king, and the corpses of the Purple Scale Demon King and the Storm Demon King had not been used yet...

Simply, Ye Han released the corpses of the two demon kings and let the poisonous centipede eat them to accelerate the evolution. When it is really needed, the poisonous centipede will play a more powerful role...

Looking at those hideous poisonous centipedes frantically trying to devour the corpses of the two demon kings, Ye Han couldn't bear it anymore, and went to the medicine garden to pick some mature spiritual medicines, preparing to refine some more pills to replenish mana cultivation...

The reason why he can drive treasures far beyond his cultivation level is all thanks to the purple cauldron to restore his mana aura cultivation, but for the purple cauldron to restore its aura, he still needs to replenish enough pills...

He found that as his cultivation level increased, the amount of pills consumed was increasing, which made Ye Han speechless. Obviously, the higher the cultivation level of the immortal cultivator, the slower the consumption of mana...

It can only be said that the opponents he encountered were too strong and he needed to use too many magical skills...

However, this benefit is unmatched.

In just over a hundred years, he advanced to the Golden Core Stage, which was quite crazy in the world of immortal cultivation.

Moreover, he could surpass ordinary immortal cultivators and kill immortal cultivators whose cultivation was far superior to his own. That was also due to the terrifying recovery ability of the purple tripod and the infinite power of the magical treasures he mastered...

However, before Ye Han picked a few spiritual herbs, he felt that something was wrong with the purple tripod...

Ye Han immediately pinched his fingers, and a purple rune vortex swirled...

The next moment.

In the cave, a circle of purple rune vortex swirled, and Ye Han emerged from it...

Ye Han pointed his finger, and a light shield surged on the ground, the formation dispersed, and several treasures swirled and flew out. Finally, the mysterious and strange purple tripod turned into a purple spiritual light and drilled into Ye Han's sea of ​​consciousness.

After taking back the Purple Cauldron, Ye Han finally breathed a sigh of relief. There was no other way. If he wanted to enter the Purple Cauldron again, he had to release the Purple Cauldron from his sea of ​​consciousness. Otherwise, he would not be able to enter the Purple Cauldron in his sea of ​​consciousness...

And he saw a golden rune spinning in the void. Ye Han pointed his finger...

The golden talisman trembled slightly and turned into a rune bird: "Ye Han! Where are you? I have something to discuss with you!"

The tone of the bird's speech was not very good, but Ye Han immediately recognized that it was the voice of the Red Dragon Girl...

I didn't expect that the Red Dragon Girl would take the initiative to discuss things with him. Although she was not very polite, it could be heard that the Red Dragon Girl did have something to ask him.

The cooperation between him and the Red Dragon Girl should be almost over, why did she suddenly come to him again?

However, it should not be a bad thing. The Red Dragon Girl was valued by the Black Water Demon and let her lead the army. She was calm and experienced. She might not come to seek revenge on him. There must be something real...

After thinking for a while, Ye Han pinched the magic formula with his fingers, and the bird communication talisman turned into a spiritual light and flew away...

Ye Han left a few words to Fairy Ningyu, saying that he was going out...

Then he turned into a light and flew away in the direction of the bird communication talisman...


Midnight, the silver moon was hanging high!

On a desolate mountaintop, the Red Dragon Girl was wearing a red palace dress, with the ribbons of her clothes fluttering in the wind. The moonlight sprinkled on her beautiful features, and her expression was calm and cold...


A golden light flashed in the sky, and a golden bird flew in front of her...

Following a flash of light, Ye Han's teasing voice sounded: "Fellow Daoist Hong is really romantic. He asked me to come down to see the moon in the middle of the night!"

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